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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. That narrows the offending lower leg to belong to Chez or CT
  2. "the whole hardcore scene"...is that happy, American punk rock or a concrete gang?.....
  3. I use it now and then myself but got clobbered with a big-ish data bill before I got the Pure gizmo. Am looking at one for the car next, but think I might just buy a new car with one in
  4. My missus has got 4....shes got the eye of Ra on one wrist, some heart thing on the other, some flower design on a lower leg and a cross on one of her feet. When it is pointed out to her that theyre utterly irrelevent to her life as a wage-slave legal secretary, she replies that they mean something to her, are easily hidden and are tasteful, and its hard to argue with any of that, except the last one but thats obviously completely subjective....shes on about getting some sort of inscription in hebrew or fuckin Japanese next, which is where a line may be drawn...
  5. Thing is about doing it via tunedin or similar is that you'll more than likely have to pay for the data....if you were to get a Pure move 2500 it'd be 80 quid but you dont pay for data and theres no problem with buffering etc. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005J3PLXE/ref=s9_simh_gw_p23_d5_g23_i5?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=051MMA1KWSC16ZMDKPJN&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294
  6. My money's on this being Balarny Stone V. 2.0
  7. is this just funny in general or is it just because its my mate's ex?...
  8. And how many of them in the current squad have Polish parents?....Podolski for one, I forget the rest but at the WC there were 4 or 5....much to the disappointment of my neighbour Stan, who is from Berlin. And has some slightly dodgy opinions, but does give mw fresh eggs from his hens, so he's not all bad
  9. Try watching with the sound off if commentators/summerisers bother you that much. Either that or buy a ticket and actually go to the fuckin games
  10. Because England is a mature market for football. They want to "grow" the game, and you can only do that in countries with a nascent middle class. And in this country we've been shamed into refraining from making making monkey noises at black players but most will agree they hear a lot of casual racially derogatory language in the course if their week, whether its at work or down the pub or at school. Don't get me wrong, its a good start, but that's all it is. We're 25 years ahead of them publically, but theres not that much difference so I don't think we should be congratulating each other too much (as the media seem to do a lot) as things stand.
  11. He thought Luque was the best signing ever due to his YouTube compilation and said so on his blog....i take it this is the blog he wanted HF and Chez to write stuff for and then claim the credit himself? honestly when I think back that's really funny..the blog came across as if it was written by an 8 year old.
  12. Were they scrapping among themselves or with the Czechs?...or the locals maybe?...or the police?...
  13. Fuckin Umar?.....might have known. He used to post on a few other sites I've perused over the years. He's a self regarding bell end who thought Glen Roeder was some sort of Matt Busby figure. Got the distinct impression he thought it was ok to lecture season ticket holding Mags somtimes twice his age on why their opinons didn't count and how he knew better, despite having never been within 100 miles of SJP. A classic broadband/sky tv fan boy. Sold him a few tickets from time to time after he moved to London for his er "media career" which apparently was/is genuine. He wouldn't come into a pub to collect them at Arsenal once and then quibbled over paying face price iirc. Drummer off one forum for stating with utter conviction that homosexuallity was "unatural" and "wrong" Who is he allegdeing to work for now?.....wonder if they're aware of his enlightened views on such issues?....
  14. Steves..... Clarke to WBA http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18366208 Bruce to Hull City.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18192719
  15. He ticks a lot of boxes...born in Derry as a catholic, his old man was in the RUC and he's an ex chairman of Derry City....fuckin hell, the blokes perfect for that gig...
  16. Thats what "land of my fathers" is about....a love for the soil of home. And its fuckin stunning. You lot could have a nice ditty about the Giant's Causeway and the Mountains of Mourne, Lough Neagh, etc etc....its probabaly do-able....who's the best living songwriter born in the Province?....Van Morrison?...
  17. Cant see what you posted...no youtube access at work Point is, the rugby side represents all Ireland, and they play some tune before the games start...Ant or Ewerk will know if its likely to be accepted by both err "camps" if it was suggested they could use it before games at Windsor Park. Rightly or wrongly, the offfical national anthemn of N.I. is GSTQ and the majority won't want a change from that. And as Ewerk says, its poor that lads brought up in N.I. plump for the Republic, pleased to see our own Fergie stuck with N.I.
  18. What do they play at the rugby?
  19. No Battersea move for the European Champions..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-18352786
  20. Sounds like someone may have tried to poach him...not surprised, and he deserves a ma-hoosive pay rise for his work here in the last couple of years. The most important person at the club outside of the players, and possibly including some of them too.
  21. Try looking here: http://www.kerrang.com/blog/2012/05/and_the_nominees_are_2.html good luck...the only band I recognised is Iron Maiden
  22. class as you say...the Euros always seem to have better games than the WC....the Portugal v France semi in 2000 is one of the greatest games I've ever seen in my life...in fact thats the best tournament I've seen full stop.
  23. The Sweden game is key for England iyam....playing the hosts in the last group game in front of 80k screaming locals will be a lot easier with 4 points in the bag...if its 2 or less and Ukraine have beaten Sweden then I think it will be very difficult to get out the group.
  24. Is it any good for folks who want to get something half decent as opposed to your bog standard "point and push" effort or is it mainly for professionals?....want to upgrade but frankly not sure what to go for...
  25. <applause> I think most of those involved probably had some sense of "King AND country" though....different times I suppose. Their sacrifice was and remains to this day incalcuable. If it had all gone tits up we would be living in a very different world now.
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