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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. It depends on the day,time and location tbh....Everton and Man City were down in numbers, both Monday night games and shite performances. Villa and Cardiff were were full and in good voice for obvious reasons, Saturday, 3 o'clock, good performances.
  2. Fuckin hell http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/england/10384676/Roy-Hodgson-forced-to-apologise-in-bizarre-race-row-after-making-joke-about-England-winger-Andros-Townsend.html "London biased media darling Redknapp"
  3. Hats off to audacious Bosnia-Herzegovina There is so much to celebrate about Bosnia-Herzegovina's qualification for Brazil, primarily the happy aside it offers to a country that has suffered so much. It is also a boon for neutrals because they are far more fun to watch than Greece, the team they beat to the top of Group G on goal difference. Whereas the best Greek players are defenders, the brightest Bosnian talent is in attack – and their manager, Safet Susic, has the wit and neck to choose his tactics accordingly. Only Germany, Holland and England have scored more in the European qualifiers than a Bosnian team that hurtle at opponents with no handbrake. "It may sound tactically immature, I am fully aware of that, but I just think it would be wrong to play different," said Susic ahead of the decisive win in Lithuania, where his side only scored once despite playing with their usual abandon. "I just think that it would be wrong to play differently. We know that we expose ourselves too much and that there is a huge risk in a way we play – using one defensive midfielder and opening up huge space for an opponent – but it would be unfair to the fans, to the game and to us if we were to suppress such a talent and such a skill. We know that it can cost us, but that is the price we are willing to pay. In the end, we play to score more goals than the opposition – and it has paid off so far."
  4. To be fair I think Belgium are just another horse now, so am expecting a spectacular failure....bit like when Pele and dozens of others tipped Colombia in 94 after a brilliant qualifying campaign but were fuckin hopeless at the finals Am pleased for Bosnia-Herzogovina, first time theyve qulaified Pleased for Hodgson too, he's a good egg really and I've also seen his tadger in the toilets at Schipol Airport (ftao Stevie: nowt to be shy about our Roy )
  5. Agreed, but you've posted it yourself in the past that Allardyce got a standing ovavtion from us at Stoke in the cup game before he got sacked. I was there, its true. The Keegan comment is just bizzare.
  6. flippanty flip ask the questions CT, truly have a good think about it. If immigration really was an election issue ukip would have over 100 seats at the last election, when the recession first bit. For the record, I had no work for 6 months off and on around that time but it didnt make me want to shoot the Polish folk upstairs or put a poster of Nigel Farage in my window. You're either easily mainpulated or bored out of your skull btw
  7. While the NUFC support had lost all confidence in Caçapa as a player after the Portsmouth debacle, he slotted anonymously back in the side and was not responsible for any major disasters as the hated Allardyce administration gave way to the populist fiasco of Keegan’s second coming. Indeed Caçapa scored in Keegan’s return game, a 4-1 battering of Stoke City in an FA Cup replay. I was always willing to give Gene the benefit of the doubt as he's a bit different to your usaul punter but I think he was off watching West Allotment Celtic while all this was going on and so had to research this article on NO
  8. Yeah, its like he'd quite like to be an axe murderer but cant find that page on google
  9. Have you ever asked yourself who wanted mass EU immigration in the last decade,who facilitated it, and who in the big scheme of things benefited most from it?
  10. Labour didnt fuck up CT, they called it "an experiment" without really giving two fucks about the results. They only did what the EU and their corporate paymasters wanted though; i.e. supply a huge pool of cheap labour which can be easily exploited; "flexible workforce" etc etc.. And as for banning those wanting a better standard of living thats pretty much what every wave of immigration on every continent throughout history have wanted tbh so thats a tall order iyam
  11. That is easily in my all time top 5 tracks of all time, like ever....I'd use Sarah Cracknell's pubes as dental floss to this day
  12. Do you expect Andrew, as a Newcastle United supporter, to compete with the top 5 clubs? I have only ever seen us briefly compete around the top 4 or 5 in 32 years of watching us. My expecatations on the back of that, and with Mike fuckin Ashley as owner of the club, are minute. Pardew is conforming to the media party line of us as suppoters, he also seems to want to manage one of the biggest clubs in the country and have absoloutely no expectatins placed upon him whatsover. He's talking uttter fuckin shit man.
  13. How much immigration has there been in Boldon CT?
  14. For CT, best wishes, Shane x http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/ferguson-enjoying-northern-exposure-29657625.html
  15. Seen it meself, utterly depressing. Better than Kinnear atm?...
  16. do you think the authorities are informed automatically if your score is on the high side?...Ant?...you still there?...Ant?.......
  17. its the lack of empathy with others that its measuring. Do you torture insects or put cute rodents in microwaves?
  18. He loved it in 88 when they won the euros in Germany...there was a near riot in the village pub the night Rikjaard gobbed in Rudi Voellers hair, he defended the right of the whole of Europe to treat Germans in this manner
  19. 8-1 v Hungary last night http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/11/holland-hungary-world-cup-qualifying-match-report That will keep my old man happy...hes tipped the cloggies to win every tournament since 1974....hes 78, doesn't have sky or anything,the players are only names in the paper to him, but he's like Halley's fuckin comet, every other year "I fancy the Dutch me like"
  20. You sound like CT now Am afraid I cant swallow what they feed me tbh. All smoke and mirrors. £1.5billion in pre tax profits makes for very happy shareholders I understand the infrastructure needs constant upgrading, and this is how the Thatcher government decided how it would be paid for. It didnt mention that bills would go through the roof to do it or that the service provided would be arguably poorer. As has been pointed out earlier in the thread, the royal mail will go the same way.
  21. No and lets face it, you'll need your windfall to pay your increased energy bill this winter. Good old privitisation; keep a minute number of shareholders happy by holding the country in general to ransom
  22. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/oct/08/jack-wilshere-januzaj-england Jack Wilshire...refreshing honest modern footballer or thick gobshite who's been tucked up by the media?
  23. Did JawD get too pissed to ask the great man anything then?
  24. Michael Atkinson's new blog, canny read again http://onbarrackroad.com/2013/10/07/memories-arent-made-of-this/#comment-99
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