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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. See what I mean? my neighbour is from Berlin and he's a smashing lad, but I havent had the opputunity to dig him about Teutonic Olympic failure...he may take offence and invade my back yard...
  2. You'll be better placed to judge, but for me the French think we're arrogant and we think the French are arrogant, which tells you just about everything you need to know
  3. Its tricky....since the credit crunch theres been a common school of thought of "jings! look at Ireland/Iceland...dont fancy independance now" but Salmon has adjusted his policies to suit, and with huge finds of oil off the west coast of Orkney and Shetland the more militant "indy's" are trying to make a stronger case. Salmonds "devolution +" seems muddles to me, does he just want an independant exchequer? dont see the point in that. For me, having a foot in both camps, am fairly strongly supportive of the union. Its been good for nearly every part of the UK since the end of the last war iyam.
  4. Most countries of note iyam have their national identities defined for them by their deeds on Medieval and also quite modern battle fields. What do we think of the French? surrender monkeys, who will shag your wife. The Italians? reverse gear is the most used in their tanks and they will pinch your wifes arse before shagging her. Germans? robotic automotons to be feared, would prefer to persecute your wife for being non aryan etc etc...the thing is now we dont send thousands into battle any more we're stuck, theres nothing in the age of globalisation,immigration and asylum that defines any modern nation from the other that much. So this national debate about what defines us is pointless and irrelevant to me, which leads me to completly agree with you
  5. He slagged off the capatain and the coach to memebers of the opposistion, a country in which he happens to come from. He basically wanted to knock 50 over games on the head so he could go to the IPL and earn a fortune. He was told he had to retire from all forms of the shortened game, not just one-dayers but 20-20 as well. He didnt like that and has behaved like a prize winning arsehole since. He's a narcissitic ego maniac who is about as good for dressing room morale as rampant crotch-rot. Bell and Cook are better bats iyam and Bairstow who has replaced him for this test looks very talented as well. Doubt if he'll get back in, quite right too, he gets himself out far too often to be considered truly world class.
  6. I dont think that view was ever completely valid, its just the media looking in its self obsessed mirror at itself and projecting what it sees on to the stupid and gullible. Just because there is a large-ish minority taken in by that rubbish it by no means the whole nation is. Theres millions of good people who dont draw attention to themselves in this country, and theyre not going to be featured to any great extent by the media because, by way of just quietly getting on with their lives, theyre not news-worthy. Not sure if theres ever been complete unity in this country, the days of empire and 2 world wars were probably the closest we came. The (relative) economic hardships of the latter part of that period have polarized opinions and we now have Salmon who wants to be the last king of Scotland. Its not going to happen because of the economics, and it will have very little to do with wether the London Olympics made the Celts in the UK in general feel "British".
  7. I think the regeneration of Stratford was a big thing in the "legacy" statement, and although we've had a great games and we've shown that our capital isnt just a riot strewn shithole as it appeared to the world this time last year, it has to be said that the price for the most important part of this project (imo) is nine billion fuckin quid. Amazing what you can get government and private business to spend if theres something in it for them i.e. exposure on the world stage in a paricularly good light. If theyd just decided,off their own bat as it were, to regenerate Stratford, how much would it have cost without the Olympics?
  8. True, and LTB. I'd like to enquire as to the policy employed in the selection of the list by The Fish....is it generally made up of members of what is euphamistically referred to on these boards as "the Trent posse"? I think this should be a matter of public record, as these individuals are suspected to be rogue elements and fifth colunmists
  9. Thing is we cant sing Ashley's praises for the previous 18 months dealings then complain if/when this window doesnt produce what we need. The system is the system.....theres 3 weeks left anway, lets see what happens.
  10. They used to call it "spiced ham" you know kill him
  11. ok, fair one....what I should have said was a 27 year old full back
  12. Good and bad news....no movement on any players yet but theyre introducing a new range of gourmet burgers
  13. We often averaged over 50k a season in the first football "boom time" just after the war and into the early 50s...Liverpool couldnt manage it then. Theyve won 18 league titles, they couldnt do it in any of those seasons either. And when the Sky-funded "second coming" of football occured in the 90s, they didnt have a ground big enough to do it because historically it wasnt required in the first place. If they ever move or re-develop Anfield they may get 50k, that has been the modern model, "build it and they will come". However the real boom years are over in the Premier League, and Liverpool are looking to be such an "also ran" precisely because they failed to move or redevelop in the 90s as we did and the mackems did (and in so doing increasing our attendances hugely) that they may never need 50k capacity because there may not be the demand on Merseyside or indeed worldwide to watch them as they appear now, just another mid table side.
  14. Spurs have got loads of problems too....dos Santos, having missed pre-season by playing at the Olympics, is off with Brazil this week too Looks like Livermore and Jenas in the centre of the park for them, and only Defoe up front....Defoe who scored a cracker at SJP last season like, but still...cant see their bench being anything to be scared of...
  15. Most unsuprising tweet of the summer.... No1shaygiven After a lot of thought and consideration, I have made the most difficult decision to retire from international football. It's been a great
  16. Atromitos dates now confirmed: no change Newcastle's request to switch their forthcoming Europa League ties has been rejected by UEFA and therefore the games will be played in the order they were drawn - and now confirmed as the following dates: Thu 23.08.2012 Atromitos (a) @ 8pm local time (6pm BST) Thu 30.08.2012 Atromitos (h) @ 8pm BST Home and away ticket details tbc. That means that United face the prospect of taking to the field at Stamford Bridge in the Premier League less than 48 hours after the final whistle in Athens. Live TV coverage of the Europa League will be provided by ITV and ESPN, with the former having first pick. Channel 5 have now relinquished their rights to the competition. This will be the first season of ITV's new three season deal for the Europa League, with ITV4 designated as the main broadcasting channel up to the Quarter Finals.
  17. Correct me if am wrong but all weve done is agreed a fee for Anita?...same as West Ham did with Liverpool for Carroll....
  18. Get yersel to Kings Cross early doors CT, you'll find loads of our lot, then head into town. Chepest place for a pint near the ground is the Fulham CIU club, next to what used to be the Britannia, which has now been ponced up and is called "Bar So"...its out the arse end of Fulham Broadway tube,5 min walk...
  19. Oh aye...not sure if we want your sort hanging around causing a nuisance Loads of grief at the start of last season from those who moved from Level 7 and wanted to stand...hopefully you will observe tradition on the east side of the ground and turn up with a matching tartan thermos and travel rug though
  20. Anyone want to have a go at the team for Saturday?....
  21. So NICE is a profit making organisition?....didnt realise that, I thought they were the NHS drug licensing department. It sounds worthwhile to me, but I dont have to do it.....I've got a canny contract atm, best money I've ever earned, but am bored fuckin shitless most of the time too. The people here are a good mix though...one lad usually works on "superyatchs", and judges everything in life by the standards of the hugely wealthy...he's a millionaire, doesnt need to earn the 40k a year he gets here which goes to his account in Monaco, but would be "bored" sat at home......he sits the other side of the desk from a former sergent in the Royal Marines with multiple tours of Ulster, the Balkans, Iraq and Afganistan under his belt. He came out and got a degree, and now earns £22k working direct for the company, whereas a lot of the rest of us are contracors....the yatch bloke upset him greatly this morning by stating that the limbless who return from Afghanistan are well looked after, that he shouldnt have to pay taxes at all, scroungers etc etc...this Marine's fuckin mental, played rugby for the Navy etc..think hes going to wait outside for him tonight
  22. Netiher have I.....if its not on the mat tomorrow we've to phone the club fabulously efficient box office
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