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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Your boy not following a London side then @Dr Gloom?
  2. Using "Islington" as an insult is pretty much 20 years out of date too
  3. W Where does that put the tories who didn’t vote for Mays deal? They appear to be less culpable?...
  4. CT said this on 3/10/17 Nostradamus is indeed among us
  5. CT even Rayvin now thinks Corbyn is a cunt so am not sure what you’re trying to prove, possibly and inadvertently that you’re an easily manipulated thick twat desperate for a diversion from the issue at hand, ie the Tory party tearing itself to fuckin pieces over Europe. Their desperation to prevent Corbyn becoming PM doesn’t change that.
  6. CT: 200 Tories failed to vote for Mays deal; CORBYNS FAULT!
  7. Ive probably bored people to death on here before by saying the UK is basically the Balkans without access to Kalashnikovs
  8. My old mate who I used to play football with is an experienced GE returning officer. He's been emailed asking about his availability on a specific date in the nearish future. Needless to say it's not the date this forum's resident village idiot suggested the other day
  9. They're all putting party before country. Then she emerges from the bunker to suggest that they all work together on it. Only 33(?) Parliamentary working days till we leave. She can go fuck herself.
  10. Nothing but the most pointless PR campaign in history and a cynical attempt to finger Corbyn with the blame for this mess. I don't think I'll ever vote again. Am sure theres lots of decent folk at Westminster but after the last two years the institution they actually represent is fuckin worthless.
  11. Is this a “mea culpa” from Bielsa, possibly to avert a hearing at the FA/EFL, with a subsequent points deduction in the offing?... Imagine Leeds missing out on promotion because of cheating
  12. We didn’t get a blatant penalty. Doesn’t even hurt now....
  13. Myself and the current Mrs PL, being hip young gun slingers and totally ahead of several curves, eventually gave Netflix a go last month. Best thing we've watched, and again this shows how hip we are, has been Line of Duty. The first three series are brilliant and the end of the third is some of the best TV I've ever seen. It pisses all over The Bodyguard. Series 4 was canny enough but was a definite drop in quality. I blame Hollywood knickers Thandie Newton for spoiling it..
  14. The absolute fuckin state of this....
  15. We gave up on Breaking Bad after about 2.5 seasons...well, the current Mrs PL gave up and I wasn’t fussed one way or the other. I watched all the Sopranos on channel 4 then re watched it all with her years later and we both love it to this day. I’ll go back to Walter though... one day..
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