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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Who are the "sack Carver cunts" of which the colonial speaks??
  2. It is a good point, but is cancelled out by blaming the supporters for actually getting us to this point. They wanted a half decent coach in January. Ashley didn't though...
  3. There's an expensive bar at the bottom of the road round the corner from where we've just moved to...full of Ashley's sort; flash, money obsessed wankers. I keep having fantasies about wandering past and seeing the cunt in there with a bottle of champagne in a bucket.....I wander in and casually smash the bottle and the bucket over the fuckers head...
  4. An d to put the tin hat on today.... http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=Bn9A17-NEVefrN8u_7gbHrIHAAf6pqcsGAAAAEAEgtvCLGTgAWJa4ovLwAWC7rpmD0AqyARN3d3cudGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvLnVrugEJZ2ZwX2ltYWdlyAEJ2gFsaHR0cDovL3d3dy50ZWxlZ3JhcGguY28udWsvc3BvcnQvZm9vdGJhbGwvbmV3cy8xMTU3ODExOC9Gb290YmFsbC1mYW5zLXRvLWJlLWJyZWF0aGFseXNlZC1iZWZvcmUtbWF0Y2hlcy5odG1sqQJ82LlPKGm5PsACAuACAOoCLS82NTgyL3RtZy50ZWxlZ3JhcGguc3BvcnQvc3BvcnQuZm9vdGJhbGwubmV3c_gC8tEegAMBkAOMBpgDjAaoAwHgBAGQBgGgBh_YBwA&num=0&cid=5Gin-CnI0Y_ok4leFAsx4BG-&sig=AOD64_3iWDuam60eXGC_MOzV85I1a1u95Q&client=ca-pub-1913689570712666&adurl=http://t.email3.telegraph.co.uk/res/telegraph_t/Election45-offer5.html%3FWT.mc_id%3Dtmgoff_sub_election-pin_20150408
  5. Worst thing about that is he only gets a one match suspension....
  6. 23 years ago today.... http://www.nufc.com/2014-15html/1992-05-02leicester-a-report.html Went on the Berwick supporters club bus. An unforgettable day. Stopped in Gateshead on the way home where one of the bus drivers grabbed a piss taking mackem and put him through a kebab shop window. Doesn't just seem like a long time ago it seems like a different universe. 4 months before the start of the FA premier league...
  7. Will they just call it a draw for a megabucks rematch?.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  8. I wouldnt exactly welcome it, but relegation may be the quickest way to significant change at the club...2 relegations in 6 years would prove whatever the fuck Ashley has been playing at isnt working...
  9. That smarm bucket Cameron was on Jeremy Vine chuntering along the same old shit again today..."Labour will be borrowing forever"....this after the coalition have borrowed more in 5 years thatn Labour did in 12 but with this bullshit austerity narrative. What government doesnt borrow?? Why Labour aren't pushing that right down the tory's throats am not sure?...
  10. I saw Boris on Andrew Marr on Sunday morning basically having the piss taken out of him by Milliband. What Rich Hall said about him was spot on tbf, Boris is like an extra from the film Witness..
  11. Leicesters game in hand is v Chelsea, therefore "nil point" We'll scrape through I reckon, Hull hurt the mackems far more than us tonight...
  12. did you prefer Budwieser then?....
  13. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/general-election-2015-ed-miliband-says-he-profoundly-disagrees-with-russell-brand-10209963.html Not entirely sure who this benefits most
  14. Heres a famous AFCB old boy...anyone want to hazard a guess?...
  15. Think all its got to conform with is the safety at sports stadiums regs, capacity is irrelevent. 10k at the moment but theres a temporary stand at one end which theyre on about making more larger and more substantial in the summer. They put half season tickets on sale at christmas and they were all snapped up, apparently theres 7k season ticket holders now, meaning there may be as few as 1k tickets on sale for each home games next season if capacity doesnt increase this summer.
  16. Up the cherries tonight.. https://youtu.be/cKPgvcuN3yQ
  17. He must know now himself that he's out of his depth. And he's plainly forgotten what it's like to be "one of us" if he wants to get the stewards involved in shutting the fans up ffs. If he couldn't judge for himself in January that he wasn't up to it technically and being Ashleys voice to the world is going to make you deeply upopular then he's got no one to blame but his fuckin self.
  18. "Trendy Wendy, you know what I mean?...." https://youtu.be/xrDqOKEPs0Y
  19. If we stay up there will be no change though MT regardless of who is appointed manager, unless it is Carver in which case we'll be on our way down when he eventually gets the sack in the autumn. Theres the square root of fuck all to look forward to in either case.
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