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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. So was Rocky actually ASM?....its a name I remember, but thats it...was he an abusive amoral borderline personality disorder strap-on as well then?
  2. Good points, very much agree....however, the North East was also home to Northern Rock and we wore that name on our shirts up until the middle of last season, 3 years after they had to be bailed out to the tune of 37 billion quid, all from taxpayers money. Wonga are morally bankrupt, NR went bankrupt and every one of us are paying that price. The government are using it and other financial fuck ups as an excuse to slash everything to bits. Wonga didnt cause any of that but are a successful business probably because of the likes of NR. It is a fuckin awful word though.
  3. I think its all a ploy so Ashley can keep SD as the stadiumm name. Shirts only, keep our eyes off the "hidden" bonus in all this.
  4. Just stumbled across this.....you tuning in Wolfy?......some lass on giving the dimensions of the biblical Ark....its bigger than the frigate am working on at Portsmouth Dockyard at the moment
  5. Bit harsh on the bloke. How many other chaiman of the club have put a penny in, let alone 200 odd million?....
  6. am not so sure....how much has Wonga cost the taxpayer? Wonga's morals may be questionable, but are they in a way just taking advantage of a situation that the likes of Northern Rock caused in the first place?....cant say I'm too impressed, but it may well be a shirt only deal which will let Ashley keep SD's advertising "deal" in place at SJP itself. 52k appeared to be able to put up with that yesterday.
  7. Virgin were paying 3mill a season according to the daily mail.... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2214546/Newcastle-United-sign-shirt-sponsorship-deal-Wonga.html?openGraphAuthor=%2Fhome%2Fsearch.html%3Fs%3D%26authornamef%3DSportsmail%2BReporter We wore Northern Rock for how many seasons after 2008?.... are Wonga a worse brand than NR?...
  8. Thats a fair proportion of any match going crowd you're on about there. I don't wear them, but I know and like many who do....each to their own?...it has saved us on the odd occasion from a bit of trouble too away from SJP....the Fred Perry/Stone Island brigade don't really want to mix it with The "shirts"
  9. Its simple really, I object to sky changing what actually happens on the pitch during a game, they've changed every fuckin thing else. Surely commercialism should be kept away from how a simple game has been played for over 100 years? Its the thin end of the wedge this like, this is the line in the sand for those fuckers. Dont care about cricket, tennis or any other minority sport they now own. How the game is played on the pitch should be controlled by the officials and how they interpret the laws of the game, not by a commercial operation with their eye on their subscribers and shareholders. I know am largely alone in this,and I know that to some I sound like a luddite. I don't care and obviously you're all entitled to your own opionions on it, but once they get their claws into what happens during the game it won't end there. As I said, at that point FIFA may as well give up having anything to do with the laws of the game and hand control over to a TV company.
  10. No, disagree. However unlikely things seem, they could happen. And if sky do get hawkeye used for this (and I've no reason to hope or beleive that they wont get it driven through) then FIFA might as well finally fuckin pack up and go home. Sky have changed days,dates,timings,finance,audience make up, admission prices, even how long half time is etc etc but they havent been able to change much of what happens during play in a game. This would just put the tin hat on it.
  11. It also says that youve got to be able to see 25% of the ball which, if theres bodies actually on the line, may make it as good a yesterdays video. The second system seems top be the one...but sky (who are driving this, for all the wrong reasons) wont be happy with that...
  12. What a cock end...as a member of a team, Hamilton is fuckin poison, regardless of how good a driver he is.
  13. Yeah but anything couldve happened in that period!...red cards, penalty awards....what do you do about them?..
  14. heres the spiel on the two systems...cant see sky being happy with the second one which works better....and all this has come from them.... http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/goal-line-technology-does-164718522.html
  15. They have actually trialled some stuff havent they?......cant see it being hawkeye, you're changing one of the fundamentals of the game if you stop play for every goaline decision iyam.
  16. if its a beam across the goal, how do you stop players from triggering it?...video has proved inconclusive, but the alternative looks like it could have problems. I take it the best way is a hawkeye systtem which involves stopping play, which just will not work in football becuase if its not a goal, play goes on...
  17. You cant really compare the other night with today because manu are plainly a far better side than Bordeaux. We were allowed to look good the other night, they didnt try to shut down Ferguson. Look what happened when they brought Valencia on, he was nullified. They dulled Ben Arfa by double teaming him too. We let in two poxy goals from corners, thats more of a concern.
  18. Why?........at least Gene is interesting whether you agree with him or not, or even if you think he's a bullshitter. What do do reckon? offer an opinion Andy...I fuckin dare you!
  19. What about Cabaye CT?...is Jonas to blame for him being a shadow of the player he was last season?...nowt to do with his head being turned by Spurs then?...
  20. What was he like Gene?....you're not exactly kindred spirits politics wise I wouldnt have thought.....
  21. I was just thinking that You could, on the odd occasion, have a reasonable chat with Leazes about NUFC..... even that seems to be beyond poor old Rocky....
  22. He said the other night that people dont act online as they do in real life......so he's actually choosing to be an odious wanker folks, just in case theres anyone unsure about that side of his err "personality".....
  23. Rocky, dont be a twat all your life mate, have a night off Hows the missus and bairns?....have you found them yet or is the court order still doing its job?
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