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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. It's worse than that Gloom... http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/aleppo-falls-to-syrian-regime-bashar-al-assad-rebels-uk-government-more-than-one-story-robert-fisk-a7471576.html?cmpid=facebook-post
  2. Fuck me, the government's "equivalence tsar" is back I wouldn't criticise Hilary personally for anything bar being the epitome of everything that's gone wrong on both sides of the Atlantic over the last 20 years, along with Blair. Not her emails, not by proxy her husband's presidency, not her gender and not her trustworthiness. It's her and her acolytes' system that has made people turn against the centre to cunts like Farage and Trump. People are desperate for change but there's no one with a titter of wit on the left now to stand up and say "moving to the right won't solve your problems". In lots of ways Hilary's gang have "won", the big political questions don't exist anymore, the centre has crushed everything in its path and any voices of dissent either can't be heard or aren't given fair hearing. Yes, we know Corbyn is useless but he's just a fuckin symptom of the hollow victory that neo leberalism has carved out. They've won, but nobody fuckin wants it so it will just go on as before with the beyond-manipulated lowest common denominator fuckwits being able to shout the loudest as they've got 98% of the media on their side and the rest can't be heard. That's why I can't stand the guardian at the moment, they won't even fuckin try.
  3. Of course that's true,but what I think is more indicative of where they're coming from is their unwavering editorial support for Blair and Hilary. They allow a myriad of other opinions, that's fair, but ffs youve Owen basically plotting to tear the works to bits but most of the other content being completely centrist with a smidgeof 6th form leftism. There was an article at the weekend asking people to stop criticising folk in the north for voting for Brexit, there are valid reasons they did so and they shouldn't be patronised with this "thick northerner" bullshit. They then basically insult their readership with how great Hilary is/was and how Trump was unthinkable. They're both establishment, they're both owned by a myriad of vested interests, so why the support for just more of the fuckin same shit when people quite clearly want change? They're not being given much of a choice but ffs an editorial telling them the truth once in a while wouldn't go amiss. The best I could say about it is that their message is hopelessly one sided. Not as much as the mail? Does that really matter?
  4. How much does Greenwald have to do with the guardian now Gloom?
  5. They're both to all intents and purposes propping up neo leberalism iyam,when even to the most casual of observers it's obvious that this system we've had for the last 35/40 years is proving to be utterly fuckin useless to the vast majority of the planet. @Dr Gloom: Russia are still cunts btw
  6. Ok then the fuckin Guardian too They're canonisation of Hilary was just as partial as the Mail's support for trump. Different sides of the same coin.
  7. Oh dear, nickers in a twist. I'll spell it out for you mate, just because someone isn't saying they're against something it doesn't mean they're in favour of its opposite. You've seemed to imply that because some criticise US and UK middle eastern policy over the years then the implication is they support Russian imperialistic aims in that area, hence "if you're not with us your against us", which is a direct quote from Richard Littlejohn the day after 9-11. This is how your spiel reads to me, and it's the sort of shit we could read in the manipulative msm. For the record, my opinion is Russia are playing the yanks at their own game to an extent that is frankly unbelveable, from where I'm stood the soviets gave up after Afghanistan and never really recoverd their mojo, until now. No one knows the extent to which their tactics influenced the trump vote, but for the CIA to say that they did play a part then I'm not surprised Trump is questioning what the fuck they've been up to for the last decade or so.
  8. You make the mistake of judging others by your own low standards. Bless.
  9. "If you're not with us, you're against us" is the sort of ridiculously simplistic retoric we can read daily in the UKs propagandist msm. What do you do for graft again?
  10. He called the Welsh "dark, ugly, pugnacious trolls" in 1998 which pretty much made him, using a more up to date definition,one of the first "trolls" himself. Am sure if you were mates with him he'd be an absolute whizz at dinner parties but taking a wage from Murdoch for that drivel made him a pretty useless member of society. Rip
  11. UK's chief diplomat uses decidedly undiplomatic language about the Saudis, earning a fairly major clip round the ear from Downing Street, seemingly it must have slipped his mind about a planned trip to Mecca next week
  12. All bets are off gents, I'm a self employed sub contractor. But that's just the construction industry's way of controlling things/people who rock the boat. Most of us can be sacked on the spot without the course to unions as they don't recognise the self employed as employees, despite me working set hours, filling a weekly timesheet, having weekly pay etc etc. Self employment is just a convenient payment method. There are benefits for me too tbf. The contract manager was in a strop and didn't like the way it wax reported (by the lad I was working with, we both got a bollocking) so he said "any more of that and you can pack your tools" . He didn't have the balls to do it himself, he got his brother (our supervisor) to do it. So I left at half 4 with a scowl on my face instead of my usual half 6 and the supervisor came running after me wondering what was wrong clueless prick.
  13. Congrats Rayvin, good darts mate. In other work related news today I've been threatened with being sacked for reporting a health and safety issue (out of date scaffold tag, which was dangerous even before the tag was out of date, it had been altered by a third party) Needless to say, am fucking furious
  14. A guitar teacher called Don Strike from Poole taught Lake, his king crimson band mate Robert Fripp and also Andy Summers of the Police how to play. Not sure whether he deserves huge credit or his hands being hacked off with a blunt axe...
  15. Greg Lake, sad at this time of year especially
  16. Yeah, a guilty verdict and suspended sentence is what should've happened for putting an enemy combatant out of his misery. Acknowledgement of the crime but sentence more in keeping with the context of the situation.
  17. Would a suspended sentence not have been more appropriate though? Hanging squaddies completely out to dry isn't good for morale in general. If you'd served in the forces yourself you'd understand.
  18. "It's a disgrace!" claim the supporters of the most geographically convenient club in the fuckin country http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-fans-blast-disgraceful-12282281
  19. Not a fuckin chance. If sky aren't making a song and dance about it then it hasn't really happened
  20. We've lost 3 games this week according to this bell whiff on sky Oh it's the non entity's non entity Scott Minto
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