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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Try not to take things too seriously old son. Sarcasm is obviously tricky to pick up across the ethernet
  2. I'm sure I can speak on behalf of the whole board by saying that your valuble,varied and pithy contributions will be a huge loss to this thread.
  3. According to nufcfans,out of a possible 25 man squad, we've named 22 players, one of whom is Xisco That doesnt include any players under 21(?) so Sammi, Adam Campbell, Shane etc aren't in it as they can play without being named in the squad.
  4. So the "Ashley Amnesty" is over then Stevie? With the naming of the ground after his tin pot shops I thought it was a load of shite anyway. Think you're being too hasty in criticising him in the first week in September....am gonna wait till we're 4th bottom at christmas and out of Europe in the group stages before I slaughter him
  5. I do think major criticism of him is a bit premature....what would our season have been like if he'd not splashed out on Cisse in January and how many of us were confident of Ashley actually spending that sort of money on a striker?...trouble this summer has been he wouldn't spend slightly less on a fullback. I think many wouldve said "quite right too!" in May tbh....after last season, its so difficult to predict whats likely to happen.
  6. Am not going to be too harsh on him as I didnt expect too much anyway, certainly not enough to compete well on all fronts. The policy we all admired (yes, even me) last season is still the policy, so we'll just have to fuckin lump it, its a bit hypocritical to do otherwise. Many were predicting mid table last season, and many were,due to Europe I imagine, predicting finishing outside the top 5 this season back in May and seemed to be happy-ish with this. The thing for me is we should be concentrating on the league, as thats where the real money is earned. I expect a european campaign like the last one....we' should get out of the group, but we'll get beat by the first half decent team we play in the knock out stages. A domestic cup of any kind would be brilliant and perhaps manageable should we be out of Europe in early spring....cant see us having the squad to fight effectively on 3 fronts so 4 good away trips would leave me happy enough.
  7. I see a theme on here today...again, for someone inherently unstylish, even for East Boldon, you've got some neck
  8. Sorry, I'm not taking lessons in sartorial elegance from the human who most closely resembles Wallace, from Wallace and Grommitt
  9. Some flute band played the sash outside a catholic church last month....apparently things haven't been good in the area since....
  10. Zenit will soon be a Super-club...city of 4million, 1 professional club, backed by Gazprom, multi billion pound natural reources exploiter. That means they'll be paying top wages, which means they'll soon be at Europe's top table. Is Hulk among the best strikers in Europe or has he got a fuckin good agent?...Andy Carroll's better if you ask me.....
  11. Well no, but I know Murray and a mate of mine did meet him at a game, he's a good lad. But you'd have to actually attend matches to run into interesting characters like him
  12. Hunt's off for being exposed as Murdoch's bitch, the fella at Health is for the chop as well for the Health Service reforms...despite being the only fucker who fully understands them, according to the radio this morning
  13. Well, that seals the deal...think I'll be opening me Debenhams account in the morning... http://www.debenhams.com/men/bags/messenger-bags#catalogId=10001&lid=//productsuniverse/en_GB/product_online%3DY/categories%3C%7Bproductsuniverse_18664%7D/categories%3C%7Bproductsuniverse_18664_165103%7D/categories%3C%7Bproductsuniverse_18664_165103_165110_ms%7D&pn=1&pns=y&ps=default&storeId=10001
  14. Naa honestly, being away brought it to the fore...we were in the Animal shop in town on Saturday and she said she liked the one I posted. Looks a bit like something you'd deliver papers from for me. If I get one, I'll go for the full "Mourinho" I reckon
  15. Am torn like, tbf am passed the age where I care too much what folks think....think I'll maybe splash out on a leather one
  16. "kitbag curling" ..... obviously commonplace at all 80s era's comps....
  17. I wasnt a geek!...well, who didn't like star wars? ...but a lot of "normal" teenagers in the 80s carried the homework home in one of them....quite pricey iirc, had to beg me mam a couple of times at xmas.. Does Mr Catmag look like the lad in CT's piccies with his bag??!!......or is that from the holiday album CT?
  18. I used one every day till about a year ago to carry tools in at the shipyard didnt have one as a young un'....addidas,fila,ellese was more me
  19. Something to carry the mint condition Gloria Jones 7"s home in?
  20. See, I like that, had a few of these as a youn un'.... but theres a lad in our office who carries one and he's strongly rumored to be doing semi-pro porno films atm, and its fair to say women faint when he walks by them....he's about 20, am old enough to be his fatha so I think they may be for the younger, some may say even "cooler" market..
  21. tbf, I think wearing a rucksack properly looks worse than a manbag, which has sort of lead me down this road a bit... 1 rucky strap over one arm is awkard and is pissing me off....but this only arose on holiday, where there is a bit more everyday "stuff" to haul around....could take me lunch to work in it, ipod, sunnies...in the summer like....hmm.... its tempting...but some would say am needing "just for men" more than a manbag...still, Mourihno carries one, and regardless of folks' footballing opinion of him he's cool as fuck and women love him
  22. a fuckin what?? .......can you put it over your shoulder?
  23. Naa, theres plainly no chance its going to happen.....it wouldve been handy on holiday mind.....
  24. Mrs PL, in her infinite wisdom, wants me to start carrying one of these, in fact this exact model...does any of you other men-about-town ever rock the man-bag look?... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Animal-Scuff-Satchel-Olive-LU2WA044-08C-O/dp/B008FVPALK/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1346704619&sr=8-10
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