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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Good read that, David Conn is one of the best journo's out there. FTAO Cabayaye:
  2. If I were Guthrie, I'd be asking myself why have 2 Argentinian international players re signed and may well finish their top level careers with us?...he's been offered 25k a week to play a significant part in a squad that plays in front of 50k+ every fortnight. I cant think of another club where a player of his ability going to get an offer like that. A lot depends on what his agent is whispering in his ear, but hes a silly fucker if he doesn't sign iyam.
  3. According to nufc.com we're 6-1 to be in the champions league group stages next season.....think 66-1 would be more accurate......
  4. did some fucker get paid for coming up with that?
  5. I think the cruise on the Balmoral is for paying customers only....as you say my mate "Pete the pipey" possibly wasn't the image the mueseum folk were looking for His relatives were "trimmers", who were one down the social scale from the stokers....trimmers shovelled the coal into wheelbarrows, then wheeled it to the stokers who shoved it into the furnaces. Anyone working in IT fancy a go at that gig?
  6. A bloke I work with had his grandfather and great uncle on there, both deep below decks....grandad survived, great uncle didnt. He tried to get into the big commemoration last Monday at Town Dock in Southampton where it sailed from 100 years ago to the day only to be told it was VIPs and invited guests only! It was staged in a multi millon pund new mueseum dedicated to the disaster (keep buying those scratchcards folks!).....so he went to the other side of Southampton Water at Woolston to watch the proceedings, which consisted of a recording of the ship's horn blowing...it was the actual Titianic's horn as well, honest guv....he ended up going to the pub. As a bit of social history its quite interesting (500 crew were recruited from Southampton, not many came back, see above) but a cruise out to the wreck site and getting misty eyed when it stopped off at Cobh in Ireland etc etc...more professional shroud waving/pro-celebrity competative grieveing for something most people have little or no connnection with. 21st century UK at its finest.
  7. Yeah, I have and its as dull as fuck. Hes from a similar background to Hornby but isnt as good a writer and is just really fuckin boring.
  8. Gareth Southgate got his place at euro 96 after he got injured and never looked back. Howey was never the same after that, it ruined him at the top level. I'm not going to say you're wrong about Howey v manu but I was there and I only remember Anth Lormor making his debut from the bench as a strker.
  9. His sister married Robert Harris,not short of a bob or two either. In the end it was his story, which was always going to be different to an Arsenal fan who grew up in Somerstown or on the Essex Road. I just dont think he could be described as posh though.
  10. He was sacked from Spurs too.....there is a school of thought this was after he'd recruited the core of their current side. Off the top of my head I can only think that Bale was one of his.....but am no expert where Spurs transfer dates are concerend. Henderson was one of his and was undoubtedly recruited because of his assist's stats last season which were apparently brilliant. Had a quick look. Henderson wasn't in the top 30 for PL assists last season. (He'd have needed 6 to be one of the 12 players who were joint 19th). Barton had 8. He'd have been a better signing and I said that to the Scouser at work at the time who laughed. really?... am just repeating something i heard...thought it sounded a bit optimistic tbh....he was shite x 2 against us last season
  11. Think you must've forgotten the bit at the start then when it says he went to the local grammar school in Reading. Hardly down the road at Eton. But neither was it Byker tbh.He did well and got into Cambridge at a time when they wanted bright kids from other backgrounds other than the public schools. The book is a good read iyam. It explains why those who say "never mind its only a game" will never,ever understand. And why Gus Ceaser got to the Arsenal first team, and why he was crap too.
  12. He was sacked from Spurs too.....there is a school of thought this was after he'd recruited the core of their current side. Off the top of my head I can only think that Bale was one of his.....but am no expert where Spurs transfer dates are concerend. Henderson was one of his and was undoubtedly recruited because of his assist's stats last season which were apparently brilliant.
  13. Neither Liverpool or Everton are in Europe. What wouldve been wrong with playing their semi final midweek and thus allowing Chelsea the Saturday slot? The FA change fixtures for TV companies, the police and any other fuckin thing (world cup years etc) so why they couldnt bend for this is beyond me.
  14. Louise Taylor in the Guardian. the one who also nicknamed cabaye 'dreamboat' and can't stop eulogising over Santon. I think she changes her alleigences subject to who is leaving a damp patch in her knickers.....she had a major wide on for Keane...maybe "Pardiola" comes from pillow talk with the great amn himself??!!
  15. Aye, more mid table sameness was most widely predicted.....wheres that article from?..... apart from seemingly Pardew's mum.....Ive never heard anyone call him Pardiola
  16. I'm pretty sure the Taylor Report says that wasn't the case. And thats pretty much all we have to go on eveidence wise, regardless of what somebody has leaked to the press.
  17. Allardyce used to chuck the Boloton squad in the deep freeze too I rememeber....didnt make them better footballers. Reminds me of Big Ron on about the healthy eating habits that foreign players practiced...he said that all the crap teams ate yogurt and pasta too
  18. We'll find out if the families are justified in their "JFT96" campaign when the Hillsborough Independant Panel reports later this year, or more probably when its findings are leaked to the press beforehand. If the the then government and SYP are found to have been covering things up, then I'd say fair play to them. If a member of your family or one of your mates had been onvolved you'd want to know what happened. The inquests into the July bombings let relatives ask those in charge of different departments involved questions about what went on. The inquest into Hillsborough refused to hear evidence about anything that happened after 3-19pm (I think?).Thats a huge difference in attitude. Obviously the July inquest was a first, and Hillsborough was twenty years before when things of this nature were done very differently, but the relatives will have been asking themselves similar questions I reckon and I don't think theyve been fully answered. Thing is, if theres nothing in the files theyll say that the evidence has been got rid of, and I think I read an article in the Mirror in which scouser Brian Reade already alludes to this. Dont know how I'd feel in the families' shoes really, other than a strong desire to be told the truth. The hangers on and glory hunters theyve picked up over the years should shut the fuck up about it. The families have a right to be heard and Lfc fans who were there and followed the club at the time to an extent too. But its got nowt to do with a 40 year old bloke I know who wouldnt have been able to point to Liverpool on a map in 89 but who now cadges the odd away ticket. I've been to Anfield more times than that fucker.
  19. Know what you mean mate, looks like someone shit in Chez's baguette again this morning ps...We'll see what happens in the next window etc etc Au contraire mec, i've been spreading a soft fromage de humble all over that baguette and offering it around for a degustation. Seems like some find it a petit peu amer. Get your own crack anyway. Apologies your royal smugness, won't happen again.
  20. Know what you mean mate, looks like someone shit in Chez's baguette again this morning ps...We'll see what happens in the next window etc etc
  21. For the record, and Ive said this before in the last few weeks, I couldnt give a fuck about being a doom and gloom merchant earlier in the season. If youd paid money (as I did) to watch us at Fulham, Brighton and Spurs youd be a bit more downbeat with your expectations too I imagine. I'm on here as a supporter, not as a smartarse looking to score points, and couldnt be more delighted if the world and his wife thought I've been ludicrously wrong all season. And I've made the odd glib comment to CT over the past few months, but I've never abused the bloke as you're suggesting some have. Not my style. Thats what I did this morning. Didnt expect his mum to come into bat for him though. Tough titties then and its not called being a smart arse, its called gloating and the right to gloat was preserved by the countless abusive posts received. The great lesson of growing up is realising that your actions have consequences, admitting when you're wrong, eating humble pie when its served and not accusing people of doing something they were not. Which is why i replied to your post about prozac and highlighted that CT wasnt indulging in smartarsed oneupmanship. I am not his mam but we do bat for the same team and we stick together. Its worked wonders for the club too. Now stop being a ninny Oh and when you've spent a grand on a weekend to see us get beat at home, you also earn the right to tell people to not bother using money paid to justify anything they've got to say about anything, nevermind the football. Of course he wasn't...it was a bit of a gee up and you appear to have fallen for it....or have I fallen for you faux triumphalism?!...oh try and be a bit more patronising in your posts in future, they lack something without it. I'm as chuffed as nuts with being needlessly pessimistic about things at NUFC....we'll see what happens in the next window though
  22. For the record, and Ive said this before in the last few weeks, I couldnt give a fuck about being a doom and gloom merchant earlier in the season. If youd paid money (as I did) to watch us at Fulham, Brighton and Spurs youd be a bit more downbeat with your expectations too I imagine. I'm on here as a supporter, not as a smartarse looking to score points, and couldnt be more delighted if the world and his wife thought I've been ludicrously wrong all season. And I've made the odd glib comment to CT over the past few months, but I've never abused the bloke as you're suggesting some have. Not my style. Thats what I did this morning. Didnt expect his mum to come into bat for him though.
  23. You might be a candidate for treatment if you're wounding why he is happy. Is it because he's indulging in smart arsed one upamnship of the most over the top nature? fair play to him and all others who predicted us finsihing higher than about 8th. I think its a pretty small list. Does that make all those who didnt necessarily negative though?
  24. CT are you on Prozac?
  25. hooray! the ego has landed!
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