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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. The brass neck on the fucker.., http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/11-ways-iain-duncan-smith-made-life-harder-for-the-most-vulnerable-people-in-britain-a6941116.html
  2. Turns out she's a property lawyer in Sydney http://www.kreissonlegal.com.au/team/claire-martin/ Not allowed to book it though..The current Mrs PL (who is still avoiding murder despite 4 weeks in a camper van ) has asked her friend in Sydney to sort something out so we've got to wait till she's heard back from her... This friend she's not seen in 6 years...who is asking her friend...who's a travel agent...
  3. https://airbnb.com/rooms/11826656?s=8&user_id=63679148&ref_device_id=d9747c026b056987ffbf5c9b0a2d796024f7f0be Don't think it's traceable on trip advisor?...
  4. Didn't see any of it, we're in Invercargill NZ and it was on at 0230 this morning. Briefly shared a txt conversation with a "refreshed and relaxed " Howmanheyman this morning so didn't really get to ask if anyone reckoned we'd have got a point with McLaren in charge?... EDIT: just seen the "thanks Rafa" thread...nothing to see here....
  5. Airbnb.... I know some of you have used it, looking at something for Sydney in the first week in April, a flat came up on the south side for the same price as a room in roughly similar areas but the landlady's profile is completely blank with no history or details. Common sense tells me not to touch with a shitty stick with CT strapped to the end of it, but it's a bargain and ideal for what we need
  6. Fish got banned for actually calling them wall pushers Theres not one of those ex Liverpool players worth listening to. The media promote manu's 'brand" every time they utter the U word. Fuckin criminal.
  7. That article makes horrific reading if you weren't around in those days and are judging it by the safety standards of today. Am not really trying to play down what happened (it was obviously a horrifying thing to happen) but am just wondering how a lad from Ulster has a chip on his shoulder about scousers from 30 years ago? Some kids on bmx's booted my car door when we were trying to get away from Anfield one year, but the Berwick supporters bus I was on got bricked at Filbert Street in 92. I know what shit me up more but I don't really have a problem with either set of fans. There's violent pricks everywhere in society and always has been, most have stopped going to football now though, mostly because they can't afford it anymore.
  8. Still sore about being banned from rawk
  9. A ruck inside a football ground in the mid eighties was hardly an uncommon occurance. The ground was deemed fit for purpose (as was Hillsborough) and the article points out both clubs don't bother much about it now. So am not sure what the point is here.
  10. Fair amount of spin here is imagine but interesting all the same... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/barack-obama-saudi-arabia-us-foreign-policy-syria-jihadism-isis-a6927646.html
  11. His man management leaves something to be desired, according to that paragon of virtue Craig Bellamy According to Bellers book, he told him to find another club on the flight back from Athens after the scousers had been beaten by Milan in the 2007 champs league final. But he's also the best tactician Bellamy has worked with, but there's no personal relationships with the players as such, it's strictly business. But he's won 12 trophies so it might not be worth worrying too much about. I think there will be a huge clear out this summer if we stay up, there certainly won't be any sentiment shown to anyone....that's you, Steven Taylor, and while we're on about it the same goes for you, El fuckin Capitano
  12. Rafa is a member of the seemingly still existing football board and hadn't met Ashley yet... http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/mar/12/newcastle-rafael-benitez-relegation-battle?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Also, he says the city of Liverpool is similar to the city of Newcastle upon Tyne....don't tell Stevie ffs
  13. I think it was driven by the agent they employed to get a new man in. Carr is the only one with any idea about modern day football and he wanted his mate McLaren badly, so am thinking he wasn't consulted. Charnley would barely know Benitez from fuckin Benny Hill. I think Ashley gave this gig to what was referred to in the media last week as an "intermediary" and it's him who either approached Benitez, or took the first call from Beniez's people, and also the same person who handled most of the negotiations when our esteemed football board were fuckin train spotting at York station.
  14. I remember Rafa brought Liverpool here in his first season as manager there, sometime maybe in Feb/March? beat them (think Souness was our manager?) and I told a Liverpool supporting mate that they were the worst Liverpool team I'd ever seen and the Spanish manager wasn't much good....3 months later they won the Champions League This on paper is a great appointment. If he keeps us up he could change the entire "mentality" of everyone associated with the club. This man also knows how to win cup competitions. And Allardyce fuckin despises him, with the feeling somewhat mutual
  15. It's being done by an agent, possibly approached by Charnley, to approach Rafa's agent to see if Rafa is approachable?...press as usual keeping the names of the "shady middlemen" out of reports. Anyone know who the club's pet agent is? Most have a " go to man" at times like this
  16. He wouldn't take it even if he was offered it, which he won't be. Wrong end of England and Alan Carr giving him a list which Charnley says yes or no to money wise isn't how Redknapp works. It'll be Moyes or Pearson, probably Pearson iyam.
  17. Strikes me as they're looking for a replacement but no fucker wants it....given the low qualifying standard for candidates (must be on nodding terms with two or three local semi pros, and be wiling to do as they're fuckin told) that's a predictable but utterly depressing outcome of Ashley's tenure. No one with a modicum of ability or common sense will touch us with a shitty stick.
  18. Sometimes it takes me a few seconds to tune into them...stayed with an old mate of mine in Mangonui who left the UK with his wife but is now living with a Maori girl....she couldn't understand a word I said and then taped me talking so her kids could hear someone apparently worse at speaking English than they are Where are you mate? If it's anywhere on the North island there's a fair chance I've been there in the last month...sail for Picton on Friday
  19. Am in NZ at the moment and these fuckers aren't sure if English is even my first language which is a bit rich from a nation who pronounce fish and chips as fush and chups... Isn't there a kiwi or two on here? Fuckin sort it out lads, it's abysmal
  20. You make Quentin Crisp sound like Tommy fuckin Vance I sound like Miss Jean Brodie whilst she's getting rattled by the caretaker in the boiler room
  21. Cherries will get at least a point I reckon,they've been poorish away from home at times but they always play on the front foot and their strikers are comparatively on fire. Doumbia will have to have a Mickey Quinn type full home debut if we're going to get three points.
  22. Off the top of my head and having not taken as much notice as I usually would have Leicester humped anyone really? They've been pretty consistent which is all you'll need to win this league iyam, but they've not been properly sweeping teams aside...
  23. Her parents blew the whistle Noelie because what he did was against UK law. The law is in place to protect teenage girls, whatever their motives/desires/hormones from amoral shits like Johnson. the law says she's in no way to blame because of her age and inexperience in life. What she did wasn't breaking the law and It's the law that counts here.
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