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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. This from the "biggest teenage Everton fan in Bootle"....a fuckin turncoat along with his old man who ditched following EFC as soon as the reds appeared on the horizon. Footballers forget about what its like to actually support a club very, very quickly. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/jamie-carragher-find-baffling-newcastles-10589388
  2. Being the best shite out of a parcel of shite is still shite though....don't get me wrong, am as chuffed as nuts tonight but we're below average in a piss poor league at the moment.
  3. Wait a minute, they were the difference today fair one but they both deserved to be dropped when they were. Short term memory loss is chronic round here If we can beat Villa then Ashley's shit kickers will be putting together a tidy little run..we're showing fight and bottle. It goes a long way.
  4. jesus Christ...how did the doc get that out in one go?
  5. 30 sparks and pipe fitters off to one of those all you can eat places on Friday night, next door to a wetherspoons for before and after. We asked Strawb but the snobby fucker said he'd rather spunk 400 quid on a bottle of Cristal before dining at the new Gordon Ramsay place in town......
  6. Tbf, his low point was winning the cup with manu in 77 then ruining it all by shagging the physios wife...
  7. This. There's a Blur album cover that was done by Banksy,the one without Graham Coxon, Thinktank?...
  8. you meant there's some other source of digital media?? What did you used to use on your copy of Parklife again?...
  9. Can anyone recommend a good tool for ripping/burning cds and dvds?....got a new laptop and cant remember what I used on the old one...it had a graphic that strangely reminded me of a sort of yellow and red chicken?...cheers..
  10. McLaren must've had Tarrabtat at QPR?.... where Redknapp said he was the worst pro he'd ever come across
  11. Yeah, 5 wins and a draw though in August including beating manu seemed to be a continuation of their decent form from last season. They've not won a game since so something has gone horribly wrong.
  12. Was at the away game at Swansea earlier this season and thought they looked pretty good. Moreno,Ayew and Gomis all looked good signings and Shelvey dominated in the centre of the park. Strange how they've fell away, but theres obviously problems. Rogers was odds on at tea time, so hes maybe just changed his mind?..
  13. You reckon?... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34975178
  14. PaddockLad


  15. Looks like its a poll of the good people of Iowa only http://www.hngn.com/articles/158200/20151208/ted-cruz-leads-republican-candidates-monmouth-poll.htm
  16. Sorry 5% behind Ted Cruz... read it at lunchtime.... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-responds-to-criticism-over-banning-muslims-from-us-i-dont-care-a6764291.html
  17. hmm...5 points behind the leader to be Republican candidate in the last poll before these comments
  18. I'll be here all night now man http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/any-reason-why-most-newcastle-seemed-to-stay-until-the-end.1169316/
  19. Did central office clear that comment?
  20. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/dec/05/jeremy-corbyn-new-politics-self-righteous-left-wallows-in-cruelty?CMP=fb_gu
  21. I personally don't have a problem with that but where does freedom of speech stop and intolerance start? It's not the likes of Mr Khan slashing people's throats in East London so I don't see why he should be lumped in with any fucker who would randomly attack anyone for whatever reason.
  22. Gig here for you this morning Rents... Pegida UK Leader Timothy Scott Quits After 'Epic Fail' Channel 4 interview, 'Confirms He Does Not Have PTSD' http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/12/05/pegida-uk-leader-timothy-scott-resigns_n_8727296.html Doubt if some channel 4 pinko apologist would've held any fear for you on current form....this is the road you're going down and it just leads to more intolerance. To stop Isis we need to start with their ideologues, and as long as we're buying their oil and selling them arms nothing is going to change. Am frankly clueless as to how we go about that,but that's not my job. Condemning all of Islam out of hand may make you feel better and appear a smart fucker on the Internet but if you think that is addressing how we go about stopping these fuckers then you've about as much clue as Pegida or Britain First has.
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