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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. According to the press he's energising a lot of youngsters...am not suggesting for a second he could be elected as PM but if Davey Milliband turns up in a few years and takes the reigns of a carriage building some momentum and keeps it on course?..
  2. That might not be the point...if Corbin wins does it drag the debate Labour is having with itself (and by default with the face it wants to show the British public) to the left? will they have to move away from disappearing up the tories' arse? saying austerity is a lie isn't necessarily an extreme position, regardless of what the ideology of the SNP's more hardcore membership is, their mouthpeices have sold that idea brilliantly to 5 million people. I think that's an impossilble trick to pull in England but I also thought the SNP were a joke 5 years ago too..
  3. Sorry Fist,as a booby prize you win a night out with well known Newcastle United historical genius/toontastic.net pariah Christmas Tree
  4. Real Madrid was not content with renting and having purchased land in the northern Chamartin district of town, set about building a stadium. Architect José Maria Castell was commissioned to design a 15,000 capacity stadium and he did not disappoint, coming up with a typical estadio inglés. It featured three open banks of terracing and one covered grandstand, which held 4,000 and had a central pointed gable on its pitched roof. The Campo de Chamartin would not have looked out of place next to the great designs of Britain’s leading stadium architect Archibald Leitch. As if to underline the very Britishness of the new arena, English cup-holders Newcastle United were invited to open the new stadium on 17 May 1924, and a sell-out crowd watched the locals prevail, winning 3-2 with Real Madrid’s Félix Pérez scoring the first goal at Chamartin. http://www.estadiosdeespana.com/posts/madrid-campo-de-chamartin/
  5. Newcastle United were invited to play the inaugural game at this continental stadium...this photo may or may not show that particular game but it does show the stadium in the period concerned... anyone want to hazard a guess?...
  6. An official EU appointed and uniformed force working out of official EU reception centres would be a start, based in the likes of Sicilly and Crete and other major points of entry. Then it may be getting dealt with on sovereign states' soil but not at their expense. Things can then be assessed. And if there's a policy to send some back for decent legally binding reasons, so be it.
  7. Can you do something about the seating? Like sardines in there when its chocka with those booth things
  8. Yeah it's over priced tourist trap twaddle tbh...the little quiches are home made though...
  9. It's a good quality cotton t shirt and it's utterly fab, not sure when I'll wear mine but I couldn't resist
  10. Pork pies, locally sourced meats, pickled veg, quiche, sardines....couple of places on Poole quay do it, it's like a buffet for the broadsheet set... I've always wanted to open a shop selling vinyl & CDs, new/old etc....the blueprint is just up the road from Poole in a small market town... https://www.pixieme.org/businesses/4144/square-records http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/12900242.Vinyl_lovers_queue_for_two_days_outside_music_shop_for_Record_Store_Day/ they're well established but starting one from scratch and making it a success is probably impossible...these lads in Pompey introduced something else to attract the customers... http://www.pieandvinyl.co.uk
  11. Good to see you getting your money's worth Doc
  12. Crisis?..is it really? Or is it a crisis because the daily mail etc says so?...silly season atm + an immigration story=crisis. There's literally nothing to be done, people want a slice of the good life and know they can take advantage of EU laws to get it. If I was in sat in Homs or Darfur I'm fuckin sure I'd be on my bike.
  13. It's all very well saying "we should be signing x,y and z" but it does smack a bit of forgetting who owns the club....whatever happens, not everything that needs addressing will be. So stop fretting Quiff, it's a pointless excercise.
  14. Ted Nugent (Google is your friend here kids ) says the Cecil the lion story is A GODDAM LIE! http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/jul/30/ted-nugent-cecil-the-lion-story-is-a-lie
  15. Oooofft!.... https://www.facebook.com/TFOOTBALLBible/videos/503374553156083/
  16. That looks a tough league where Demba Ba has gone to this season.... https://www.facebook.com/WorldTruthTV/videos/853854094730973/
  17. I think one of the subjects of this missive writes for the daily mail... http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/07/28/a-doctor-writes-on-sarah-vines-decision-to-take-michael-gove-to-the-wrong-nhs-facility/
  18. Confirmed.....still got to apply for a visa though, must be a formality now though? http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20150730/mbemba-completes-magpies-move_2281670_4899136?
  19. From the Guardian, is this you Gloom? “Hi Niall, as someone who has tickets for tomorrow, I am despairing at the current state of play.” moans Luke Stevenson. “Obviously, it’s great for England, however my dad just texted me asking if I fancy a day at the Black Country museum instead.”
  20. Agreed, if you believed in it as a movement that meant something in 76 by the end of 78 you'd have probably been suicidal the way things panned out..
  21. I wouldn't have been able to comment much about current stuff either until about 6 months ago but during the day if they're playing a dance track radio one is like a "TRANCE NATION 97" compilation. It's fuckin dreadful. EDIT: I was referring to Chez's comment about how huge it is now. Undeniably true but in that regard also musically stagnant.
  22. And that's the difference, they were all art school posh, all ideologically driven, so was punk. They used young working class kids to send their message to the masses. Mike Pickering imported some banging tunes. Am certainly not saying one is better than the other but to claim rave was similar to punk in ethos us just plain wrong iyam.
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