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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. How did Scotland vote in general JJ?.... Was it tight for remain?
  2. She says thanks and is looking forward to meeting you, if we're allowd past Farage's border storm troopers at Heathrow
  3. She can't even read her kindle, too hot to pick up As for the cluster fuck that is the U.K. this morning, it's sad that were putting barriers up when it will most likely not change a great deal in general, especially for those who voted out, and could well make things slightly or very possibly significantly worse for them. I can see the appeal of an out vote then a vote for Corbyn in the next GE, but he's not going to get much support from your average out voter to say the least. Can just see the Mediterranean people smugglers waking up in Libya, Syria, Turkey and Greece and licking their lips as another new market opens up. Immigration is a fact of life in the early 21st century. Technology and the Internet have made it very easy and hugely lucrative. There are more "refugees" now than at any other time in human history. The whole world is on the move folks and iyam this vote will do next to fuck all to stop it. The UK's English Channel border has been at Calais since 2002, it's a treaty between France and the U.K. nothing to do with the EU, but as the right wing Mayor of Calais said this week, a no vote is the perfect chance to renegotiate so the problem is passed back over the water. So the Calais jungle will be at Dover, Felixtowe and possibly even at my home town if Poole. Yeah. A no vote will keep em out. Careful what you wish for
  4. Our fuckin holiday funds have just taken a large turn for the worst as well, cheers @@Christmas Tree
  5. Holy mother of fuck It's the current Mrs PL's birthday today, were sat here under an awning in Darwin, its 34 degrees at 2pm, she's just said she's so hot her eyeballs are melting, and apparently I'm not paying her enough attention on her special day "because of that stupid bloody referendum"
  6. This.....is apparently where the uk will be tomorrow... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/23/united-kingdom-two-nations-political-chasm-left?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  7. #lexit Tony Benn hated the EU, think he was right. There is a good principled reason for those on the left of the spectrum to vote out, despite the loathsome self interested wankers who have lead the "leave" campaign. In four years time a principled left leaning star may have emerged to lead a country which has already left the anti demorcratic blood sucking neo liberal car crash that is the EU and it could be the start of a new UK where wealth is more evenly distributed between the haves and the have nots. But sadly most voters are like CT and wouldn't vote for that even if it was staring them in the face.
  8. My proxy did the deed a month ago Did I read on here that referendums are banned by the German constitution because Hitler had four of them, all of them going in his favour due to the National Socialist's huge propaganda machine?.... Cameron has already granted two
  9. Ivory tower? I fuckin guarantee I've been affected more by what some would call EU immigration and the utter failure of neo liberalism than virtually anyone on here. 2008/9 I worked 12 months in 24 due to the recession. What little work there was was taken by polish lads working for half what I'd been on 12 months previously. They didn't take my job though, the U.S. banks and the sub prime mortgage crisis they created took my job. Labours core working class vote are all voting out, for you to ask "how do you know" is to wilfully ignore everything going on around you in the north east of England to prove a spurious point you appear also to have talked yourself out of . Am pleased you agree that there's no choice and were fucked either way. You don't want to consider an alternative though because you've rammed yourself so far up the Tory party's arse you'd need surgery to get yourself out. Or is that a wind up too?
  10. I'm not calling the poor fuckers who's shit lives you celebrate as a success morons or racists. They want some fuckin answers from the wankers you idolise CT (or is that just another wind up?) and they're just being presented with another shit sandwich. But hey, it could be "independence day" soon chums!
  11. He'd have been taking his food via a tube for decades now if he'd carried on like that in every day life. The Internet has been a fuckin boon for social inadequates, they get to act the cunt with no consequences.
  12. Those jobs created by the Tories were mostly fuckin shit though, low paid, part time, casualised, likely to be via an employment agency. Those uk nationals that filled them are very likely to agree with you that Brexit is the only way to get something better, because "any things better than this int'it??!" So "the best prime minister of my lifetime" created them, but they were so appallingly fuckin shit the people are now going to en masses vote against Cameron and almost all of the rest of UK business and industry leaders to basically give them a black eye. I think what I'm trying to say is remain is the way to go by a very short head. It's the lesser of two of two evils because I can't see things changing for the better very much whichever side wins. Neo Liberalism is the problem, and both sides effectively fully support it. It's all a parcel of festering camels vomit and trying to wind people up with your happy clappy Independence Day bullshit shows you give about as much of a fuck about it as Boris does.
  13. Can you explain why if you're such a massive club that you've never averaged above 40k in any season in your history? #steviesquestion
  14. You'll remember the last time we played them on Boxing Day? In was during your "trudge through the 80s"...it snowed and we all sang along to "Real Gone Kid" by Deacon Blue at half time
  15. Fixtures @ 9am....Sheffield Weds Boxing day please, home or away, not bothered which, cheers...
  16. Turkeys win last night means Norn Iron qualify as one of the best 3rd place teams with the three points they got for beating Ukraine. Which must mean that if the Republic beat Italy later they'll be through too with four points.....over to you Marty
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/jun/21/newcastle-town-moor-chris-watson-cabaret-voltaire?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  18. your ability to sum up TT posters accurately and succinctly does you great credit Monbiot here, talking about agriculture and the EU. In your part of the world JJ this applies in a very significant way to Scotland's two largest landowners, (apart from the forestry commission) The Duke of Buccleuch and The Duke of Roxburghe...they make millions before a square yard of their land is let to anyone, and that income will be protected if the country votes for Brexit https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/21/waste-cash-leavers-in-out-land-subsidie?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  19. Chez is worried about his wine cellar, poor chap...
  20. In other, fairly horrific, news... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jun/18/thomas-mair-charged-with-of-mp-jo-cox?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  21. Yeah, sadly not many of us got to vote in person for Davey the mackem Wonder if his favourite yank cougar could tempt him back if she beats Trump?... It'll be interesting to see what happens in the event of Brexit to say the least....even if it's a narrow "stay" vote, it may not be beyond the realms of possibility that the likes of Bradshaw, Creasy and Kinnock jnr etc will in a strange way be galvanised by the horrific events of of Thursday and in some way "save" what reimains of a pro Europe Labour...
  22. Just out of interest do you think remain would be in a better position with a Burnham or AN Other in charge of the party?
  23. Both main parties in the UK are from finished after this iyam. Calling this referendum has "polarised them to death". In the late 60s Enoch Powell was expelled from the Tory party by Edward Heath for the "rivers of blood" speech. Today, Boris Johnson sits in the cabinet without a fuckin bother on him. Labour doesn't represent the people it was originally supposed to because they don't really exist anymore, and the referendum is proving it precisely. This is what happens when you ditch democracy and hand things over to the CoL and Wall Street
  24. The real far left are completely anti Europe Rents, always have been. It's like there's a school of thought that Cameron is personaly a huge euro sceptic, there's also one that Corbyn is too. Also he wouldn't share a platform with the tories after the jocks shafting labour for doing the same in the Indy referendum.
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