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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Ok, so what is proved if John Terry is convicted of the charge he's up for?
  2. theres folk my age I know use "ower thonder" to mean "over there", or "thonder its" for "its over there"....a lot of thats dying out though. The kids on the Scottish side sound like theyre from Edinburgh nowadays, coming out with "Aye, ah pure went tae the pub eeehh?" sort of bollocks. When I was at school it was the same words on both sides of the border spoke with diifferent accents, but the shared "language" of the border seems to be sadly dying out, and it was a lot closer to Geordie than how they talk in Glasgow for instance.
  3. But thats where "the law is an ass" As has been said, can call someone a racially derogative name and not be a foaming-mouth, card carrying nazi. I bet theres enough black players he's played with and been mates with that would back him up in his claim that he's not a racist. The actual offence he's been charged with either is or isn't a criminal offence, depending on your point of view. Thing is it is now law. And its a very poor one iyam, New Labour PC brigade shite. It doesn't really help end anything. It just aids those with an agenda in continuing to poke the finger at people and putting them in a box marked "racist" when the truth is a lot more complex.
  4. Sounds like he's not required by Rodgers anyway...theyve been linked with Borini at Roma...played for him at Swansea on loan from Chelsea. Don't know if Pardew would want him....Baggio is right I think about him fitting into the sort of 4-3-3 that we tried to play at times last season, which would appear to be his trouble at Liverpool with Rodgers too. Basically he was born 20 years too late
  5. I've been pulled up for using "netty" more than once....wiki has this to say...v interesting, for me and Jaw D anyway... The Geordie word netty,[61] meaning a toilet and place of need and necessity for relief[61][62][63] or bathroom,[61][62][63] has an uncertain origin,[64] though some have theorised that it may come from slang used by Roman soldiers on Hadrian's Wall,[65] which may have later become gabinetti in the Romanic Italian language[65] (such as in the Westoe Netty, the subject of a famous painting from Bob Olley[65][66]). However gabbinetto is the Modern Italian diminutive of gabbia, which actually derives from the Latin cavea ("hollow", "cavity", "enclosure"), the root of the loanwords that became the Modern English cave,[1] cage,[2] and gaol.[3] Thus, another explanation would be that it comes from a Modern Romanic Italian form of the word gabinetti,[64] though only a relatively small number of Italians have migrated to the North of England, mostly during the 19th century.[67]
  6. No, you're absoloutely correct. But seeing as i'm on board Big Mike's happy bus there will be not one iota of criticism or complaint about the business conducted (or indeed not conducted) in this transfer window passing from these fingertips Still nearly 2 months left of the window to be honest, early deals last year are irrelelvent to whats happening this year, and other clubs probably view us a bit differently after our relative success last season. Christ knows whats going on, our main targets are all out in the open it would appear (unless Luuk de Jong is a fuckin huge smokescreen for a better,cheaper player) so something will happen when it happens. But there are posters who have regularly said they are completly relaxed with us not tying up deals if the deal isnt right for NUFC, so am not expecting to hear any complaints from them, should we not bring in a fullback or centre half etc.And I notice the first murmurings of concern have arisen in this thread. Tbh, its not the end of the world anyway if we don't bring in what and who people beleive we need. All is good on the happy bus...
  7. Spot on, apart from things going tits up for us as well around 97...we finished 2nd in the league that year
  8. Finanacially, far better off with newco Rangers in the first division and able to gain promotion next season. For the integrity of the football authorities in Scotalnd and also morally, the newco shouldnt be playing in any league next season. 134million pounds worth of cheating over a quarter of a century just written off? Makes Scottish football as a competition completley redundant, rather than just a "joke" as it has been for the last decade or more.
  9. It does seem strange thats true. Either the CPS have a hard on for the publicity this will generate or theyre pretty sure whatever evidence they have will stand up in court...I'm assuming thats where the lip reader comes in?
  10. Wheres the mother in law from Fist?...we used to say "as scarce as hens teeth".... If I was at my folks for more than 2 days the Kielder one may creep back into my vocabulary...."tomorrow morning" is often expressed as "the morn's morn'" by us hillbilly folk.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2171145/Steve-Harper-set-Birmingham-Jack-Butland-nears-exit.html Our old friend "Sportsmail reporter" reckons Harps is off to Brum as well...
  12. rightly or wrongly, using racial insults is against the law. So its a fair cop in my book, if me or you had done the same and someone complained to the police it would be the same.
  13. There is a doco airing here in a few days about the Carl Lewis/Ben Johnson doping scandal. Should be a good watch. Wasnt every finalist in the 1988 Olympic 100m done for doping at one point in their career or other....it came out that Carl Lewis failed a dope test 2 or 3 times in the lead up to the games, it only came out a couple of years back. Linford was caught after he retired. No wonder Dwayne Chambers was tempted. Only way to compete. But cheating like that kept another clean athlete out of the squad so he shouldnt be anywhere near the present squad. 10.25 this season. Joke.
  14. The US is good and, in a strange twist of fate, bad at the same time. If you were caught up in the imperial post-war punch ups over ideology and influence, then you probably think bad. If you had a dishwasher and A/C in your car in 1955, you probably think good. Thems the breaks.
  15. Think that was paid off in 2007, could be wrong. It was a mixture of grants and loans I think. Dont know if it included the bill for very many of the cargo ships used in the Atlantic convoys that the yanks knocked up for us and without which it wouldve been impossible to stand alone for 2 years before they officially joined the punch up.
  16. Actually, I'd like to see that...one for the wall iyam
  17. Why is that the case?...to keep the majority of the useless bastards in a job they do tend to bandy that around themsleves. We want sports coverage, thats for sure. But the media have made increasing demands on atheletes/sportspeople over the years and then complain when some of them get a bit arsey. Dalglish treated the press like shite when he was manager here. I thought it was funny tbh. We all form our strongest opinions about managers as a result of what happens on the pitch, not in the press conference after wards. Well I do anyway. Dalglish was crap on and off the pitch. Taking a side from 2nd to 14th then starting the next season poorly got him the sack, not whether he was nice to the press.
  18. Why? why is it important to you?
  19. Lance Armstrong is a doper?...whod have thunk it?..Rumours around Barca for years, and it looks like Abidal's kidneys have finally packed up. Murray and Nadal are the same age, yet Nadal looked like Lou Ferringo at 19 and Murray looked like Walter the Softie from the Beano...
  20. Thing is, who gives a fuck what they think seconds after theyve finished?...its often cringeingly embarrassing, either balnd paltitudes or you find out the athelte is barely able to form a cohereent sentance. As for the questions, honestly I'd grab the mic and whack the interviewer over the head with it if they asked me "how does it feel?" seconds after I'd lost something I'd been training like a dog for, possible for a decade or more. It adds nothing. Its shite. I don't see why Murray should be criticised more for his personality than he is for his tennis either. Its not logical, unless you're a psycologist and can make a link between both of them.
  21. The thing about him being miserable....does it really matter? Its something thats fashionable to say, the party line for those who are only interested in tennis for the same fortnight every year(myself included). But as others have mentioned, he's either unwilling or unable to produce a sunny persona when a microphone is shoved under his nose, seconds after competing at the highest level of individual professional sports. Think about it. I'd tell them to fuck off frankly. Come back when I've calmed down and had time to think. Even then, have you ever heard a sportsman of any kind say anything funny,insightful or controversial? No. And the ones who do are crucified for it, as Murray found out with his commnets about England in 2006. He can't win so he gives them fuck all.Good. He's his own man, not a media-trained cockmonkey.
  22. 'On 27 June, 1942 in the Western Desert, South of Mersa Matruh, Egypt, Private Wakenshaw was a crew member of a two pounder anti-tank gun, during an attack by the enemy who silenced the gun and killed or seriously wounded all crew. In the action Private Wakenshaw lost his left arm but he managed to crawl back to his gun. With one arm he loaded the gun, firing five more rounds with some considerable effect. An enemy shell blew him away from the gun and he was again seriously wounded. He managed to crawl back once more, and was preparing to fire again, when a direct hit on the ammunition killed him and destroyed the gun.' He was buried in El Alamein War Cemetery in Egypt and was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross. His medal is engraved on his headstone there, as is the four-line Personal Inscription: "HE DIED A HERO/ HE ANSWERED HIS CALL/BROKE ALL OUR HEARTS/WHEN HE LEFT US ALL RIP." His wife Dorothy, 3 year-old daughter Lillian and her brother Thomas received his medal from King George VI at an investiture in March 1943, the only VC awarded to a Tynesider during the Second World War. Fuckin hell. Did the job of two men,with one arm, under enemy fire. Conscription nowadays would be a laugh.I like to think I'd do the right thing but am not sure. If my arm was blown off I think I might be feeling a bit sorry for myself.
  23. Loven to Brum.... http://www.bcfc.com/page/News/NewsDetail/0,,10412~2835266,00.html
  24. John Terry racism trial begins over Anton Ferdinand remark Chelsea skipper John Terry is accused of abusing QPR defender Anton Ferdinand at Loftus Road match in October 2011 Share 4 Email Staff and agencies guardian.co.uk, Monday 9 July 2012 03.03 BST Chelsea captain John Terry, right, is accused of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand, left, during an October 2011 match at Loftus Road. Photograph: Nick Potts/PA The trial of John Terry for allegedly racially abusing Anton Ferdinand will get under way on Monday. The Chelsea captain and England defender Terry, 31, was charged with a racially aggravated breach of public order after a remark made to Queens Park Rangers player Ferdinand at a Premier League game in October 2011. Terry could face a £2,500 fine if convicted at the Westminster magistrates court trial, which is expected to last five days. Police questioned Terry in November 2011 after a complaint from the public and crown prosecutors decided he should be charged with the summary offence. The comment was allegedly made, and seemingly caught on footage, to the QPR defender when the two teams met at Loftus Road. Terry's lawyer entered a not guilty plea on his behalf at Westminster magistrates court in February. His trial was delayed until after the Euro 2012 championships after District Judge Howard Riddle heard that a number of other Chelsea players would not be able to appear as witnesses until the end of the football season. Chelsea won the Champions League and FA Cup this season and Terry played in the England team that reached the quarter-finals of Euro 2012 in June.
  25. Has he done something particularly cuntish this weekend?.....whats the bets he's arrested on connection with phone hacking before the end of the year?...first mirror journo arrested for it last week. In it up to his eyeballs.
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