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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Good bit by Al Murray from the guardian abuot BK...always liked him, don't know what this says about me but when he started doing last of the summer wine I started watching it He was also pretty terrifying as the Commandant in Tenko.. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/may/24/burt-kwouk-harry-hill-pink-panther?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  2. Is this like getting beat in the play offs by the tramps in 1990?.....we had to suffer for nearly two seasons after that but without that 18 months there'd have been no SJH,KK, promotion and the rest, this is different but there are similarities....being kicked in the bollocks by the mackems can be good for you
  3. Is that when the court order runs out?
  4. An appraisal of the Lion of Gosforth from F365.... I've abused him in the past for him thinking he was bigger than the club, and I do partly stand by that, but when you see all the stats in this piece laid out, he was a fuckin phenomenal footballer.. http://www.football365.com/news/portrait-of-an-icon-alan-shearer
  5. Ps...don't let Fish's jibes get you down mate, bit out of the blue that one like...
  6. Umm.....that's a bit tricky...if you're as unprincipled as him though probably not....
  7. Fuck me, it's an even more bizarre essembee
  8. Mourihno v Pep in the same city. Tasty, but I can't help thinking that neither of them suit their new clubs....you'd think Manu would want someone less of a cunt than LVG....so they appoint just about the only one bigger, and the citeh of Paul Dickov and Geoff Whitley appointing the worlds best(?) 17 years after they were in divi 3...is that more of a shock than us appointing Rafa??
  9. Congratulations SEW, hope youre all well
  10. They keep very quiet about the tosser who gobbed on SAINT Niall Quinn in front of his wife and kids outside Roker Park in 1996...tbh I didn't know until recently either but it's comes from Quinn's own mouth in this book... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Up-There-North-East-Football-Boom/dp/1909245178
  11. That reads like a paragraph from this... http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28676.American_Psycho After you with the nail gun
  12. Well there you go....what do we know about the background to those deals? Who were their agents and what sort of historic relationship did NUFC and/or Carr have with them?....Doumbia by all accounts has in the past looked a good player, but who struck THAT deal with his handlers? Don't know anything about Saivet. Was he signed to replace Tiote, who didn't in the end leave, and just fucked around after? Is any of that in the job description of the man who is basically being payed to identify talent? If his role was too much for him, why the fuck wasn't the problem identified and sorted out by someone? This "board" was just a fuckin nothing when it came to addressing what was truly going wrong at the club and that all comes back to one man.
  13. Had lots of arguments with mates about whether he's to blame for much of our current car crash....I think he's in credit tbh,it wasn't down to him that decent players he brought to the club like Tiote, Cisse and Sussoko have been complelty de motivated for the last two seasons or so, but it's difficult to know what actually went on with Thauvin, Cabella and Rivière, or the Saivet/Doumbia debacle...players often don't go somewhere for "playing" reasons nowadays, look at the shit Dennis Wise and his wanker mates were up to behind KK's back etc.... I bet he could write a really good book about the Ashley years at NUFC, but I expect they'll be some "silence" clause in his leaving deal...shame, strikes me as one of the few actual decent people in the public eye that Ashley has employed.
  14. That's a great career Think it was Stevie who mentioned the 4-2 aggregate shoeing (4-nowt first leg @ SJP) we dished out to the Feyenoord side who would win the European Cup itself 12 months later...that was probably our best result outside of the final.
  15. Agree with most of this apart from the "profit" bit....to build a team to take a club managed by Rafa where he wants to go will require debt, and that's where it's all going to fall down sooner or later....
  16. We might be surprised who stays if Rafa does..
  17. If Rafa stays am not sure he'd give him a chance tbh, he basically said post game that this is how we can play when there's no pressure or fear, and this nondy fucker still loses the heed. Fuckin ridiculous. Those of you who have been whining about him not starting the last few games have got your answer here, Rafa didn't trust him. To be fair, leading the line in his first season in a new country, with a huge step up in quality from the Belgian league was a huge task to be entrusted to a 20 year old in the first place, a ridiculous decision by the club. On the face of it he's not the player Carroll was at the same age, nor for that matter fuckin Shola. He's got ability though, needs to grow the fuck up first though or it'll be wasted.
  18. Isn't he in jail?....fuckin privileges these fuckers get man,need stringing up not Internet, blah blah blah....
  19. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/13/boris-johnson-donald-trump-post-truth-politician?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  20. Seeing as he's responsible for this fuckin train wreck, I'll just leave this here.... http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/inside-story-newcastle-uniteds-dismal-11330852
  21. Head says "meh" heart says "YOWSA YOWSA YOWSA" http://www.nme.com/news/the-stone-roses/93524 Musically as expected (decent) but it sounds like Brown has lost his muse...."all for one"?? ..sounds like he's got lazy in his 50s tbh...
  22. Anyone claiming to know we'd be definetly better off one way or the other is a blatant fuckin liar. One thing that an "out" vote will push us further towards iyam though is the break up of the U.K, so for that reason am "in" .
  23. Cheers Gem,nowhere near where we've been this week then but we're driving to Cairns from Sydney so will pass through that area by the looks of it....he'll not be bad to find
  24. Can anyone remember a thread somewhere or other on here where an Aussie poster , who's name escapes me now,was located on Google Earth and some pictures of his home town were posted? Maybe 12-18 months ago? Am in rural NSW and drove through a very familiar looking place this week... Edit: think the poster was a divorcee and had childcare issues?...
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