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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. 5live have suggested it was a US department of homeland security official. Wonded wtf they're doing in Iceland nosing around civilian flights?
  2. I agree with most of what your saying tbh, apart from your conclusion because as you say we just don't know now we're living in a world where Trump is trying to stop Muslims from travelling to the US in general as he stated in his election campaign. If he was travelling on an ESTA, they're granted via email and costs 14 dollars. It doesn't grant you entry to the US, just flags up your plans. He was profiled by a US official on the presentation of his passport, searched, then allowed to get on the flight. Then removed from the flight after a phone call from the US . Up until the call from the states it's as you say but that's if he was travelling on an ESTA, but the article specifically says he was travelling on a visa. If he's travelling on a visa he's been checked against the no fly list months ago, and it would seem incredible to me if he wasn't when he applied for an ETSA. As you say it's unknowable, but it stinks.
  3. Thing is he must have applied for his visa well before the executive order came in. That's what's getting me. He wouldn't get a visa if he shared a name with someone on the no fly list.
  4. Yeah, I do. They were rumoured to be Canadian Irish iirc. I also know that the local McDonalds was trashed the night after the IRA bombed the Royal Marines band at Deal. Lad I was at school with was supposed to be on parade that morning but swapped with another bandsman. Don't think the other lad was injured.
  5. As far as I can make out its been mostly individual airlines that have removed Muslims from mainland US and UK flights after "complaints" by other passengers or concerns raised by airline staff once in the plane, such as: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/08/muslim-woman-kicked-off-american-airlines-flight-islamophobia http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3755953/Three-British-siblings-kicked-easyJet-flight-fellow-passengers-said-d-seen-reading-ISIS-material-despite-none-able-speak-read-write-Arabic.html This lad didn't get beyond passport control. In Iceland. The article doesn't say who made the call, was it airline or did US immigration get in touch having received the passenger list? May be a coincidence, no fly list, yeah. Hopefully we'll find out.
  6. Boris reassured British Muslims from the dispatch box in the House of Commons that this wouldn't happen when the executive order came in. It's been suspended by two levels of the US judiciary system. This is pretty worrying to be honest. What group will they pick on next?...
  7. Villa have spent 45 million on strikers this season and are currently looking nervously below them into what used to be called division 3. Say what you want about Ashley, Carr and what went before Rafa but we need a few rabbits out of the continental hat again this summer if we do go up. Whether Rafa stays or not it would appear that we may well be going down that road again, think we'd be lucky to see 60 mill in transfer fees + wages. The other thing is looking at the likes of Hull and Bournemouth it is certainly possible to get a foot hold in the premier league with the squad that got you promoted. Which is what I think we'll be doing rather than launching an large scale assault on the transfer market.
  8. Milo is nothing but a jumped up internet troll with a bit more charisma than the usual bedroom dwellers. This however is pretty shocking: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/20/british-muslim-teacher-denied-entry-to-us-on-school-trip?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other There's talk of a lads weekend away in Vegas sometime in the next year, all my mates are up for it bar a lad called Asseek Choudrhay, who is favouring Butlins in Bognor...
  9. Is that an ice core sample you unscrewed from the artic pack ice yourself HF?!
  10. They're ineffective against Trump because he's not a politician in the coventional sense. But Trumps strings are being pulled by Bannon though, who understands implicitly how powerful the media can be in forming opinion, which is why he's declared war on them. Bannon knew as long as he found a willing patsy of sufficient blunt "charisma" there might be a chance of the real power he's always wanted for his agenda and he set up Brietbart in order to give it a semi-professional sheen, instead of letting the MSM label them for what they are, racists and fascists.
  11. I think that's in general the situation we've ended up with now anyway. That's not to say there haven't been voices of dissent over the last 30-40 years, there quite plainly have, but when it comes to opinion forming there's no point in that period of time when Corbyn would've received full support from the major titles in this country. The Guardian and Mirror supported Kinnock but he would've just ended up as Blair lite iyam given his subsequent drift into euro beaurocracy. The big players don't want politicians with principles, they want easily manipulated careerists in it for themselves.
  12. Ooh good, it's lets stick pins into the "gloom/MSM voodoo doll" time again The media form opinion among the general public, how we to choose to interpret the information of their agendas depends on the prejudices we've formed due to our upbringing, age,environment,temperament and income. So they're a factor, but it just depends if you're a cunt or gnot as to how much notice you take of their propaganda.
  13. I still think there's a fair chance of a deal, but it will depend on Tory MPs outside the major cities letting their heads rule their career ambitions.
  14. Frankie Boyle's column the guardian wouldn't print for the jokes about, of all people, Rupert Murdoch
  15. It's gone a bit under the radar all this, there's been a bit in the media but it's not made major headlines. Any idea which way your colleagues think it will go?
  16. May has already read page one of "negotiatioting- a bell end's guide" and stated that she's willing to walk away with no deal and just leave in 2019, which is what most folk who voted out want and expect. I think the lords this week will send it back to the commons with a clause inserted guaranteeing the status of EU nationals already here. After that it gets interesting, will the other bunch of goons remove it again? I don't think there's any guarantees on that like, and for me that's the crux, do we have a stone cold rule on basically making over 3 million people currently residing in the uk no longer legally entitlied to live and work here or do we continue to be a modern fully functioning society? Will they compromise and do a deal on workers in say the financial sector and maybe construction? I've just finished a big project at one of Barclays main uk HQs, and it's made me think a lot. The two main languages outside of English I heard in the corridors were French and Spanish, and obviously being a major construction project there were lots of Polish lads. MPs know all this, but are they too scared of de selection to fudge it?..
  17. Clyde Stubblefield, the original funky drummer...
  18. no one, and I repeat no one, is ever allowed to criticise MSM......apart from Rayvin, obvs Apparently this fellah is a good journo, criticises both sides when required, been on fox for years.. https://youtu.be/-TfqTHlMszA
  19. Any Radcliffe & Maconie "chain" aficionados out there?.... http://www.thechain.uk/ This was on it today, afrobeat-tastic
  20. We played 7 in February 2010 iirc It's the championship, it's a right old slog...
  21. Largely agree, but Wenger built a new stadium in that time though. No Wenger 96-06, no Emirates. And I still go back to the squad who got to the champions league final in 2006, I think 7 or 8 of them left or finished within the next year. Most have never been properly replaced. Most it could be argued were world class; Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Cole, Campbell, Silva.. I suppose Wenger gets the blame for that but I can't remember as man top quality players all leaving together. Almost impossible job to replace adequately and still pay for the stadium. He's kept them in the top four in that time mind, that alone is a fair achievement. Thing is, when you pay the highest ticket prices in Europe and nothing much changes on the pitch for a decade, something has to give..
  22. Wenger is in a pretty unique position, it's different to when Fergie was finishing at Manu as porridge chops was still winning titles. I can't work out if the media in general confer a sense of entitlement on Arsenal or the absolute fuckin whoppers among their support just expect success as a matter of course (tbf, they have won 13 league titles) Thing is a new manager doesn't guarantee a thing, and looking at the squad there is a fair chance their best players will leave with Wenger should he knock it on the head tin May, chiefly Sanchez and Ozil, who'd want to come in and the first job in the in tray is replacing them? Then there's the drift an announcement pre May would cause should they get a candidate lined up in the next few months.
  23. He's always struck me as someone who likes hanging out with the powerful. I remember the extracts from his diaries in the press; "I told Tony and Cherie." etc etc what the fuck was he doing socialising with the prime minister? Then he appears on Trumps tv show (again, he's a journalist, what the fuck is he playing at here?) and now he's attacking the reaction to Trumps election win, appearing as an apologist for the man who, by all appearances, got into bed with the Putin regime in order to win.
  24. Lascelles was out muscled for both their goals by Cameron Jerome, who's probably played over 100 premier league games. Lascelles has played barely 20. He's still learning the game tbh. Looks like overall we played pretty well, tbh before the weekend I'd have taken four points from the 2 games. Brighton aren't playing that well, Reading and Huddersfield are being a bit more consistent at the moment than them. If we win our next two home games and avoid defeat at the 3 away games at the end of Feb/beginning of March, I think we'll be looking good.
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