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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Makes more sense now,it sounds like your list may be those affected by cup finals,European places etc etc....fuckin hell
  2. Neither do I mate :iol: but if all the English players they got in the late 80s and early 90s werent just there for European football but were induced to sign because of what are basically,in the eyes of HMRC, illegal payments, then thats cheating. The last 25 years of RFC will then be removed from history. But the case hasnt got to court yet, Toonpack may be able to rell us why he thinks its nailed on that theyre toast?...
  3. All true, but as Toonpack says players were being induced to join the club with the promise of "double contracts" virtually from as soon as David Murray bought the club in 1986. This forms the basis of "the big tax case", which is different to the Craig White affair that has caused them to be liquidated. Its cheating,and if the court finds against the club and in favour of the taxman they'll be struck from the records books from 1987-2012, which will hurt your average Hun a lot more than having to play Forfar and Brechin for a few years.
  4. Only Hearts,Aberdeen and Motherwell (apart from Celtic obviously) have finished 2nd since their first title under Murray in 1987, but yeah, it puts their Celtic-equalling 9-in-a-row in a new light. Gazza and Brian Laudrup in the same side in the mid nineties doesnt prove anything, but it gives a pretty strong indication that something was going on. Their history for the last 25 years is now utterly redundant. Fuckin hell thats verging on cataclysmic with regards to their relationship with every other club theyve played in that time. A European Cup semi final in 92 is about as worthless as the bribe-paying Marseille winning it that year as well. Hopefully the other chairman will realise all this and put integrity above income but I wouldnt bank on it.
  5. Moyes is favourite apparently. And the wording of the statement to ESPN is interesting "It is not true, there is not a chance I will resign. Why should I? I have a year left on my contract." In other words "sack me!"
  6. They wouldnt happen to be a major advertising client of a national speech-heavy commercial radio station specialiisng in things of a sports based nature would they??....
  7. Chiles just grinding whats left of CT's credibility into the ground live on national TV there
  8. "The Moose"..... Think you'll have to come up with somone/thing better than that CT...
  9. Just waiting for some holier-than-though media prick to claim "England have no room to talk when it comes to violence at tournaments"
  10. Yeah, theyre called "Freemasons", as I'm sure you know This is the tome which Dan Brown ripped off for his cash cow, explains it all,although again, I think I'm telling you of all people how to suck eggs http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Holy-Blood-And-Grail/dp/0099682419
  11. Looks like thats it for the Teddy Bears.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18407309
  12. Its a bit like someone in Berwick complaining in 2012 about the sacking of the town in 1296 by Edward I. How the fuck does it affect your life nowadays?
  13. am sure some nice person will move this, or maybe even Ant wil...
  14. Dead at 60. Turned dowm millions in the 70s to fight Mohammed Ali, staying loyal to Cuba.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-18405802
  15. Thats the key like, not so much about this tournament but the next one. And Hodgy's got a 4 year contract to see it through. Add Wilshire,Cahill and one or two others and its looking ok. Hopefully they'll have a better attitiude than some of their predecessors.
  16. There was a case where some fucker whod been abused on some board or other tracked the bloke down at his home address, knocked on his door, and beat the shit out of him. I'd advocate this approach rather than legislation.
  17. loads of us said "give youth a chance" when Hodgy took over, can't complain at that side. Pity about Cahill, 3/4 chels defenders+man city goalie=solid.
  18. Dunno...Mexes is a weak link, he's pants.....Malouda?..cant get in chels side,Nasri..all gong and no dinner, Ribery...same-ish...not that impressed tbh...Ben Arfa better than Nasri and Ribery iyam.
  19. . Your wage is 120% of the United Kingdom average and 248% of the world average.
  20. Fair enough, but three may have become two over time, especially if/when it eveolved into a hand signal. Regardless, its a fuckin great myth, like Hitler only having one ball etc...they all serve a purpose, propaganda, psychological,positivity in the face of adversity etc..
  21. Yeah thats the point...research/science/records can only reveal so much,that which is indisputable, but sometimes you have nothing to rely on other than what has been passed down, which is what the Desmond Morris quote sort of refers to. Bottom line is no one knows, but Fry and his muckers cant sit there and say "no its bollocks, didnt happen". Records suggest that to be the case,apochrophyl oral history suggests not. For me, theres a germ of fact in all myths.
  22. The two fingers thing may be a myth according to Stephen Fry on Q.I & other assorted smartarses, but has anyone come up with a logical alternative to it's origins?....a myth with a strong element of truth to it iyam. because of the strong taboo associated with the gesture (its public use has often been heavily penalised). As a result, there is a tendency to shy away from discussing it in detail. It is "known to be dirty" and is passed on from generation to generation by people who simply accept it as a recognised obscenity without bothering to analyse it... Several of the rival claims are equally appealing. The truth is that we will probably never know... —Desmond Morris.[15]
  23. Thats punk rock maaaan!
  24. So hes having a permanent syrup fitted "live"??!! Wont display here, filters no likey....
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