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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. So NICE is a profit making organisition?....didnt realise that, I thought they were the NHS drug licensing department. It sounds worthwhile to me, but I dont have to do it.....I've got a canny contract atm, best money I've ever earned, but am bored fuckin shitless most of the time too. The people here are a good mix though...one lad usually works on "superyatchs", and judges everything in life by the standards of the hugely wealthy...he's a millionaire, doesnt need to earn the 40k a year he gets here which goes to his account in Monaco, but would be "bored" sat at home......he sits the other side of the desk from a former sergent in the Royal Marines with multiple tours of Ulster, the Balkans, Iraq and Afganistan under his belt. He came out and got a degree, and now earns £22k working direct for the company, whereas a lot of the rest of us are contracors....the yatch bloke upset him greatly this morning by stating that the limbless who return from Afghanistan are well looked after, that he shouldnt have to pay taxes at all, scroungers etc etc...this Marine's fuckin mental, played rugby for the Navy etc..think hes going to wait outside for him tonight
  2. Netiher have I.....if its not on the mat tomorrow we've to phone the club fabulously efficient box office
  3. Are you the gardening flouncer? Two of those play for another club, and 5 of those youve listed who do play for NUFC are doubtful for Saturday. Apart from that, you appear to be the new Arrigo Sacchi, well done
  4. Thing is, most folks only took notice because it was in this country. No one wants to watch the swimming they used to show on Granstand, no one gives that much of a shit, its only because its "in the faces" of your average citizen atm...I'm a sports fan in general and even I wouldnt watch a lot of stuff Granstand showed.
  5. Do they have anthing like the lottery funding that team GB enjoyed on the continent?...I remember Jake Humphrey pointing out Chris Hoy putting special electric "warmers" on his gignatic calves to keep them warm between races, and saying these are the small details that help us succeeed. Is it lack of funding that is holding Fritz and Jean Claude back?....
  6. Want a ticket CT?... Chelsea (a) ST holder sale now - zero points
  7. PaddockLad


    You will do in 4 years time when its due to be included at the Rio games He's among the best players on the planet and still very young, good bet for gold.
  8. PaddockLad


    McIroy wins the US PGA.... http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/magnificent-mcilroy-storms-us-pga-championship-win-221638500.html
  9. Well, Lille signed a fullback the other day so we'll soon see Debuchy either on strike or at Inter iyam. 3 weeks left of the window. We'll see.
  10. Aye, it looked like the rocket....." 4 nil away to Arsenal...you must be ovah tha moon!"
  11. Fuckin hell not thought about for years "Our John Willie" Didnt know Sid had a hand in that...I knew Tony Manual though, he played the lead part, and was the "canny bag o Tudor" lad, he used to work at the same place as my sister.
  12. 99.5% of atheletes going "the fuck are these fuckin pensioners?".....
  13. They'll need Debuchy to get that to work properly iyam...or an equally good player who's able to provide the width and quality that Simpson/Perch/Taylor cant. Its tricky, we'll see. Then you've got Merveux,BenArfa,Guti,Obertan,Amanlifano,Sammi A and his promising brother all fighting over 1 place up front if we expect Cisse and Ba to cover two of the posistions. Some will be ok with it, others...hmm..its going to be a very interesting month.
  14. Agreed. But we got by with Guthrie and Perch last season...Amaltifano and Perch this season?...dont know, and if that is the case we may not move on much in terms of success. If we dont sell Tiote its in a lot of ways a massive step forward squad wise this season. Thing is are any of Anita,Tiote or Cabaye going to be happy with the bench with the odd Europa game thrown in? That for me is the crux of it. Chelsea and Man City can carry a top class bench, not sure if we can. Perfectly willing to be proved wrong on that, but Pardew will enter the pantheon of the gods of he can hold all that together and keep a happy changing room.
  15. Chose to see the Pet Shop Boys over Muse at Glasto a couple of years ago....looking a good decision going by this...
  16. I've always liked a roller skating nun....
  17. fuckin hell....a medley of utter shite
  18. Pretty much it Davey. A few scales have fallen from my eyes in the last few months for various reasons. I'm willing to trust Ashley enough to see this policy he has through to its (hopefully) logical conclusion, which is a million miles away from where I was the day we sold Carroll to Liverpool. That will mean letting belting players go. I didnt see any point in welcoming the possible signing of Anita without pointing out a pretty obvious conclusion that we're stacked with midfielders. Theres been one way praise for Ashley (for his transfer market dealings anyway) in the last 18 months but he's shown he'll sell if the deal is right and with good reason. So those who have complimented him cant suddenly complain if he lets any of our better players go iyam. We're not able,in terms of squad structure and potential playing time on the pitch, to carry 3 top class central midfielders at this stage of the "project" iyam, for that I think we need regular champions league football, which means more and better players, which all require funding. To gain an advantage over the other clubs who are currently out of the champions league spots and close the gap on those who are, we'll need a "Tiote" situation. We may keep him, and it looks like we'll keep Ba. Good. But tough tackling central midfiled players dont get you champions league spots (although they can stop you from getting beat which is almost as important) so for me we're able to let him go if the offer is right and from what I've seen of Anita he's as good. So I can't really see the problem with suggesting it as a possiblity. If thats being unduly negative, its not really the end of the world. For me its a true insight into how things might go in the next few years. I could be completely wrong (nowt new there!) and Ashley will provide the funding for a side that regularly challenges for the top 4 but I cant see it, if he wants to do it he must let some of the better players go and re-invest the money.
  19. Is that who it was?? Was Roger busy or did he see McCartney the other night and bottle it?! Ray Davies did a passable job, and remains to this day a better songwriter than any of them iyam.
  20. That's precisely how the club will view it should Tiote leave. Pardew and Dekka have been intimating one or two will be shipped out for months.
  21. You're saying that as if its me that would be responsible for selling him :lol:You've got to admit its a possibility?.....theres a lot of midfielders on the books.
  22. Honestly, would you speak to anyone like that in a pub if they said something you disagreed with? Calm down,its words on a screen.
  23. A club with more money than sense?....theres two or three of them about....Chelsea for instance...is Essien the player he was..? Look, Ashley has got loads of plaudits in the last 18 months for his transfer policy. I hope folk aren't going to start laying into the bloke if one or two of the players leave. The time to lay into him would be at christams if we're fifth bottom and out of europe
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