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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. These loners to a man have all been known to the security services. So then it becomes a question of resources.
  2. Pictures from the sage looked amazing yesterday. Utterly irrelevent though.
  3. Lad at work got the question off sporcle a couple of weeks ago, had me twisting on it for a couple of days the fucker..
  4. Didnt Carroll get 3 v villa at home?... Shola must've done?
  5. Robert Solano Bellamy Dyer Rob Lee Ginola possibly...
  6. Cole shearer pedro ferdinand owen
  7. Alex definetly googled Helder though
  8. its good but it's not right...still one to get...
  9. Gtf out Alex you googled that
  10. Only three Lionel's; Blair, Messi and that cunt... Yeah been said , 3 more
  11. Youre good ewerk, real good thought Pancrate might be tricky... 3 to get...
  12. Aye Naw, not Bernard neither..
  13. 10 Newcastle players who also appeared for PSG?....7 are gettable, 2 are tricky and one is a fuckin doozy that I'd never have got in a million years
  14. Lars Bohinen Alf Inge Haaland are Norwegian but unlikely to have premier league hat tricks
  15. Wonder if Diane Abbot, if she somehow, in some bizzare parallel universe obviously, became Home Secretary on Friday morning, would she do anything as monumentally fuckin stupid as send known radicalised Uk Moslems off to fight with jihadis in North Africa? ..and then cut police numbers and funding so that they and others (some of whom were publicaly self confessed jihadis and went on tv to advertise it) couldn't possibly be properly monitored and then went on to murder innocent members of the public? I'll grant you that's what the media perception of Abbott would have us beleive she'd be capable of, but with all this now in the public realm (obviously not being reported properly by the compliant media) having a go at her and Corbyn for their beliefs just smacks of being petty and snide, and completely misses the point about how unbeleiveably and possibly criminally incompetent May has been as both Home Secretary and PM. The choices on Thursday are admittedly abysmally poor and are being brought into stark detail during this horrific wave of attacks the country is experiencing.but there's nothing to suggest that given the chance Jezza and Di won't finally grow up, leave the 6th form common room and make a decent go of it. Corbyn's demeanour and stature have grown hugely and visibly in the the last month. He's beginning to grasp right from wrong. Knocking him for old pronouncements is the stuff of the daily mail. After the learning curve of the last four weeks where he's stood tall and got almost everything spot on on every issue that even most of the preveiously hostile media have had to say "well, he's got a point there", all the while that spineless bitch has basically hidden away behind sound bites and underlings who are every bit as poor as anything on the Labour front bench. May called this election basically as another Brexit referendum. Even before Manchester and the events at the weekend that was out the window due to the Tory manifesto, seemingly jotted down on to the back of 20 Regal. If she's returned the EU council will publicaly slap her so hard in the face during negotiations she'll have to go running into the arms of the Donald, who will want the NHS on a plate for his US private healthcare chums in return for other favourable trade deals, which he'll likely go back on as he, like the EU, hold all the aces. Id rather take my chances with Red Jezz and Mad Di and have a softer business friendly Brexit negotiated by ex attorney general Kier Starmer QC than see the most incompetent senior politician in my lifetime drive us off the end of a cliff. I still iexpect the Tories to win like, just had to get all that off my chest
  16. Little grumpy fucker with specs. Quite successful as a manager earlier in his career, think he was Dutch national team manager too?No idea if his fuckin name like
  17. That's true about the IRA, but the bishopsgate bomb was a truck bomb which had to be driven into position, either past the scene of last nights atrocity or down through shore ditch and round the old street roundabout. Checkpoints would've stopped that, and after Westminster 3 Asians in a van probably wouldn't have bothered with that tactic again. This isn't a criticism of the security services, but we should re instate then round the CoL, all around "ceremonial London" and at all Thames crossings on both sides. Put cameras on them too, take pictures of all moving round that area.
  18. As NJS said the police are armed where necessary. I posted earlier when the IRA bombed bishopsgate in the 90s there were armed police sentry points on London Bridge, the north side of which is the bottom of bishopsgate. Easy to say with hindsight but if they'd be reinstated there after Westminster the outcome may have been different last night. There are extra measures we can take outside of the security services like this but it looks like we're standing on our dicks a bit at the moment.
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