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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Thats what Shpeherd did with SBR...told the world he was in his last season at NUFC and suddenly Dyer was trying to tell Bobby where he should be playing, the odious little cunt.
  2. I take it all the admins who were fucking about on nutz constitute the majority of the characters whove joined in the last day or so?....
  3. Is there any actual proof for that?....its what the media party line is but that automatically makes me think its largely bollocks. Am sure its part of the reason, but just because its the consensus doesn't make it automatically the case. What did he start doing wrong comapred to the previous 2-3 years? team talks brief and uninspiring? training consisting of a game of shove ha'penny in the pub round the corner? If you say that the players reacted to the uncertainty surrounding his future then thats down to the fickle bunch twats themselves (and no doubt their agents) but did they visibly "down tools" on the pitch?...Spurs form hit the buffers because thats what happens to some teams every season. Why did we blow a 12 point lead in 96?...why did manu blow a 13 point lead the following season?....I don't think theres any rhyme or reason to it. I actually think he FA were scared off from approaching Redknapp when Levy said it would cost them a fortune in compo and thats when the big fall out with Redknapp occured. Finishing 4th after looking set for 3rd minimum and being unlucky with Chelsea etc isnt grounds for sacking, thinking the chairman is a cunt for denying you the chance to manage your country and more than likely telling him so in the middle of contract negtiations probably is. And iyam we haven't seen the last of him in a court room, perhaps Levy knows the score on that.
  4. Can't deny it, she's done me up like a fuckin kipper......she does take regular punishment for it though
  5. 4 and a half hours now the A1 south of Catterick is sorted
  6. Mrs PL booked up to see Chris Addison months ago, I'd forgotten all about it....untill last week when she mentioned its tonight at 8pm.......so, she has managed,in the last few months, to book off and thus render useless for viewing football of any kind the last week of last season, the first two weeks of next season and now this. For someone who doesn't like football she seems to know a hell of a lot about fuckin fixture lists....evil genius tbh
  7. PaddockLad


    Is that you Parky?
  8. I couldnt give a fuck if he goes...am on board big Mike's fun bus for the long haul......
  9. He's carrying the torch and he went up kilymanjaro for "charidee"....does anyone think hed be anywhere near a mountain in Africa if a TV crew weren't up his arsehole while he was doing it?....
  10. tbf to CT, he jumped the gun on Redknapp but was he wrong?.....and if its true, is anyone really surprised enough to be truly pissed off?....
  11. Well yeah, but as you say they made champions league style money through sales last season and still kept challenging for the top 4... I think its fair ro say Modric is off, and Bale must be thinking of it, regardless of whether they need to sell or not.And my guess is they dont if your figure for last season is accurate. Any money for Bale and Modric can be added to last seasons profit. Theyre in a good place finacially iyam.
  12. Are the press protecting Redkanpp though?....to go from being a shoe in to lead the nation at a major finals to being on the dole in six months is a quite a fall.....why are so many key figures/institutions losing faith with him or having no faith whatsover in the first place?.....that drivel Gemmil posted this morning is an indication of how the print journos feel about him, are they holding the next thing he's going to be in bother with back, even though it may be getting whispered into to important ears by those itk?
  13. From the bastion of all that is great in journalism, the Daily Record......"a sky insider" is the source http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2012/06/14/rangers-in-crisis-sky-tv-threaten-to-tear-up-tv-deal-if-ibrox-club-is-demoted-to-division-three-86908-23895647/
  14. Theyre out to get Lance Armstrong.....again.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/cycling/18435771
  15. Can you get the ESPN games on your laptop?....I think its about £9 a month just for ESPN?...maybe the BT games will only be available on broadband to those with a BT mobile broadband contract and thats where they theink they'll make their money?..
  16. The surprise was the arrival of BT as a major player on the football broadcasting market, winning the rights to show 38 matches and replacing ESPN. A spokesman for BT said that it would negotiate to appear on as many different platforms as possible. It was competition from new bidders like this which pushed the price of rights so high. Looks like BT are buying into the market so they can stream their package via their already set up broadband service. Good move on the face of it, but this "second package" has been a bit of a poisoned chalice. Will people swap from having skysports and their own broadband service?....doubt it.
  17. Just shows you if you've got the press on your side you can do no wrong. Levy went cold on Redknapp for whatever reason, thats life. Why this fuckin bairn is so upset on Harry's behalf beats me but just shows you the fuckin agenda some of these arseholes have. Utterly pathetic.
  18. If they lose Redknapp, Bale,Adebayor and Modric this summer then aye, its difficult to see anything other than a "transistional" season coming up. Poor old Spurs. Arsenal may lose Van Persie this summer but it looks like barring a fuckin miracle they're going back into the gooners shadow again
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18436663 There you go
  20. Khedira and Schweinsteiger are two of the best players at the tournament....De Jong and Van Bommel....well.....theyre not.
  21. Cloggies gobbing off,slagging off others in the squad and the manager.....what a completely unexpected surprise http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/jun/13/euro-2012-wesley-sneijder-pathetic-egos
  22. Can of worms......"no one likes us"....wait till its confirmed youve cost half a dozen clubs at least one league title you fuckin cheating bastards
  23. 99.5% of it....they went under because of the debts and the way Craig White bought the club, nothing to do with this "big tax" carry on.
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