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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Seeing as May was Home Secretary and thus responsible for immigration, I think in view of the events of the last week she could possibly be deemed to have been fuckin useless at her job and to have partly caused the shit storm we're currently going through..
  2. Wasn't the labour needed then, pre banking crisis?...
  3. The very sort of jobs you were claiming were part of a Tory success story at some point in the last 7 days? The likes of Mike Ashley needs these people. The fellah who was all for Brexit and invited Nigel and his bus in to speak to the workers at his factory where 50% of them were Polish he needs them too. You're fond of saying that trade won't stop, Europe won't stop selling to us, I think the same goes for labour too, I think all this talk of "taking back control" can't be delivered. You've been sold a pup iyam.
  4. I don't really understand what you're getting at here. I'll try and ask a different way, how do you think the economy would look without the influx of immigrant labour that won the referendum for the Brexit campaign?
  5. Do you think major cities would be able to run basic services and deliver construction projects without them? Ex stock broker Farage has lead people rather up the garden path on this I feel. His old mates in the city would struggle a bit without them too...
  6. And another thing while I'm at it..... Goves wife is a columnist at the UKs biggest selling tabloid and the worlds most widely read news website. Is that actually good for democracy or should we ask "Dacre and Murdoch"? As an ex journo himself It'll be like having Richard fuckin Littlejohn as PM.
  7. Ask him who was the prime minister that allowed it even though they had a veto when FOM was enshrined at Maastricht in 92?
  8. Labour leadership election utterly pointless...what's left of their vote are the ones who voted Corbyn in the first place. As for the Bullingdon bullshitters who caused this weeks car crash, neither of them will be around at the top of politics again. This pair of self serving wankers need to ask themselves if it was all worth it. Randomly This week I've been thinking this pair are from the "ruling class", impeccable top class pedigrees, but appear to be lacking even the slightest evidence of common sense. Blair went to public school but it was nothing like Eton, council estate kids in Edinburgh can get scholarships fairly easily to Fettes, my high school played rugby against them ffs,and he only went to Durham uni. I think I'm right in saying that the previous PMs going back to the mid 60s were mostly all grammar school kids who did well. Even that old witch Thatcher looks a model of pragmatism and clear thinking (ignoring her cut all decisions and policies obviously) compared the these over privileged fuck ups. The best education money can buy and we end up in this fuckin mess..
  9. The son of an Aberdonian trawler owner. It basically means he's so tight with money he squeaks when he walks.
  10. We went to Croatia on holiday in 2013, I've never been so profoundly affected by anywhere in my life, we did a couple of day trips into Bosnia, the trip to Mostar is one I'll never forget a song as I I've,we were there round about the anniversary of the Srebenica massacre. I was brought up six miles into Scotland at the foot of the Cheviots, the independence referendum was a year away and the parallels in some ways were alarming. I agree armed hostilities are pretty unlikely to say the least, but that's only due to lack of weapons. It also has to be added that the paramilitaries in Northern Ireland were wandering into bars and slaughtering punters sat having a pint in the mid nineties when the Balkans were at war too. It just takes a bit more if this to turn the screw a bit more..
  11. Nandy fits the bill in a way, young gobby Manc Am pretty sure Kier Starmer was the Blair governments legal advisor when the Iraq war vote was held....after Chilcott he may be damaged goods, but in light of the events of the last week fuck knows how all that will turn out in the wash...
  12. Yet, somewhat ironically, the very same treacherous fucktards who are trying to force him out were the ones who lost the support of their core vote. It was over when Corbyn took the reigns because of them turning the party not to the centre ground but into slightly more socially conscious Tories. I agree with some of what Renton says but whether he agrees or not the perception among working class Brexit voters is that Labour turned its back on its heartlands over a decade ago. That's the problem and what's left of the Labour electorate aren't having any more of it. It's a mess, a split is the best thing for everyone so they can plough their own furrows.
  13. He's not the solution to a United Labour Party but seeing as the entire uk pretty much think they're not fit for purpose whoever is leading them then its all a bit irrelevent Let the split happen, if enough of the Blairites go to the Lin Dems they may stand a chance next year on a complelty pro Europe ticket, I think the last week has scared enough of the Brexit voting "persuaderbles" that this is a bad idea and maybe there'll be another austerity friendly hung parliament Jezzas mob needs someone in their thirties who's not a career politician that has the wit charm and charisma to make a good anti neo liberalism case to the people of all the UK. Fuck knows who's daft enough to take that on though...
  14. Maybe the rumours about Matt Ritchie from Bournemouth maybe close to the mark if Townsend is off.....not a lot of pace but grafts hard and delivers a nice ball, bit like a low rent Beckham? Scores his fair share but didnt really seem take his full back on either last season, or in the odd occasion I've seen him for Scotland. If he comes maybe Rafa can improve aspects of his game as he does have ability.
  15. He did call the austerity of your former darlings Dave and Geordie bullshit so it's a bit if a score draw tbh..
  16. Ok, don't know how reliable this dude is but it seems just about plausible...I know some posters mentioned the Chilcott factor (NJS?) yesterday but it may be more critical in this than we think... https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2016/06/still-iraq-war-stupid/
  17. Who the SNP or the 51% who didn't believe the hype? Turnout was down across the board in this vote, but it has to be pointed out that 400k more people voted to stay in the UK than to stay in the EU. If Sturgeon is preaching democracy she needs to learn to count first. For me, it doesn't look like she's got a mandate to defy a UK wide referendum but she's a very good politician/manipulator so I expect she's up for a bit of fisticuffs over this to say the least...
  18. Aren't two thirds of fleet streets finest sports hacks looking deep into their hard drives to retrieve their quarterly "REDKNAPP FOR ENGLAND" pieces? In a utterly piss poor field, he'd bet he best candidate by a country mile. That's not saying much mind....
  19. No good sad smiley mate. Regardless of what you personally believe, you still voted for the cunt.
  20. Caught last nights highlights earlier, those are two of the worst goals I've seen a professional team give away at any level, in a way the long throw was worse than Harts balls up. Loved the iceys(?) celebration with their supporters at the end, the sound was down on the TV so it just looked like some sort of Viking tribute to "radio gaga " (ask you dad kids)
  21. Friday's losses were the worst in the history of literally time itself... http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-stocks-idUSKCN0ZC12G Bigger than Lehman and Black Wednesday.....still, they didn't cause much grief did they CT?
  22. Memo to CT: The games up mate, your bell end-in-chief is having second thoughts... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/brexit-kelvin-mackenzie-eu-referendum-leave-vote-latest-news-bregret-the-sun-a7105431.html
  23. Ebbw Vale, a town so stupid they can't get vowels right, let alone work out which side their bread is buttered on... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/jun/25/view-wales-town-showered-eu-cash-votes-leave-ebbw-vale
  24. I tried to express the sentiments of that first paragraph to you last week and you said "how do you know??" you blatant fuckin cockwomble Flippity flip flop flip...
  25. I think the low paid agency workers jobs that helped the economy "take off" will have all their safeguards removed too. I think I'll go with Philip Pullmans last few lines about what's required rather than this if its all the same to you, thanks...
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