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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/yohan-cabaye-transfer-didier-deschamps-5816371 Deschamps says that clubs have all the power when it comes to a power struggle Silly fucker should just keep his neb out. If Arsenal arent willing to increase the fee then theres not a lot that can be done. Other targets are being reported, dunno if this is just to make NUFC think they might lose out on a fee completlely.
  2. So if we disagree on a players abitlity we're stupid? They all need time, thats what most of us agree on. The one whos had the most is Santon, and for me hes iffy to say the least. Pardew obviuosly doesnt help. The other one is Debuchy, theres no doubt about it that he was over hyped by some on here. An international standard fullback should show better than what hes done up to now. The others a plainly very talented indeed, Mbiwa included. More good games than bad.
  3. Ok, I'll try again. Look at what you said about the players in the "genius" thread and compare it to what youve just posted. That is the dictionary definition of falling for someone else's overblown and ill formed opinions. Better to wait and judge ratther than rushing in like a hormonal teenager, pledgeing undying love. Like you did with shine. That,though, is seemingly both a love that shouldnt speak its name and also one that refuses to die . For some unfathomable reason
  4. Labour blocked it yesterday, said the only thing theyd support is full UN security council agreement on use of force and to wait until the UN observers have delivered their report. If it fingers Assad the Russians and Chinese will veto any use of force. The whole thing is hugely complicated, no one wants to arm the rebels as theyve been infiltrated by jihadists, we'd ending up arming another Bin Laden. Am all for doing nowt; its basically a war between Shias and Sunnis and frankly fuck all to do with anyone else. the trouble with That is all Syria's neighbours, Russia and the US are all pretty much involved. All I'd call for is more cash for NGO's helping the victims and refugees.
  5. I think some on here did over hype some of the January signings...twatting Chelsea didnt help perceptions either..but you and only you are responsible for falling for said hype, see the "Mike Ashley- Football Genius" thread for evidence.
  6. Not until I'd posted a response to what your thoughts were re politicans, no. Looks like we were typing at the same time. And you appear to be agreeing with our leaders that chemical weapons are a different case to convential. You may differ with the politicians on what to do about it, but I ddint mention that in my post either.
  7. So if you're ex services you obviously understand that you do the politicians bidding. Or were you only on latrine duty at Catterick? Fwiw, you and the politicans seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet. Chemical weapons deliberately tagreting civillians appears to be where they draw the line.
  8. Spurs finished 4th, we finished 5th. How that equates to finishing above them I'll let you explain We did finish above Chelsea and Liverppol though.
  9. I think Pardew has already said we're playing 442...you're right, Cisse cant play unless hes up there on his own...but Remy & Ba may be able to..fuck knows anyway, it'll be whoevers fit..
  10. Yeah but they come under the headings "conventional weapons" and "collateral damage". That can be bullshitted away by foreign governments by saying that these are the unfortunate consequences of any war. I understand a grieveing mother wouldnt give two hoots about how their child dies, but targetting civillians with poisonous gas is where the West seemingly draws the line. Its all a calculation.
  11. Chelsea triggered Ba's release clause last January, they offered him a contract on the back of it. The manager has changed, now if they bring in Rooney he's 4th choice at best. World Cup at the end of the season. Common sense by all parties iyam. Sign the fucker up.
  12. Is it because gas hasnt been used on the battlefield in nearly 100 years, and when it has been used in that time, its been purely to target innocent civillians?...
  13. Well he couldnt play off Demba...I think he's got good movement and plays well when our midfield plays well. Some of the goals last season in the last minute were down to him making the same runs as hed made dozens of times during the game where the ball hadnt been put in the right place for him. He's had piss poor service in the Man City game, he was so isolated he ended up trying to play with his back to goal which just isnt his game at all. He seemed not to know where to make his runs on Saturday as there was a 15 stone stationary object next to him confusing the issue. So thats where you get zero shots on target from. If I was Pardew I'd bring Demba back because it would allow us to play shite and sometimes get something from a tight game. The midfield is unable atm to create the accurate service Cisse needs to thrive.
  14. Why?..we did nowt when Saddam did Falluja in 87
  15. Someone said last week that the Sunni v Shia conflcit is afoot all across the muslim world. And with Russia backing Assad to the hilt it makes things very, very difficult for the US et al to intervene. Sad to say, best let them get on with killing each other. Tragic for the innocents though.
  16. CT looks ike he's auditioning for the first live action Wallace and Grommit film
  17. Curbishley's a cockney...thats his foot in the door at least...
  18. Why didnt they just sack the cunt in June and appoint Kinnear then if they felt that strongly? I imagine Llambias being there prevented that, he's fucked now though. If we get relegated then I imagine that will just prolong Ashleys tenure at the club. If he wants to protect his investment he needs to bring a couple of strikers in at least. Hes a silly fucker if hes learned nowt from last season. He strikes me as mean and petty in business; see what he did to JJB sports. He doesnt want to spend until Cabayes sold for a price hes happy with. It could all be too late by then though, the stupid fuckin cunt...
  19. Think you're right, also thing that process has already started...from the weekend interview with the dof: Before the season started, we had sat down and agreed the squad was big enough, and strong enough, to finish in the top half of the table. But we are working together not plotting against each other.
  20. Only after the club had accepted an offer for the player from LFC mind. If the offer is accepted, its does rather send a big signal to the player himself.
  21. Has the mini version been released in the UK yet?... It apparently keeps the dr dre speakers and the fabby camera but am not sure what the downside of it is?..
  22. People were a lot keener on staying away 20/30 years ago. Possibly a stronger sense and tradition of dissent in society in general caused that. Now we just let ourselves be sedueced by comparitively cheap tickets and turn up every other week to be fucked over yet again.
  23. Think we got a point at OT first game of that season ourselves Good comments Tom, momentum is crucial at any club at any level
  24. Burnley beat manu as I remember....Burnley still went down...
  25. Aye, all fair enough. What if Arsenal put a bid in though?..it does rather change the equation where we're concerned. If a bid comes in and is accepted, what is Krul supposed to do?..sit where he is?..not many players would do that. Arsenal have been here before, the press force poor old Wenger into spending. The press decided they needed defenders when they got spanked by manu in August the season before last and he signed Mertesecker and Sandros on deadline day. I think they need an upgrade on the Polish lad if they want to close the gap, whether Wenger feels that way is a different story, but Krul is miles better than Szczesny.
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