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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Is Cabaye viewed by the E.B.F.L.S.F* as a threat to the annointed one??!! * East Boldon Front for the Liberation of Shane Ferguson
  2. Richards?....brilliant athelete, avarage footballer. Can two England coaches be wrong?.....
  3. Hmmm....ignoring the racism court case for a moment, I realise Jones and Smalling are likely to be going but maybe manu's overall defensive frailities have cost Rio his place? not to mention his age, injuries etc....all Hodgson needed to do was look at Terry in the FA cup semi v Spurs and the first leg of the Barca champions league tie to see that Terry, to be fair, can still just about cut it at the top level. He was brilliant in both games as was Ashley Cole. But then you get him giving the Barca lad a sly kick in the back and getting sent off. And the racism thing.
  4. Mostly Tom theyve been very fortunate because of the tragedy in February 1958. Some would say they exploit this to make money. If you're keen on reading about this try Manchester United: The Betrayal of a Legend by Michael Crick and David Smith. The thing about that book is it was written in 1989, 3 years before the Premier League was formed. Its been going on a long time.
  5. Does a Chelsea win change the coefficent?...
  6. this is it by Parky in the Alan Pardew thread: Teams like Ajax operate like this as they constantly lose players to 'bigger' clubs around Europe. It doesn't affect them so much as they are one of the top dogs in their league which is far less competitive. The model can work as Spurs have shown over the last few years, but topping up with fresh talent every year is always risky. The balance has to be found with which players we can afford to lose and which we need to keep as the core. IMO none of our players are safe if a 'big' offer comes in. But as in the Carroll case we were right to take the money which was the same as having a good run in the CL two seasons running cash wise. Thats what I'm getting at, if we are confident that our scouting network is second to none and we're confident we can replace like for like in the medium term, it does make you think.....60-80 million is 2 seasons champions league money (later stages money at the upper end of that too) without having to qualify for it. Going on immediate evidence, it took them a year to replace Carrol and we didnt bother getting another centre half when Taylor got injured either (that may have cost us a real crack at the top 4) so in a way we're being asked to be patient by the club as it is. A bit more paticence and we're sitting on a gold mine. Who's up for it?...Toonpack? you're generally in favour of what Asley has been doing, what if he sold the family jewels this summer?...
  7. Our co efficient is crap now isnt it? 16 or something?....that will have a bearing. But I think the reverse is true as well....out of the unseeded pool, no fucker among the seeds will want to draw us.
  8. Am mot on about selling "someone" am on about selling three or four of our best players....could you swallow that this summer?
  9. I know. am just speaking hypothetically...I dont think theyre looking to sell on many key players tbh, just depends on what offers come in.
  10. might have been Baggio, cant find the thread now.
  11. Thats the other thing I was told, and its been said on here a lot too. Beats me what other options he had at the arse end of 2007 when the financial crisis first hit and credit streams were drying up and he was staring into a finanacial black hole of the previous owners making. Not really criticising him for being generous but what else could he do? If we're all on board Mike's happy bus I've ben thinking what would be the outcome of going the whole hog.....done a lot of thinking lately, really looked at things from a different angle and something someone (Gemmil?) said in a thread the other day really made me stop in my tracks....if we sold enough of our player's this summer to bring in 60 million quid what would that do for the club in the medium term?...as Gemmil (?) said, thats 2 years champions league money, which is a different way of looking at things for me completely. Would anyone agree with doing that this summer?...it would effect us hugely next season, but if we were patient, and replacements were as well recruited (i.e. value for money) and as good and settled in as quickly as our signings this season, would we steal a financial march on the clubs around us?....would it be, in the long term, beneficial for the club>? It would be a huge gamble, but as we know, Mike does like a punt...
  12. Robert Maxwell wasnt allowed to own Oxford and Derby, although Derby was in his sons name. Not sure if the morally upright bods at UEFA would take a similar line or not....
  13. I was told by a mate on the way to Everton at the weekend that if you've put 200 million of your own cash into something you're entitled to call it what you like....which is fair enough in a way, but thats not the way Dekka sold it to the supporters.Why couldnt they actually come out and say so? As we can see, revenue streams are growing in other areas, and without trying to be smart or anything this is undoubtedly good news. So why we've got a shitty add on to the grounds name is a mystery to me....maximising revenue streams anyone?...
  14. Remind me again why the name of the ground now includes the owner's company name?......
  15. Cabaye,Ben Arfa and perhaps Krul are unlikely to figure in at least the play off due to them playing in the Euros, as well as the first 2-3 league games.
  16. So just to confirm....they celebrated Man City winning the league by doing the err "Poznan"?....
  17. Aye, because he shit himself at how much professional football in England actually cost, around the time a certain manager had his hand out again...
  18. Randy Lerner's method for successful stewardship of football clubs: method #1: throw a load of money at a moderate manager If method #1 fails to deliver, see method #2 method #2: errrr......?......
  19. I haven't suggested that the mines shouldve been kept open....I'm making the point that the people who worked in them shouldnt have been left to rot. What did the Tories do for them?...next to fuck all as an act of revenge for their trade union causing a shower of shit for the previous 20 years.The same union which had been politicised by "extreamist" leaders...Arthur Scargill started the 80s miners strike with a large union and a small house and ended it with a small union and a large house.. Fair enough and hey- if you dont have to live in Barnsley or Easington who gives a fuck?...they've reaped what they sowed 30 years ago and theyve only got themselves to blame. Most folks wouldve gladly accepted a hand up rather than a hand out back then but its a different story now.
  20. It was the Westbourne, good boozer for watching games in, and also a well known haunt of plastic scousers. Had a refurb a few years back to what its like now, the old place could be a bit rough on days like yesterday. Think "yuppiefying" the place has driven the real scousers out. Aruba was the Showbar in my younger day and am now about 15 years too old for the place. Back then most Bournemouth girls wouldnt let on to you unless you were one of Jamie Redknapp's mates...that is obviously a complete fabrication, but it makes me feel better
  21. If they play in the euros they wont come back to training till the beginning of August, maybe 4 weeks after those not going?....
  22. First play off Thurs 23rd Aug, 2nd leg 30th Aug so I think our second and 3rd league games will be on Sundays....got to think that we'll be without Cabaye and Ben Arfa for all those fixtures....Krul too?
  23. Yesterday: fuckin shite. Season: Brilliant! Next season:?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.....looking forward to it with the required amount of trepedation
  24. aint THAT the fuckin truth! Amazes me, the amount of plastic scousers down here. What boozer were you in watching it mate?
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