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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Fuckin hell Hibs got twatted by Hearts....no real surprise there but you'd think that they'd be able to put it up to their biggest rivals. Begbie won't be happy..
  2. Martin Kelner just said on fighting talk "whoever gets the job will just be managing the continuing decline of the 4th best team in Lancashire"
  3. before my time, but I saw Darth Vader,some Storm Troopers & "oblgatory fit as fuck bird in futuristic black ( and enoromous) boob tube" perform some mix of it in a circus tent in the early 90s...fuck knows where mind... One track that got me into dance music?..... your love by frankie knuckles... but it went tits up after that, some of the shit we used to listen to....jungle, "happy hardcore" etc etc...fuckin "kill me now!!" stuff nowadays...
  4. "I feel love" was pretty much the first electronic dance record to break through what used to be charmingly called "the hit parade"...the original 1977 recording was produced by Giorgio err "Molester" himself rip Donna da Diva
  5. You can laugh, but there was a time when he was scoring for fun in the U21's and getting goals for us at the likes of Anfield and Leverkusen, all the while the only strikers Erikson was picking were Owen,Heskey and Darius fuckin Vassel. He didnt even make a squad at the time though, poor fucker.
  6. Have the Arabs gained their money as legitimately as Louis Edwards did? How could Man U afford to break a transfer record that stood for most of a decade when they signed Bryan Robson? Could Newcastle have afforded a million pound player in 1980-81. Until then Manu's record was good, but not brilliant (to be fair no teams dominated at the time, Liverpool aside-ish) and Robson didnt make them much more than a good cup team (if that) during the 80s. But the fact they also took Stapleton from Arsenal and Birtles from Forest about the same period marks them out as huge spenders for the times. Louis Edwards was a middle class millionaire meat importer and Liverpool were backed by the Moores family who owned Littlewoods, the countries biggest football pools company (google it kids ) That was a significant advantage over other clubs, its just that manu squandered it with Dave Sexton and Ron Atkinson not being good enough. The finance was there to dominate. And of course the "Munich" factor helped too.
  7. Aye, they murdered hundreds of fans at the World Cup, just as all the papers said they would
  8. Am not saying he won't be tempted by Liverpool, I just think he's the least likely to be bought off by anyone, and Gemmil has listed the very good reasons not to take the Liverpool job. The issue pertaining to NUFC in all this is this "Moneyball" narrative at Liverpool....the bosses at Fenway Sports employ Billy Beane, on whom the book and film are based. Billy Beane recommended Comolli for the DoF job at Liverpool (fuck knows what happened there last summer, Comolli must have returned his copy of the book to the library!) but what Carr and Pardew have acheived in the last 18 months is fully in line with the principles laid down by Billy Beane. Its inconceiveable that the "team" at Newcastle haven't been noticed by the top bods at Fenway. Whether they make an approach is a different thing.
  9. That attitude sort of illustates why hardly anybody gives a fuck about the England team now...if the players dont care, why should the fans?....Stuart Pearce turned up for every squad he was selected in after he was replaced in the team by Graham Le Saux, played in every training game, and occupied the bench for years when he could have retired. Then he cam out of retirement twice when he was asked to, once by Hoddle and once by Keegan and got more caps in a different central defensive role. He did this because he thought he was fortunate to play football for a living and he loves the country who gave him the oppurtunity to represent them. A bit more of that attitude and we'd be a lot better off and there wouldnt be such a lethargic attitude from the fans to the England set up in general.
  10. Did he?...where did you read/hear that?....
  11. "generations have given their blood"....not sure, but that might not be a reference to a Merseyside donor scheme
  12. Yeah mate he was on the dole before he was a footballer which is 30 fuckin years ago We'll see. He's the least likely to be bought off out of anyone at the club though iyam.
  13. Some fan on the Huff Post keeping things nicely in perspective This comment has been down-ranked into oblivion. View comment You have not right to carry out this operation or Error this operation. Loading comments… This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program Whyalwaysme 29 Fans 2 hours ago (21:08)Liverpool FC It's the most loved club in the world I didn't say supported I'm not talking about wealth or the men who came over and bought it This clubs about love Generations have given their blood Familys come here to sing With missing memorys they bring They join together as one Their veins explode into song Vibrations trigger a pulse and the players are the lungs which it breathes Away players feel the grounds heartbeat As their own hearts start dropping one by one Before the games even started the clubs pride has already won I know they dont always win games But it's the trying and belief felt within It's the way the clubs always been managed And in safe hands it should always stay in The club was in pain for a why'll there you only had to listen to her crys Bring back one of our great managers And get rid of the ones that dont try. Kenny will always be number one But it's time to move on again and to the clubs future Gerrard player manager with Carragher coach. We dont need anymore Roys at the club If not Gerrard then Benitez back
  14. Pardew is the manager, not a player. Hope that helps
  15. right on cue a tabloid newspaper puts 2 & 2 together and makes a complete non story into something that will fill a page... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2145515/Kenny-Dalglish-sacked-Liverpool-admire-Newcastle-boss-Alan-Pardew.html
  16. Its conceivable that Pardew will be on their radar, but the only thing am pretty sure about when it comes to nufc is that he'll want to finish the job he started.
  17. If anyone is having trouble sleeping heres some huge stuff moving very slowly a la "Megastructures".... its out the shed but still not out the tiny harbour mouth at Portsmouth so look out for "aircraft carrier disaster" headlines next week http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18078016
  18. You could have had Richards and Johnson in but what else?.....cant see them two winning the cup for us due to the paucity in other areas. You can quibble over one or two posistions if you like but we havent got a world class player available for selection iyam. But neither did Greece when they won it
  19. Is Michael Johnson injured?...
  20. What does Roman's buyer buy in Hamburg?.....
  21. no need click on that, just think Neville from Auf Wiedersehn Pet
  22. Even I'm not cynical enough to criticise that. Fergie is a stand up bloke, I'd imagine you can pretty much take him at his word and if he agrees to a friendly for one of the Munich survivors you can be sure he wouldnt take it lightly by sending the youth team. But it has to be said that Harry Gregg has regularly annihilated Manchester United FC (as they were in the late 50s and eaarly 60s) and Sir Matt Busby in particular for their harsh treatment of the other players who survived. Thats all in Michael Crick's book too. They kicked one lad who couldnt kick a ball ever again out of his club house, cant remember his name now. Albert Scanlon signed for us, but I dont think he did a lot tbh...perhaps Leazes saw him as a lad?
  23. Bingo! If its true then it looks like you were right CT...but its an internet rumour, bit like Dalglish had been sacked earlier today...
  24. A slope is someone of oriental descent i.e. "slopey eyes"... Wheres Cahill's folks from?...Ireland by the sounds of it....
  25. According to that Guardian article Smalling is likely to be going...no he's not, I've just read it again and you're right he's injured! It says Lescott and Cahill will be the other 2...I'd have thought Jagielka wouldve been a better choice than Lescott but he's stuggled to get in the Everton side lately...its not because he's injured is it??!!
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