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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. How much say did AVB get in who came in over the summer?....if it wasn't a great deal then he may be struggling...if they're largely his choices he should get longer than Christmas tbh...in saying that someone at Spurs has tried to implement a very large amount of change all at once this year, it was always going to be very tricky once they'd decided to spend the Bale money in one window.
  2. reckon Kagawa's on a loser with Moyes, fuck knows why like. Was telling one of their plastics yesterday, get used to mid table mediocrity at best. Fergie was the difference between that and success. The leaveraged buy out effect will really take hold now hes gone. Soon be just another club. Yeah, it also has to be said that Pardew wasn't following arguably the greatest manager in history
  3. Manu appear to have played this game the same way we've played a lot in the last couple of seasons...get a lead then defend it, inviting pressure and ultimately conceding. Moyes=Pardew?....
  4. Just heard the score on the radio as I was parking my car a minute ago...ran into this girl I know outside my flat with her new fella who, unbeknown to me, just hppens to be spurs fan....thought he was going to fuckin punch me when I mentioned they were getting twatted
  5. Him and Stalin well known devil worshippers. Well rumoured to be anyway, round our way, etc etc...
  6. of course!...hes done nowt since Janet & John...
  7. try this CT... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fatherland-Robert-Harris/dp/0099527898
  8. We'd have been a satellite state of the third riech...like a post war eastern bloc country was to the USSR for 50 years....in other words, fuckin grim...
  9. "best derby" what context are we using for this bold statement? suffice to say that each individual derby is more important than any other to individual sets of supporters... and I've been to rangers v celtic and I've seen more passion in the stands at a Southampton v Pompey game tbh..
  10. Which one?...we had a minibus full at Sheff Wed.....
  11. It snowed at half time and we all sang along to "real gone kid" by Deacon Blue...."ooowooeeoooowooeeoo" We lost the car that day. Came out of the ground and took about two hours to find it. The driver was keeping himself "refreshed" on the way down with McEwans Export
  12. I take it hes been paid for the Fury fight?..........fuckin charlatan...
  13. Or.... Celtic, inspired by Hibs, forming and putting Hibs out of business by offering all their players professional contracts. Now fuck off.
  14. PaddockLad


    Happy Birthday your royal euro popness
  15. Didn't know they were touring...theyre playing some sort of festy thing at Camber Sands holiday park next weekend with Dinosaur Jnr amongst others http://www.songkick.com/festivals/155536-all-tomorrows-parties-atp/id/16498974-all-tomorrows-parties--atp-2013#lineup Good excuse to play this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfwoYEcpQhU
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txrILqlaUlE
  17. Most of South America as far as I'm aware....Che and Bolivar will be turning in their graves, capitalist commumnists now own their homelands
  18. Hibs were Scotlands first club founded for one section of society only, with originally no members allowed from outside the CYMS. So you're advocating this sort of thing as a good thing?...typical old firm bigotry tbh.
  19. 2 of them are playing in the championship in England. Don't think many Spanish players are, or Germans, or Argies, or Brazilians. They are not in the top rank of nations. They may not even be in the second rank next summer. They were however motivated and skillfull enough to beat a bunch of overrated, underserving multimillionaires in a one off game. Is that arrogantly English enough for you?
  20. Celtic aren't a Scottish club anyway...theyre a Glasgow based Irish club......bit like MK Dons really being cockneys
  21. what the fuck were you looking for?
  22. Well they were organised and kept the ball well, seemingly knowing too much for their opponents.....but yet again I just think the players couldn't be arsed. More worrying is only 7 members of the squad started a champions league game the previous week. The Bosch, who we play on Thursday and stuffed us at the last world cup,had 17. Thing is Chile showed how good to mediocre players can be greater the sum of their parts with a bit of discipline,thought,good coaching and above all real pride in the shirt on your back, not just using the national team as a vehicle to increase the image rights payments from your sponsors.
  23. Even less thought went into this than what he employs when he's playing....and that's saying something... Fair play to Haidara for not acting the victim, I expect parts of the media to do that for him, will save him the effort in the long run....
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