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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. There's more annual virtue signalling over poppies than anything else. It's like gammon christmas. Do your own thing but for fucks sakes shut the fuck up about it
  2. I’d suggest, if we are going down the road of playing some pathetic blame game, that missing from 12 yards when a highly skilled professional paid 10s of thousands a week is taking the pen then its down to the player and the player alone. A more pertinent question to ask may be is why have we got a fuckin Chelsea reserve taking it in the first place?
  3. Saw them play on Siamese dream tour 93, they basically played the album & half of Gish. Brilliant.
  4. Relive an actual Fantazia rave right here, theres a distinct pissibility a forum member may have been in attendance
  5. Punk rock in the UK came out of art schools and was inspired by the teddy boys of the 50s, mostly a reaction against Rock becoming huge bloated and corporate and no longer from "the street" where the Ted's started . There were never any crowds of 10k+ watching punk in the 70s, but for maybe a 3 year period there were raves every weekend in the summer months attracting that number. That's why the government legislated against it with the Criminal Justice Bill of 93/4 outlawing "gatherings of more than 3 people playing repetitive beats" . To this day there are no laws against playing Sham 69 or Generation X although there some would say there fuckin should be...
  6. There’s been 50k singing YOU FAT COCKNEY BASTARD GET OUT IF OUR CLUB at the last few games Troops. I think they get the picture... Online activists have moved on to targeting SDs other shareholders. Not sure what effect that will have but I applaud their efforts
  7. There wasnt a mandate in the first place. Its a row in the tory party.... “the best prime minister in our lifetime” shit himself. Even May has shown more back bone than that cunt.
  8. In 2010 UKIP polled 919,546 votes, 3.1% of the total, a gain of 0.9% from their last outing. How do we get from that to a straight in/out referendum being included in the Tory manifesto in 2015 CT?
  9. Do you think the various groups which have sprang up since August have achieved nothing?...
  10. Was at a party last night, the current Mrs PL’s ex work colleagues & partners, got chatting to a lad there I’ve met two or three times before. He works at Bournemouth airport for a company designing galley kitchens for aircraft. They’re doing new ones for the A380s and have just signed a big contract with Airbus. I mentioned that I thought they were pretty vocally anti Brexit and what did he think of the situation....he seemed a bit surprised that I thought there was anything to be concerned about..... Another party last month, my mates brother in law, who is a great lad and is the man the phrase “it’s not rocket science” was invented for as he is literally a rocket scientist. He’s left design far behind though, he now basically runs an agency hiring out top level free lance engineers all over the UK, Europe & beyond...he’s not bothered either, basically said “money talks”. At at the beginning of this thread I said that anyone who says they know how all this will pan out is a liar...I still largely stand by that but it would strongly appear that it’s just going to be degrees of shiteness. A mate who runs a branded workwear company lost a fortune in June 2016 when the pound plummeted in value after the referendum vote because he imports everything from China. He’s still cheerfully in favour of Brexit. “It’ll be alright” he says....which I shared his optimism..
  11. Well this has cheered me up this morning.. The Brexit fanatics go for broke. This is their chance of counter-revolution https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/13/brexit-fanatics-no-compromise-go-for-broke-chaos-counter-revolution?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Copy_to_clipboard
  12. @ewerk I know you're up the road from Dublin but do you have any idea what the fuck is going on here? Some of the comments are horrific....
  13. Good thread by the formerly of this parish @Happy Face
  14. So they’re setting up in the UK to import the parts that Nissan needs from overseas? Won’t these parts be subject to tariffs after the end of next March regardless of whether they have branches set up in the UK or not, which is almost certainly the current situation anyway, seeing as they are already importing parts for Nissan? Feel free to correct anything I’ve got wrong here, am not claiming to be an expert...
  15. I've just tuned in to my first "Ford Super Sunday"<yawn> of the season and I've been confronted with the sight of Souness & Bellamy virtually sat on each others knee..when did that become a thing?... 🤔
  16. At the Sage last week, a giant banner was unfurled showing Keegan in that iconic black and white strip and emblazoned with one word: “Honesty.” It was taken to the last home game, along with a similar banner for Benítez bearing its own message: “Hope.” The stewards pulled them both down and that, more than anything, probably sums up Newcastle United in the Mike Ashley years. A football club that could do with some honesty and hope. https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2018/oct/07/will-newcastle-ever-truly-be-set-alight-under-the-mike-ashley-regime
  17. The blatant penalty we didn’t get from the manc ref when we two nil up was crucial...they had a good shout too like but they would’ve thrown the towel in at three nowt..
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