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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Surprise surprise, various articles this morning saying Ashley wants Liverpool to pay a large slice of Carroll's wages should he come next season on loan....all this is looking unlikely to be honest purely on that basis. A one sason loan provides little risk though, and if Ashley coughs up more dough a deal may yet be done. Can't see him joining on a long term basis though, unless Cabaye or Cisse are sold for a fee in the gazillion dollars bracket.
  2. Wait till she's signed off from work with a decade's supply of prozac for crying uncontrolably over a passing comment her offspring may have made which made her feel utterly worthless, then go round the same night and dump her. Worked a treat, she got engaged to someone else 6 months later
  3. Well that's what I said further up the page...we'll sell anyone if the money is good enough. The difference this time is Dekka and Pardew have been inviting offers with their public utterences. Its probably as a result of the Carroll thing, they said he wasn't being sold and then as you say got an offer they couldnt refuse and copped a load of flack. Think they want to make sure we're under no illusions should it happen again. Sad to say I can't see a scenario this summer where we'll keep everyone we want to keep from last season. Things change due to unexpected moves at other clubs etc....cant see a huge offer from a top club not coming in for Cisse or Cabaye. But we'll have a contingency plan I imagine for those situations, so we'll see what happens.
  4. Alan Pardew said we wouldnt sell Andy Carroll....a lot of things can change in a transfer window. We'll see. The point about early deals last season is irrelevent tbh. Players who played at the Euros are still on holiday. If a move is right for both parties a deal can be reached fairly quickly.
  5. I sort of agree, but way its presented the only people it doesn't make sense for are the supporters of Newcastle United. All if and buts, but supposing Santon is a bit homesick..
  6. Why's that mate? We know the 3 players they want,doesnt mean theyre going to get them; de Jong wants to join Monchegladbach, but they'll have a host of other irons in the fire, one of which may well be Andy Carroll. And we know Ba's situation, and we know we'll sell anyone if the player wants to leave and a daft offer comes in....so what part of the article didnt we know? The Bojan/Santon potential swap deal isnt mentioned. Thats an interesting one.Not sure how much substance is in it, Bojan's on a 2 year deal at Roma, at the end of which Barca have the option to take him back if he's improved sufficiently. Looks like thats not happening after his first season, so he's seeking pastures new. Can't see him joining anyone for anything other than a season long loan, which makes getting rid of Santon pointless really because if Bojan signs on loan and scores 20 goals next season theres more than a fair chance he'll go back to his one true love. So we'll still need a striker and we'll lose a player who looks a lot more useful than Enrique did after his first season into the bargain. I'm completely relaxed about all this. This is the way the Mike Ashley fun bus rolls
  7. Paul Kelso of the Telegraph said on 5live earlier that the FA will treat Terry the same as Suarez as they both admitted to saying the words theyre in bother for. So he's likely to get a long ban, which will aggreive Chelsea and their fans hugely no doubt. But this wouldve been all in the past by now if some silly fucker hadn't complained to the police.
  8. Sounds a lot like my parents, similar age. They don't have a pathological fear of then Hun mind
  9. Some of them might want to leave though, and Ba's contract with us certainly left all his options open. The thought of Carroll terrorisng European defenders not used to defending against players like him appeals to me greatly....the thought that Mike Ashley would pay his reported Liverpool salary strikes me as unlikely.
  10. What did you do during the war Uncle Noelie?.......
  11. The BBC are reporting that the SFA told Charles Green before this mornings vote that Rangers won't be allowed SFA membership unless the Scottish League clubs vote newco into divi one, and without membership they can't take their league place in any division.
  12. Weyve just had the "JT is innocent" roadshow pass by the end of our road...as you can see, it drew quite a crowd..
  13. Aye J69 did you only want a trial if he was found guilty? Told you it was ridiculous in the first place
  14. Wonder if Terry will bring out a book like OJ tried to " how I would have said it"
  15. He admitted to saying it but because part of footage was apparently obscured the context was unprovable
  16. Difficult to argue with the most senior magistrate in in Great Britain tbh. Not enough eveidence,his full judgement takes 30 mins to read so its quite thorough. Theres more than a fair chance that Terry did racially abuse Ferdinand, but if theres not enough evidence to convict him then he's innocent. Same rules for all in the eyes of the law. The crucial TV footage was inconclusive according to the magistrate. Ive not seen it so I dont know, but was part of the crucial "8 seconds" as the judge put it partially obsucered as they said on the radio? Because if anyone agrees with that then thats why he was found not guilty. The rest of the evidence was one unprovable bunch of staements v another i.e. not really evidence. So he walks.
  17. Ok. Wonder who the policeman supports
  18. They used to call it "spiced ham" you know...
  19. Yeah but that doesnt go to CPS usually as most of that sort of offence is dealt with on the spot by the police. As you say this is a public order offence too. I'm really not sure, but I thought it was stated that he complained only after his bird had showed him what was said on youtube.
  20. Dunno. Wheres Mancmag, he know this shit!
  21. When I think it billionaires arent allowed to buy German clubs...theyre all basically co-ops, like Barcelona if am not mistaken. It written into the German FA's constitution iirc.
  22. Yeah but before it gets to the CPS the police have to investigate a complaint...well thats what I thought anyway. If it is as you're claiming then its reliant on somebody in the police actually seeing it then deciding to act on what he's seen, not sure if it works like that.
  23. Hoilett's on a plane bound for Monchengladbach as we speak apparently. They seem to be very attractive to half decent players at the moment...have they got a sugar daddy from Arabia or something?...
  24. "After playing for Liverpool, Real Madrid, Newcastle, Man Utd and England, I don't think I would enjoy that football." Last year he inferred that we aren't worthy of being mentioned in the same company as the other clubs he's played for...make your mind up your grasping little cunt.
  25. Who made the complaint then? If it was someone watching on tv, Ferdinand had the option of not pressing charges. "I didnt hear anything" would suffice. He could have stopped it becoming a police matter iyam.
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