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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Shola the sportsman A goal will kill these off....
  2. "that Brazilian forward" started the week being linked with Liverpool, had a medical at Spurs, and is now very likely to join Chelsea All without kicking a ball. Marvellous. http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2013/aug/23/transfer-news-latest-willian-bale-suarez-lamela Demba may get released now and come back to cheer us all up Also, it now looks like Rooney and Moyes are now stuck with each other...shame...
  3. Perhaps I missed some hidden subtley or irony when you stated that Tom loves Pardew, or perhaps you weren't being all that serious.....I dont think theres anyone on here who doesnt realise hes limited at best. As stated many times, Pardew is just a sympton, not the cause.
  4. Whether anyone rates Pardew or not, he happens to be the best manager Mike Ashley has been willing to pay for lately. Pardew's status may be changing in that regard, but have a think about who may get the job, quite possibly sooner rather than later.
  5. So its illegal in Sweden for man not to wear a condom? Thats fucked up.
  6. If we to take Pardew's utterances even half seriously since we finished 5th, then its clear that Ashley has used him to keep expectations low. 2011/12 is looking like a huge fluke now. Or was it last season that was the fluke, and we'll return to upper mid table this season?...I think its highly unlikely. When we dropped places under Keegan we knew he could could change it and take us in a different direction. Robson's first couple of seasons were ok, and all it took was the signing of a couple of players to light the spark to propel us into the top 4. We had hope after the disappointing seasons preceading 95/96 and 2001/02. We're here in 2013 and the difference is that there is no optimism whatsoever.
  7. Theres a lad from your home town who watches us regularly, his names Murray and hes a teacher in London...
  8. Fuck me theres a drink for everyone there Ludicrous. I was at Spurs last season and told one of their lot that he'll never go for the 40million fee that was being bandied about back then. Am now claiming I was right to say that
  9. Is it beyond the realms of possibility that he was in the same press confetence as Caulkin though?....
  10. hmm...a journo hasnt checked his twitter in nearly 3 hours?..unlikely Cmon Ross, your public awaits...or is Ross actually a poster on here???????????? Who is plausible enough to blag a job in the local press?.... that may amount to who's the biggest pisshead on here?...
  11. If/when Rooney goes to Chelsea next week I think we'll get Ba....
  12. If you're not in good health you're fucked in so many ways...if your first thought in the morning when you wake up is "is my body going to let me get to work today?" then its affecting everything, chiefly your earning potential. I went to the doctor yesterday morning, my backs been giving me a bit of jip lately, to the extent that its tricky getting out of bed some mornings. She started out by saying "mid forties now, you really need to take more excercise, walking 45mins 5 days a week would be good for you etc etc"..then I took my shirt off and she gave my spine a quick once over; "err...am sending you for an x ray, your spine appears to be a bit mis-shapen" Fuck knows whats wrong, but if I dont give it some attention it can only get worse. So..since I turned 40 I've had my gall bladder out, been diagnosed with chronic asthma and this year developed hay fever. And now this.It feels like I'm falling to fuckin bits. Am not unduly down about this, but if it starts to affect work then it would obviously be pretty bad. I'm self employed so no sick pay or paid time off for appointments etc.
  13. PaddockLad

    The Proms

    Its just started this minute on bbc4...been watching the docu on europop in this country, as you also undoubtedly have
  14. The thing that may fuck them over is the new stadium build. I understand why Levy wanted the Olympic Stadium. As you and others have said, have a big,clear vision and if you have a decent fanbase the big boys will lavish cash on you. I think Adidas took one look at Hall, Keegan and us lot in the 90s and saw ££££££££££ signs pinging up in front of their eyes. They cleared off as soon as they could after Ashley took over. And their last strip for us was the best we've had since the grandad collar/broon bottle 90s effort, apart from the big patch on the back. I got one bought for me, I've worn it maybe 3 times, its fabulous. I cant see the patch
  15. All I'd ask is what have Spurs done in the last decade?...they're the blueprint for every half decent sized club in the league tbh.
  16. Due for parole in 9-10 years, he'll be 35ish. His life story would be interesting, a homosexual in the US military with a conscience...if someone wrote a book or something would he get a cut to spend when he gets out?...
  17. I was born where I live, Poole in Dorset. At the age of 10 our family moved to where my old man is from, which is a hamlet in the Cheviots on the Scottish side of the border. There was a fellah there who went to SJP every other week. He'd grown up with my old man and, for good or worse , I soon came under his influence. That was in 1980/81. I'd say I'm not a Geordie but I'm definetly a Mag
  18. Before Llambias had a sudden pang of self respect he was fond of saying there's nothing more that can be done....apart from raising ticket prices. Do Puma pay more than Addidas? I hate being fair to Ashley but I think his tenure here corresponding with the recession has had an impact too.
  19. What's worse? The rest of your life in a west London embassy or 35 years in a us military prison? http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/21/us-usa-wikileaks-manning-idUSBRE97J0JI20130821
  20. Isnt that a bit of an oxy-moron though?...I take your point completley, but can you actually finance a decline in income?...do you mean he's kept the club going after relegation, and has (mostly) kept us off his back by freezing season ticket prices, which has lead to income being lower(?) than what it was in 2007ish when he came in?...
  21. Having made the club more financially stable, along with the new TV deal, I think he may be in a posistion to start getting his outlay down to the level required to make the club sellable again. He needs another 100mill at least though.
  22. Its not middle class though, its middle income. Thats the point, the people no doubt earn more than their parents could've dreamed of but their parents didnt send them to the local prep school in order for them to do so. Their kids might well go to very good schools though, thats where it changes I'd imagine.
  23. I saw the O'Grady thing too, and tend to agree. I suppose if your lifestyle changes from standing on the Gallowgate to flying club class around the world on business you probably do go through huge changes, and with the no doubt monumental change in social circles that brings you probably do consider yourself to be "different". My life hasn't changed very much tbh, so I am possibly closer to who I was when I was a teenager. You dont come across as someone who's forgotten where he's from though so behind all the baubles and trinkets and the champagne lifestyle I'd imagine its fair to say you havent changed very much, and if you were brought up in what Frank Skinner calls the "working class First Division " you have more than enough tools to get on in life if you so choose; politeness,honesty,hard working etc. If you'd gone to public school and had a similar career path you probably wouldnt have stood on the Gallowgate though, which is where the difference is for me.
  24. In the old meaning of the word, the aristocracy are the upper classes and for me they still are. Then you've got people with as you say the income to buy their way into whatever lifestyle they want to become accustomed to. Thats an infinetly huge amount of people, and those with an excess of income with which to obtain fancy trinkets and baubles may start as low as 35k. But that doesnt automatically make them middle class. Then you've got the proper working class, who could also earn in excess of 50k a year...builders are doing a working class job but a lot of them make a lot of money. Then theres people who dont want to work. The people in the middle two categories pay for them. Andprotect their homes against them. And thats it. Its all about income and mobility apart from the uppers. You've got to marry into them, which if you're from Hackney or Heaton would do their gene pool the fuckin world of good
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