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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Johnny Heitinga fans' player of the year, Sylvain Distan players' player of the year....both announced with much fanfare via tannoy at Goodison during the last game of the season. Says it all really. So is Woy always this decisive about the make up of his squad or is he really not too sure on that one?......
  2. Jagielka couldnt get in the Everton side as a defender for most of the season let alone play in midfield.....
  3. thethe had some "rocky" stuff but rock?...naah. These were ROCK though...in a 90s indie-schmindie sort of way...
  4. He sent troops to Sierra Leone and troops + bombers to Kosovo and you dont hear a lot of complaints about those. I dont think the findings of the Macpherson report will either clear or condemn him either, it will be a textbook fudge iyam.
  5. Since when has it been up to YOU to decide who the BIG hitters are around here?
  6. Dull fact of the day....... Serge was in the same youth team at Forest as Jenas...he's also guitarist with baggy throwbacks Kasabian.
  7. From Burundi......is it as many under 21s as you like in the Europa League squad?....
  8. Smith's career was built on a good 6 month spell for Leeds in the champions league. He's done fuck all to speak of since then. Unlucky with his injury whilst at manu, but what had he actually done before then? Poor finisher for a centre forward and incapable of passing it more than ten yards as a midfielder. Don't know how he can look himself in the mirror.
  9. My old man didnt mind me standing on the Gallowgate from about the age of 12 or 13 but when the odd occasion arose when somebody from our village was going to either Ibrox or Celtic Park he forbid from going anywhere near them. Didnt want my young mind polluted by that filth, and its always good to remind Rangers fans (or inform for the first time) about the days when Ally McCiost couldnt get a game for Sunderland reserves or when no more than 18k wanted to watch either of them. Football is fashionable now, thats why they can attract 50k fans every other week for a 3rd rate standard of football. Theres the best part of half a million more potential supporters in the greater Glasgow area than there is around Tyneside too. Add their national and international profiles and their crowds are shite side of piss poor iyam.
  10. .com have an article today where they all but say it would be mad not to sell him this summer...tend to agree tbh. Getting him on a free was a brilliant bit of business, selling him to Spurs or Chelsea for 7 million would be even better.
  11. Forster must be either playing in the wrong league or fuckin shocking
  12. Yeah, and I largely agree with those that say its his club so his dough and he can do what he likes with it. Bottom line is he's not putting another penny in of his own money, we're spending only what we create and he turned a massive profit on the back of the Carroll deal....wonder how the books (and for that matter the team?) would look if AC was still here?...got to be happy with how things have gone since he left though.
  13. Does the profit stay in the club or could Ashley trouser some of it himself?.....I take it we find this out in our next set of books?....
  14. Might have to have a rethink on the whole "the torch run is wank" thing....it passes 5 mins from my house about half 5 on Fri 13th(!) July... http://www.bbc.co.uk/torchrelay/day56
  15. Aye CT, that just confirms you're as strange as a bottle of crisps....
  16. This is where the fuckin bollocks about relaxation of employment laws for small companies that was rolled out last week (the report was by a major donor to the Tory party..yeah, quel fuckin surprise ) can be seen as the Tories trying to let their mates in this sector completely exploit their employees. Smaller businesses need more regulation to prevent this sort of shit, not less. Is your missus on a good contract? i.e. can they get rid of her for next to nothing?...apparently the yanks have had this sort of thing for years and they were in a worse financial mess than we are ffs. I think the latest figures show theyve had a fair start to the year mind and ours is worse than first reported. But the Tories are blaming it on small business regulation and say thats whats holding growth back...what a bunch a fuckin liars. If her contract is watertight its a polite but firm "no"...if its up for renenwal yearly or something I'd be careful if she wants to stay in the job, as mentioned she could give it and just not answer it. Boss sounds like a complete control freak iyam, I'd tell the missus to look for another job if I were you.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18185485 Chelsea release Boswinga and Kalou.....any takers?.....
  18. Is this "rock"??....too much brass for rock?....
  19. impossible to decide...this is what springs to mind tonight though...
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