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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Fuck off and watch them then mate. NUFC clearly dont make you happy, and lets face it in Norway you have a lot of choice. If you cant see we created enough both last week and this week to win the game then theres no hope for you, or seemingly the team and Pardew.
  2. Liverpool were unlucky last season, same as this. If Suarez isnt taking the they chances create, theres no one else. Is that starting to sound familiar? Its the story of the last two games for us.
  3. Same manager and players as last season. I think the summer disrupted things behind the scenes more than we know at the moment. I know as football supporters we're not known for patience but at a club run by Ashley we're going to need it in spades. Not beyond the realms of possiblilty that one or two players leave in January, They'll be replaced, but we won't get the extra bodies we need. Its going to be a slow process.
  4. So what do we do? Can you see Ashley either sacking Pardew for losing 2 games in 6 or spending his way out of this in January? Neither of those things are going to happpen iyam. Deals are always more likely in the summer, last season was exceptional transfer wise. Its not going to be like that in every window. Patience is key here. I'm not expecting anyone to come in tbh. We may get this Douglas, he's only got 6 months left on his contract, but wil be cup tied for Europe. Pardew seems to be lacking in a few departments this season; he cant bite the bullet and play one of either Cisse or Ba in a 4-3-3 and if he was, as he claims, waiting till 1345 for clearance to play Cisse then he wants shooting. Didnt look like it had much of an effect as the performance seems to have been better, but someone was left sitting there an hour before the team was due on the pitch wondering if he was playing or not. Thats not good. But I can't see any of that being reason for Ashley to sack him 2 months into an eight year contract. We're having a shite season for loads of reasons but things won't change soon.
  5. Who do you think you're watching mate fuckin Barcelona? We've had more seasons like this than like last season.....
  6. Fickle. Dont want you joining in with the celebrations in Amsterdam in May either
  7. I'm hoping I've learnt from last season...you never know whats going to happen. We may all be pleasantly surprised come May.But the worst abuse I took was for pointing out that the squad was too weak, just after the paaaarty to celebrate 5th. Tooj asked "do you get any pleasure at all from following Newcastle?" Then as now I'm trying to keep an even keel with Ashley because as we're finding out, we yet again won fuck all last season and at the end of the day it proved fuck all as well. Feel sorry for those who are dishing out their hard earned for the shit thats been dished up this season but MT whining on like a supafan whilst no doubt barely spending a red penny on following the team is fuckin laughable. If you give that much of a shit son put your money where your mouth is. If not, join the rest of us, suck it up. It could also get far worse Dont know where to start with CT. Looks like he preferred to work today....hope he's being kept away from gaffer tape and hose reels...
  8. Youve hinted at it twice in 6 days and my moneys on you only wanting to avoid a barrage of abuse as the only reason your fingers arent truly articulating what your brain is saying.
  9. Hope she wasnt too put off mate...a lifetime of pain awaits, cruel daddy!
  10. Because weve been much the same in the last few games? Not that you'd read it on here mind. Results have been shite this season, as a squad the players havent hit the heights they did last season. What more is there to fuckin say? Is anyone on here going to tell me that Ashley is going to spend his way out of this in January? Does anyone who thinks that know what time their carer is coming round for their next dose of medication? This is still the squad,manager and recruitment system we all praised to the rafters last season so we'll all have to suck it up. Am going to spell this because I think its important but for anyone who only knows about football due to Mr Murdoch's Magic Lantern it doesnt seem to register: With Mike Ashley at the helm we're going to need real patience before we see real progress. Last season was a very pleasant abberation due to a whole host of reasons. Asking for the head of a manager who is on a no win streak of 3 league games is fuckin nuts.
  11. Can we keep this one away from the razor blades too please?...
  12. How the fuck did you survive the last relegation?
  13. I suppose as mentioned earlier its only worthwhile for those with unlimited data....or you are somewhere where the WiFi is free and you've only got your phone....and you fancy listening to some tunes....yeah, you got me wondering now CT
  14. Got this up and running this morning...tried to play a few tracks on my mobile via the excellent wifi connection at Mrs PL's place and it was fuckin shit. Kept on stopping and starting like stream that keeps on buffering. If I watch a stream here its almost always brilliant, best I've used.
  15. Not been paying much attention since relegation have you? Allardyce was sacked because he wasnt Ashleys man...Ashley went in a completly different direction finance wise after he was let go. He wanted real control instead of letting a buffoon spunk shedloads of money. So Wise and co were appointed, rightly or wrongly but the idea was to appoint a team to look after Ashleys money better than a manager would. You also seem to be implying that what we've seen this season is worse than what Allardyce oversaw?.. the football was a lot, lot worse under Allardyce. . Derby x 2, Wigan away Boxing day, Manu away where we let in 6, all among the worst performances I've ever fuckin seen in 31 years (Wigan is the worst) . We're not playing well this season for a myriad of well documented reasons. If you want to "follow" a football team that plays consisitently good football fuck off to a Manu forum. We've had more seasons like this than not, so if you stick around you'll just have fuckin well suck it up.
  16. Theyre coming!!! http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/nov/16/rangers-charles-green-england-leagues Rangers are due to float on London's AIM market by the end of the year, and Green has been trying to persuade financial institutions this week that the club have a realistic chance of playing in England. "As a football club, if Rangers were in the Premier League only Manchester United would be bigger," Green claimed. "Arsenal haven't got more fans than Rangers ... the fan base is so big."
  17. Not trying to be smart, but I've heard from a very good source that HBA is considered by the coaching staff at NUFC to be a bit too slight for that role. I disagree tbh, but thats maybe why we've not seen him in there.
  18. aah I see...a case of "you can take the boy/girl out of...."
  19. err...they not out shopping then?.....or should they have minimum wage minions doing that shit for them?
  20. Superb HF, thats put a shit eating grin on my face for the rest of the day....I'll grow up sometime soon, promise Not enough Super Fury Animals on TT either
  21. That might be the programme's PR team?....Simpson is a fuckin sap if he's fallen for this bullshit, or he may be thick enough to be complicit in it and he may possibly be actually enjoying his dubious "20 minutes". Oh dear, as someone famously said.
  22. Got to say a goal like HBA's v Blackburn knocks the likes of Ibra's the other night into a cocked hat. Theres always an element of luck with an overhead kick. Great technique by him and when added to his other 3 goals it was a brilliant performance. But for me Ben Arfa's goal is better because he's in control of everything and he's being challenged for the ball at least 3 times. Am not for a minute suggesting that Ibra just wellied it, but there is a strong element of "hit and hope" in any overhead kick because you're never truly in control of the shot. Ben Arfa's effort is the diametric opposite of that and is a better goal for it iyam.
  23. Am I right in saying this Doris is appearing in a ratings-hungry television programme at the moment?....and she's on the front page of one or possibly more tabloid newspapers?...what a completely unexpected surprise
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