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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Phil Brown, summarising on 5live..... Mrs PL (born and bred in Dorset,has as much interest in football as I have in haute couture) has just remarked "that bloke on the radio sounds like Paul Whitehouse when he does his Geordie accent"
  2. Sam told him our expectations were too high. However, theyre both useless cunts. In other news, Norwich are winning again....fuckin come on Newcastle...
  3. Fergie on left, Guti in middle, Cabaye on the right?...if weve changed to 433... 5live says Guti in middle anyhoo..
  4. Aye same here, got to be in pompey at 0630 tomorrow. A 750 mile round trip leaves a chap a tad on the jaded side doing that shift Think am up for Man City and we're staying over night so if you're in town might see you in the Percy How tiring is it changing a light bulb all day? been promoted....now quality control engineer....I inspect the light bulb changer's work, pressure's hellish...
  5. the 433 at Swansea looked a bit unbalanced iyam...neither Ba nor Cisse looked comfortable defending out wide. Looks like Pardew is still tinkering, but virtually a whole half without a clear cut chance should tell him to change it at half time. I see what you're saying. This is now tailored for a Hatem special. Needs to be given the ball more and further up the park before the cover arrives. aye, him and Cisse are the keys to the whole season now so they need to be seeing more of the ball. Patience is a virtue, if we can lull Bolton into a game of football we'll beat them.
  6. Aye same here, got to be in pompey at 0630 tomorrow. A 750 mile round trip leaves a chap a tad on the jaded side doing that shift Think am up for Man City and we're staying over night so if you're in town might see you in the Percy
  7. Correct! no club today? got the bairns?
  8. the 433 at Swansea looked a bit unbalanced iyam...neither Ba nor Cisse looked comfortable defending out wide. Looks like Pardew is still tinkering, but virtually a whole half without a clear cut chance should tell him to change it at half time.
  9. so if we're not ripping the opposistion a new one we're playing poorly?....its not football manager kids, its a real game with an actual opposistion who are playing for survival.
  10. Phil Brown dribbling a load of utter fuckin shit on 5live...a mackem former Bolton assitant manager, fuckin strap-on...
  11. Man City robbed a goal celebration from Poland and a song from their hated neighbours "we do/score when we want etc".....worst behaved bunch of fuckin idiots at SJP last season and the most ungracious arrogant fuckin strap ons after they beat us earlier this season..Mag on train: "thought it was a bit more even than the score suggested" 20 stone bloke in a city shirt from fuckin STOKE!!!!: "What game were you watching, lucky to get nil etc etc......" Manchester City: not the club my grandfather supported
  12. This place man...its more like a self help group for ego mainiacs than a football forum I've been joyfully and deliriously incorrect about nearly everything this season and I'm fuckin loving it This summer will tell us a lot about the long term, but am enjoying just living in the moment. The Europa League is still a waste of time for us but the Champions League is a vastly different barrell of financial monkeys. We'll see though. Long way to go yet though etc etc...<insert favourite bland football tv cliche here>
  13. I think a lot of her success is down to Amy Winehouse coming from nowhere to make millions for her record company. There's subsequently been a whole load of females being marketed to other females for their ability to do the old "ooo I've just been dumped boohoo" routine first patented for modern generations by Dido. She's ok, am not offended by her voice but I think that females with big voices have always been around since the start of popular music and bellowing away about lost love like a pre menstural elk is nothing new really, its just its difficult to make money out of music nowadays and the market for Adele and Amy Winehouse is still willing to buy CDs in huge numbers. I think that's why it seems every time you turn the radio on you hear some Doris or other weeping into a mic. And lets face it, as men, all that is really fuckin boring after a while. Anyone who wants to hear proper boohoo stuff should try Dusty Springfield or,my particular favourite, Shara Nelsons solo stuff.
  14. If were so far behind the likes of spurs in terms if turnover then why isn't sports direct paying the going rate for naming rights and the other advertising at the stadium? Its this sort of inconsistency that articles like this never question. As mentioned the whole lot sounds like it was written by Ashley's mum. I think this is what journo's call a "puff piece"
  15. Who she? Never heard of her....
  16. I think it was also a bit of a backlash from being dumped out of the uefa cup in Marseille the previous Wednesday. Sir Bob thought the crowds reaction contributed to him getting the sack, he said so in his book.
  17. Surely after he's conceded things are going ok now, he's due some respite. he's a fucking moron man. and he goes looking for a battle in every thread he posts in. i don't know why you always defend him. you lot fuckin love it man.....you enjoy a daily spat...you dont really take things that someone youve never met before seriously do you?
  18. You appear to be stalking him.....which is sort of sad in a way....
  19. Everton went there less than a month ago and got 3 points. I frankly dont know what the fuck they think theyve (and as they mentioned. the premier league obsessed football media in general) been watching this season. Theyre like a slightly better version of last season's Blackpool. Which dont get me wrong, is often great to watch. To hear some people go on though you'd think they theyve been watching Pele's Brazil. I went there a couple of years ago and was pretty impressed. They were the better team but Carroll popped up with an equaliser with about 10 mins from time. Probably fair to say we were lucky to get a point. The locals seemed friendlier than Cardiff, but thats not saying much. Certainly hope so because we're staying there tomorrow night. If our performance is as good as our last two then we'll win by a couple of goals.
  20. Oh, I've been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht I've moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me
  21. Only going on what Llambias said, which admittedly isnt always the source of top class info. If the squad is reduced next season, it may well mean we lose 2 or 3 of our top players into the bargain. If so theyre going to go for top money. Their replacements for next season will cost less and will likely be on lower wages, seeing as most of the half dozen or so top players in the squad are on better contracts now than when they signed.That will,theoretically, leave a surplus for the following summer when we can pay even more for better players,as we have more money, the squad may well be slightly better AND slightly bigger, as we have more money to invest.Perhaps. To me, thats basically how we paid 8-10million for Cisse. Ashley hasnt spent that sort of money since the summer before we were relegated, and it obviously came from the sale of Carroll. All I'm suggesting is we dont run before we can walk. I won't complain if we get into Europe, and if the games are within a 2/3 hour flight away then I'll be at the away ties too. But if we dont win any games on our return from these places and are 10th at xmas with 10 less points than we had last December I don't want to hear a fuckin peep out of any of you lot, agreed?!
  22. Thats funny, I've never actually heard any Mag call Keegan "the messiah", but these bell ends do regularly call Dalglish "the king"...maybe its just an illiterative nickname from his playing days, but you do have to wonder about some of these scousers....
  23. Fair point. But nice to have the option! If we're going all out for a CL spot, I would imagine we'd push more for that too. Thats the point though. The difference in income between the CL and EL is huge and not worth the disruption to the league season with the squad we have as it stands. Nobody has mentioned anybody leaving in the summer, which will undoubtedly happen iyam, and nobody has mentioned bedding new players in and the effect that could have. I'll say this again, Llambias has already said he wants a smaller squad and this is also the club whose bosses who thought we could do without central defensive cover once Taylor was out for the season. You lot cant winge one week about Perch having to play centre back then argue that we're well equipped for an assault on Europe the next with him still in what may be an incresingly smaller squad.Theyre releasing about 9 players this summer aren't they?. I can't beleive some of you have been taken in by the last couple of weeks. 2 swallows dont make a summer...our league posistion will suffer next season on the back of 30k crowds v Metalurgist or Litex fuckin Loveggs...its not fuckin worth the grief iyam. Consolidate in the league next season then have a dig at the europa when we've had another summer of re-investment would be a wiser move iyam.
  24. ok..say we dont win any games after returning from european trips next season and finish 12th. That would be hugely disappointing for me after this season. We dont really need europa league football at this stage iyam. Good players are coming here regardless.
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