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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Am not suggesting either are that good tbh. I know one thing, Liverpool have been better with Henderson in the side than without him. Dier isn't as mobile and his passing range is even worse than Hendersons.
  2. Jordan Henderson is a better player than Dier iyam. Diers a jumped up centre half for me
  4. Everton= scouse mackems man city= manc mackems spurs= north London mackems Port Vale= Potteries mackems?
  5. Murphy odds on to replace kenedy?....maybe starting will get his confidence up...
  6. She could’ve and most probably did say all that when she was appointed leader. Nothings really changed, she’s even further up shit creek without a paddle. Mouthing blandisms after a week of Boris and JRM stabbing her in the back is fuckin laughable.
  7. Classic CT, taking PR written word-wank from liars as fair comment in an attempt to wind up board members. 15 love, Mr Renton to serve, possibly tomorrow
  8. Errr... "Lager/IPA hybrid" Only 4% but tasty if you like a sharp Pilsner like becks or some of the hoppy craft lagers
  9. All going Titz up in Hamburg https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2018/may/12/hamburg-historic-relegation-bundesliga?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  10. This fellah though, he's a fuckin cunt..
  11. Marina Hyde is the world's greatest living human being....actually maybe second after Rafa? Anyway, she ranks very highly, enjoy.. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/may/11/brexit-boris-johnson-jacob-rees-mogg-house-of-lords?CMP=fb_gu
  12. I'll see your Andy Carroll/5 aside and I'll raise you Wayne Fereday
  13. "Scratch an animal lover and you'll always find a people hater"
  14. Is that what it amounts to for you after nearly two years? Sounds like surrender to me; the bullying, triumphant incomprehensively arrogant retort of the gammon who knows he’s lost the argument but is still willing to see Brexit go through just to prove that they placed their vote correctly, just because they were in the majority. Basically just keeping on keeping on because they “won”, therefore their opinions are correct, regardless of any evidence based facts, like those the fools in the cabinet commissioned and then desparately tried to cover up. Good luck with being self employed in the service sector in the North East CT when the area’s GDP shrinks by 16% and the economy overall by 11% . But there again I seem to remember you claimed that you missed the 80s recession too. What a charmed life you seem to lead...
  15. Dont ever change CT your so so much better than this fuckin yam yam bell end...
  16. One of Owen Jones's "outriders". They're sooooooo ANTI ESTABLISMENT!
  17. They're trying to get some parliamentary oversight into Brexit to prevent the neo fascists in the cabinet from driving the country and its economy off a cliff. What's not to like?
  18. Never really ever fancied supporting anyone else but it’s fair to say being a Wolves fan this week would’ve been pretty fuckin good tbh...
  19. The old "lets provoke an unnecessary war to create a smokescreen before impeachment" routine, as practiced by no US president, ever..
  20. You need to get out more then ya daft cunt
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