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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. My old man didnt mind me standing on the Gallowgate from about the age of 12 or 13 but when the odd occasion arose when somebody from our village was going to either Ibrox or Celtic Park he forbid from going anywhere near them. Didnt want my young mind polluted by that filth, and its always good to remind Rangers fans (or inform for the first time) about the days when Ally McCiost couldnt get a game for Sunderland reserves or when no more than 18k wanted to watch either of them. Football is fashionable now, thats why they can attract 50k fans every other week for a 3rd rate standard of football. Theres the best part of half a million more potential supporters in the greater Glasgow area than there is around Tyneside too. Add their national and international profiles and their crowds are shite side of piss poor iyam.
  2. .com have an article today where they all but say it would be mad not to sell him this summer...tend to agree tbh. Getting him on a free was a brilliant bit of business, selling him to Spurs or Chelsea for 7 million would be even better.
  3. Forster must be either playing in the wrong league or fuckin shocking
  4. Yeah, and I largely agree with those that say its his club so his dough and he can do what he likes with it. Bottom line is he's not putting another penny in of his own money, we're spending only what we create and he turned a massive profit on the back of the Carroll deal....wonder how the books (and for that matter the team?) would look if AC was still here?...got to be happy with how things have gone since he left though.
  5. Does the profit stay in the club or could Ashley trouser some of it himself?.....I take it we find this out in our next set of books?....
  6. Might have to have a rethink on the whole "the torch run is wank" thing....it passes 5 mins from my house about half 5 on Fri 13th(!) July... http://www.bbc.co.uk/torchrelay/day56
  7. Aye CT, that just confirms you're as strange as a bottle of crisps....
  8. This is where the fuckin bollocks about relaxation of employment laws for small companies that was rolled out last week (the report was by a major donor to the Tory party..yeah, quel fuckin surprise ) can be seen as the Tories trying to let their mates in this sector completely exploit their employees. Smaller businesses need more regulation to prevent this sort of shit, not less. Is your missus on a good contract? i.e. can they get rid of her for next to nothing?...apparently the yanks have had this sort of thing for years and they were in a worse financial mess than we are ffs. I think the latest figures show theyve had a fair start to the year mind and ours is worse than first reported. But the Tories are blaming it on small business regulation and say thats whats holding growth back...what a bunch a fuckin liars. If her contract is watertight its a polite but firm "no"...if its up for renenwal yearly or something I'd be careful if she wants to stay in the job, as mentioned she could give it and just not answer it. Boss sounds like a complete control freak iyam, I'd tell the missus to look for another job if I were you.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18185485 Chelsea release Boswinga and Kalou.....any takers?.....
  10. Is this "rock"??....too much brass for rock?....
  11. impossible to decide...this is what springs to mind tonight though...
  12. Other figures being honoured by Princess Anne on Wednesday include Sir Peter Bazalgette, of Endemol - the TV company behind Big Brother - who is being knighted for services to broadcasting. Just goes to show what a ridiculous charade the whole honours thing is.....put a load of freaks on the tv for years and become hugely wealthy on the back of it= national recognition for your good work....earn 300 quid a week getting shot at in Aghanisitan, possibly lose a limb in the process= "we've done all we can for you on the NHS, here's help for heroes' number, now fuck off"
  13. Johnathan Ive...educated at Newcastle Poly....has been knighted, chiefly it would appear for inventing the ipod....did we hounour the Sony gadge who came up with the walkman?... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18171093
  14. Newcastle supporters need a dose of realism after a season in which St James’ Park glimpsed the prospect of Champions League football and finished fifth, ahead of Chelsea. “I’m hoping that I will educate our fans for next season,” Pardew says. “If they think we can finish fifth with a European campaign and the finances we’ve got, it’s impossible. I honestly believe that you need to be a bit more open with the fans. The problem some managers have is they’re not open enough.” Having achieved the board’s target of a top-10 finish, he insists: “This year, I’m sure we’ll say something like, ‘We’re looking for a top-eight finish, hopefully attack one of the cups and have a great run in Europe. I wouldn’t say we couldn’t challenge for the top six if we got knocked out of Europe. Then we wouldn’t have those extra 13 games.” So there you have it folks.....league ambition sacrificed on the altar of vainglorious European adventures..... Seriously, that sounds ok to me, its just the league is where the money is....you can't keep banging on about lack of finance and then dont try to compete to obtain more of it by piddling about in the Europa League. They really don't walk it like they talk it sometimes. I feel better for that...havent had a whinge in weeks
  15. Is this lad Guthrie's replacement?....at 23 year old he's not going to be in the "development squad" of anything like that. He's been bought for the first team squad. Reims got promoted so he's just had a canny season.
  16. If its the first one am looking at thats with the 3 lads with their tops off?.....thats at the stadium of copyright infringement, my mate Shaun is stood above them with a shaven head and a black jumper on...he's not of the type you describe tbh
  17. Limassol...thats Cyprus...in late August!
  18. No offence intended, but its a friendly. You can't judge a player on a friendly, although old firm fans do tend regularly to disagree with this.
  19. From what I hear Forster to Celtic this summer is a done deal.
  20. Community spirit? theres a bloke at my work, raises 10s of thousands of pounds for charity every year running marathons. He's the most selfless bloke I've ever met, and has been recognised by "dignitaries" all over the world for his work. He's met loads of famous folk doing all these marathons all over the world, and apparently pride of place in his house is his photo of him and Nelson Mandela!...this bloke is a do-gooder extrodinaire, he's a real giver. So he applied to be a torchbearer in his home city of Southampton but got turned down. He subsequently discovered (obviously well connected) that most of the places in Southampton went to council employees,their familes, or mates. He's actually devastated about this. Obviously the blokes a bit of an attention seeker but he of all people shouldve been rewarded with the chance to take part. And as for "the poor" CT you obvously didnt watch it on Sunday morning as Gemmil was saying where some surfie type bird called fuckin TASSIE!! (what is that short for??!! ) was the second person in the country to have a go and when they interviewed her after she sounded posher than the fuckin Queen! In other words, as usual with things like this in this country,its a fuckin fix. If you're in you're in, if not, fuck off.
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