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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. I think we'll lose Krul, Tiote and Ba. We'll replace them, and one or two squad players will come in too. Guthrie will leave too, but Simpson wont. Champions League football wont change a lot, but Guthrie may stay for that....well, hed be fuckin stupid not to, put it that way.
  2. 500 mg Prozac tabs on a GP's perscription in Boldon this week I reckon
  3. Arsenal fans always seem quite confident that he'll replace Wenger....fuckin hope not...
  4. The ones in the south east corner do, after a little "local dificulty" at the start of the season....
  5. Ashley isnt paying a penny for the err "re branding" of a football ground thats had the same name since Victorian times. It may mean fuck all to you old son but whats the fuckin point of doing it in return for nothing? Llambias greetin on about "maximising revenues" etc but misses that one off the list. Apart from that its been a great season
  6. Does your boss generally get on with folk from a different ethnic background on a professional basis Stevie?...seeing as you're in recruitment if he doesnt then he's probably breaking the law. Thats what the Doc means I think....I know loads who would say something like your boss did, but when it comes down to it they dont have a fundamental problem with folks of a different skin colour. Rightly or wrongly, thats the way a lot of folk are. Whether that actually makes them "prejudiced" as you highlighted is another question. For me though your boss is on rocky ground talking about folk like that in your game, privately or not. Casual everyday racism or prejudice is pretty commonplace all over the UK iyam. Not sure if that means those who do are racist either. Tricky one, like Big Ron being a pioneer for black players in the 70s then saying that about Desailly. Two sides to it. Horrible, hateful thing to say, but the likes of Batson still regard him as a friend and mentor.
  7. How the fuck can they afford new kits? Playing v Berwick next season
  8. Statues are for the dead iyam. Joe Harvey should have some sort of personal memorial at the ground. But this is a good bit of PR for the present owner and his mate, a 9 foot bronze statue wont come cheap...fair play to them.
  9. Saw Rich Hall last night and he was brilliant.... "Boris Johnson looks like he shouldve been an extra in that Amish film "Witness"....he'd be the lazy fat one who didnt help build the barn, just ate all the cakes after..."
  10. Ive always fancied visiting the Alhambra Palace in Cordoba...December might be a good time to do it as its unbearable aroind there in the summer.
  11. Aye, 5 officials and Cahill already off the pitch
  12. Fuck me that puts them through!
  13. As I say, Chelsea's names on the cup...
  14. Serves Chelsea right, that fuckin great pantomime dame Drogba has made a career out of trying to get centre halves sent off.
  15. Chelsea's names on the cup.....
  16. That's fuckin told him CT Would Chrissy boy be on here apoogising to us if we were in the bottom 3?
  17. I agree, he's ok but no Zico Martin tbh
  18. Parker turned down champs lge football with Everton to come here because we paid him 70k a week. Maybe he's moved on a bit as a person now but that doesn't show him in the best light. And working for Souness and Roeder would hardly be inspiring. He couldn't play a ball like Cabayae did at the weekend though if his life depended on it. Not many others could either.
  19. Correct Leazes, midfield players who are very good all rounders are a rarity in these FM literate times, but we've got Cabaye who can play sublime passes like he did on Saturday, and also kick the shit out of Bardsley in the derby last August. Truly the heir to Lee and Speed
  20. Mancy, how come Scot Parker couldn't stop runners making Bramble and Boumsong look like pub team players when he was here?!
  21. That Bridget bird who's an MP is on 5live as we speak on a select committee about drug abuse interviewing of all people Russell Brand. He's speaking quite well actually, comes across as quite smart.
  22. Spent about 18 months all told working there, lived in Tottenham and Hackney, worked ironically just north of the now uber hip Hoxton/Shoreditch area. The thought of them being romotely desireable as places to live looking back at what they were like around 96/97 frankly makes me laugh. We used to go to a boozer sometimes (might have been called the eagle) in Shoreditch to watch a 40 something stripper with caesarian scars pass a tin around for pound coins after her err "act". This was undoubtedly the cultural highlight of the area. I hear its changed a bit now mind.
  23. The only country that used to make anything of saints days was the US where immigrants used them as a tie to the "old country" eg St Pats day for the Irish and although not a saint, Columbus day for the Italians. Nowhere else did it, its a fuckin fallacy that Scots in any way celebrate St Andrews day and I doubt if many know when it us. Its Burns Night they go for, the Welsh have rugby in the south and in the north they celebrate their ancient culture every day by speaking their language that has survived and endured despite attempts to wipe it out by two of the most powerful empires the world has seen. In Ireland a day which rightly or wrongly was deeply religious has been hijacked by Guinness so the can flog more product. So don't feel too down about not being able to celebrate St Georges day, its a historical irrelevence anyway.
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