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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. "generations have given their blood"....not sure, but that might not be a reference to a Merseyside donor scheme
  2. Yeah mate he was on the dole before he was a footballer which is 30 fuckin years ago We'll see. He's the least likely to be bought off out of anyone at the club though iyam.
  3. Some fan on the Huff Post keeping things nicely in perspective This comment has been down-ranked into oblivion. View comment You have not right to carry out this operation or Error this operation. Loading comments… This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Whyalwaysme 29 Fans 2 hours ago (21:08)Liverpool FC It's the most loved club in the world I didn't say supported I'm not talking about wealth or the men who came over and bought it This clubs about love Generations have given their blood Familys come here to sing With missing memorys they bring They join together as one Their veins explode into song Vibrations trigger a pulse and the players are the lungs which it breathes Away players feel the grounds heartbeat As their own hearts start dropping one by one Before the games even started the clubs pride has already won I know they dont always win games But it's the trying and belief felt within It's the way the clubs always been managed And in safe hands it should always stay in The club was in pain for a why'll there you only had to listen to her crys Bring back one of our great managers And get rid of the ones that dont try. Kenny will always be number one But it's time to move on again and to the clubs future Gerrard player manager with Carragher coach. We dont need anymore Roys at the club If not Gerrard then Benitez back
  4. Pardew is the manager, not a player. Hope that helps
  5. right on cue a tabloid newspaper puts 2 & 2 together and makes a complete non story into something that will fill a page... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2145515/Kenny-Dalglish-sacked-Liverpool-admire-Newcastle-boss-Alan-Pardew.html
  6. Its conceivable that Pardew will be on their radar, but the only thing am pretty sure about when it comes to nufc is that he'll want to finish the job he started.
  7. If anyone is having trouble sleeping heres some huge stuff moving very slowly a la "Megastructures".... its out the shed but still not out the tiny harbour mouth at Portsmouth so look out for "aircraft carrier disaster" headlines next week http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18078016
  8. You could have had Richards and Johnson in but what else?.....cant see them two winning the cup for us due to the paucity in other areas. You can quibble over one or two posistions if you like but we havent got a world class player available for selection iyam. But neither did Greece when they won it
  9. Is Michael Johnson injured?...
  10. What does Roman's buyer buy in Hamburg?.....
  11. no need click on that, just think Neville from Auf Wiedersehn Pet
  12. Even I'm not cynical enough to criticise that. Fergie is a stand up bloke, I'd imagine you can pretty much take him at his word and if he agrees to a friendly for one of the Munich survivors you can be sure he wouldnt take it lightly by sending the youth team. But it has to be said that Harry Gregg has regularly annihilated Manchester United FC (as they were in the late 50s and eaarly 60s) and Sir Matt Busby in particular for their harsh treatment of the other players who survived. Thats all in Michael Crick's book too. They kicked one lad who couldnt kick a ball ever again out of his club house, cant remember his name now. Albert Scanlon signed for us, but I dont think he did a lot tbh...perhaps Leazes saw him as a lad?
  13. Bingo! If its true then it looks like you were right CT...but its an internet rumour, bit like Dalglish had been sacked earlier today...
  14. A slope is someone of oriental descent i.e. "slopey eyes"... Wheres Cahill's folks from?...Ireland by the sounds of it....
  15. According to that Guardian article Smalling is likely to be going...no he's not, I've just read it again and you're right he's injured! It says Lescott and Cahill will be the other 2...I'd have thought Jagielka wouldve been a better choice than Lescott but he's stuggled to get in the Everton side lately...its not because he's injured is it??!!
  16. Is Cabaye viewed by the E.B.F.L.S.F* as a threat to the annointed one??!! * East Boldon Front for the Liberation of Shane Ferguson
  17. Richards?....brilliant athelete, avarage footballer. Can two England coaches be wrong?.....
  18. Hmmm....ignoring the racism court case for a moment, I realise Jones and Smalling are likely to be going but maybe manu's overall defensive frailities have cost Rio his place? not to mention his age, injuries etc....all Hodgson needed to do was look at Terry in the FA cup semi v Spurs and the first leg of the Barca champions league tie to see that Terry, to be fair, can still just about cut it at the top level. He was brilliant in both games as was Ashley Cole. But then you get him giving the Barca lad a sly kick in the back and getting sent off. And the racism thing.
  19. Mostly Tom theyve been very fortunate because of the tragedy in February 1958. Some would say they exploit this to make money. If you're keen on reading about this try Manchester United: The Betrayal of a Legend by Michael Crick and David Smith. The thing about that book is it was written in 1989, 3 years before the Premier League was formed. Its been going on a long time.
  20. Does a Chelsea win change the coefficent?...
  21. this is it by Parky in the Alan Pardew thread: Teams like Ajax operate like this as they constantly lose players to 'bigger' clubs around Europe. It doesn't affect them so much as they are one of the top dogs in their league which is far less competitive. The model can work as Spurs have shown over the last few years, but topping up with fresh talent every year is always risky. The balance has to be found with which players we can afford to lose and which we need to keep as the core. IMO none of our players are safe if a 'big' offer comes in. But as in the Carroll case we were right to take the money which was the same as having a good run in the CL two seasons running cash wise. Thats what I'm getting at, if we are confident that our scouting network is second to none and we're confident we can replace like for like in the medium term, it does make you think.....60-80 million is 2 seasons champions league money (later stages money at the upper end of that too) without having to qualify for it. Going on immediate evidence, it took them a year to replace Carrol and we didnt bother getting another centre half when Taylor got injured either (that may have cost us a real crack at the top 4) so in a way we're being asked to be patient by the club as it is. A bit more paticence and we're sitting on a gold mine. Who's up for it?...Toonpack? you're generally in favour of what Asley has been doing, what if he sold the family jewels this summer?...
  22. Our co efficient is crap now isnt it? 16 or something?....that will have a bearing. But I think the reverse is true as well....out of the unseeded pool, no fucker among the seeds will want to draw us.
  23. Am mot on about selling "someone" am on about selling three or four of our best players....could you swallow that this summer?
  24. I know. am just speaking hypothetically...I dont think theyre looking to sell on many key players tbh, just depends on what offers come in.
  25. might have been Baggio, cant find the thread now.
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