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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. So youre playing Colback and Anita at home in front of Wijnaldum?....are you actually Alan Pardew?...
  2. Am I missing something here??...£289...did you get some extra kit?.. https://oneplus.net/uk/oneplus-2
  3. I read this post with a frisson of excitement the other day....seen Prodigy loads so was giving them a miss but as you say more than worth a ticket for the support...had a look at where they were playing but there was nothing near here that was do-able easily...even toyed with a weekend in Sheffield for the Saturday night gig there but couldn't really justify the cost, so was a bit pissed off..until last night when they announced what appears to be their last European gig of the year at the Bournemouth O2, 5 miles away...for some reason, I've never seen them so this has been the best part of 30 years in the making. Am stupidly exicited
  4. Regardless of your opinion of Corden, this is fuckin class... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqrvm2XDvpQ#action=share
  5. Still don't know why Tiote didn't make the bench last night...Taylor too, although physioroom says superstevo has a knock..
  6. I agree with a lot of that tbh but, despite on the face of it possessing formidable physical assets, Moussa is a fuckin pansy. He's the anti-Tiote, who is who we actually need in there, preferably fit and motivated.
  7. If he's not an attacking midfielder wtf is he then?....try not trot out any phrase that includes the words "box", "to" or "box" either...
  8. 90 million spent in 12 months and we've won three games since January. Modern football is a complete headfuck.
  9. He put Mbemba under pressure with a shocking backpass for their first goal...canny footballer but he makes costly mistakes or gets sent off too often for me, another yellow tonight. He's approaching Santon territory for simple mistakes and inconsistency iyam.
  10. Haidara only had to jockey him ffs, as soon as he went to ground it was a certain goal...
  11. Its not a shock for me tbh I was going to suggest taking fuckin Rocky and Bulwinkle in the middle off at HT and bringing Tiote and De jong on...but Tiote's not on the bench and as far as I can remember he's not injured...??
  12. Someones just sent me a txt saying the traffic is murder in East London and the players have had to walk the last bit to the ground, where they arrived at 1910
  13. @@Meenzer....hows your Russian mate?...how would they say GET IT RIGHT FUCKIN UP YE!!! http://i100.independent.co.uk/article/the-russian-embassy-is-trolling-david-cameron-about-jeremy-corbyn--b1lePn9M8g/?cmpid=facebook-post
  14. Yeah I think Cisse will start, McClaren's been bumming him up over the weekend...a lot of teams I've seen have de jong in behind and only one holding...which would be brave away from home for Schteeve...
  15. The one with the Kemps? I sort of liked that, the most interesting thing for me wasn't the twins though, it was how they were both dominated by the women in the film..I think that's that's the subtext to their whole story tbh..they wanted to please their mum and her mates..something to do with the war iyam, at the end when Billy Whitelaw talks about the whats lying at the bottom of the Serpantine, that's a genuinely horrifying and affecting scene, and its apparently mostly true..
  16. Wtf have you got piled into your wheelie bin so you can't shut it CT? is it one of 2013's fads?...budgie's cage perhaps?...
  17. That's class Caught another Jeremy at lunchtime,Mr Vine of wireless fame describing Ed Milliband as "left wing"....the bbc is chock full of biased tory fuckwits who have no idea what the fuck has been going on in Parliament during the last decade. Milliband was so left wing Gideon stole half his policies after the election ffs
  18. No shadow in defence yet....might be tricky to find a unilateralist who wants to leave NATO in todays Westminster....he'll be stuck with someone who need a minister's salary for that gig iyam. Whoever it is, you'd think there will have to be a huge amount of give on Corbyn's side..
  19. You reckon? He's giving Ken Livingstone a peerage so he can get him into the cabinet
  20. Jezza's first two names on the team sheet.. Shadow Home Secretary: Andy Burnham Shadow foreign secretary: Hilary Benn so far, so blairite... John McDonnell tipped for number 11, PLP tipped for mass coronary if that happens
  21. Roy Jenkins, Labour Home Secretary in the 6Os....legalised homosexuality, abolished capital punishment, and put in place legislation for the contraceptive pill and the abortion bill. A truly great man iyam.
  22. Milliband listened to focus groups and formed his policy from there because although hes a decent person he didn't have any real beleif in himself to deliver a radical anti austerity message. Corbyn is a conviction politician to his marrow from the old skool of the UK Labour movement. He implicitly beleives he's right and is confident about his own ability to deliver the message in a way that Milliband never was. He came over as a nervous confused man trying to please all and in the end pleasing no one.
  23. Why can't it be delivered? You seem to be saying that it's ok to use public money save the banks followed by huge rafts of worldwide quantative easing to boost a flatlining economy, but when it comes to helping the less fortunate members of society the coffers are empty? What you're saying is theres no will to change things. And you're almost certainly right about that among most of the UK electorate because they're cynical, apathetic and plain old not interested. Corbyn is the opposite and he's out to engage people. I have huge doubts whether he'll succeed but I'd rather go down his road than the morally bankrupt status who you seem happy with. Look at Scotland . Theres huge swathes of very conservative people voting for socialists because they know the fuckin wankers running this country are having us over a barrell.
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