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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Here’s FIFA’s successor to complete moral turd Sepp Blatter, elected on a reform & anti corruption ticket...
  2. As someone on this esteemed forum memorably said about a certain NUFC player, that lass must be thicker than whale spunk
  3. Fuck you Scudamore https://www.football365.com/news/the-truth-we-have-gained-nothing-from-the-premier-league
  4. I really enjoy watching the way England play. There. I said it.
  5. Great read. I’ve often said the UK is the Balkans without the Kalashnikovs. The war there was kicked off in 1992 with of democratic vote in the Slovenian Parliament to leave Yugoslavia. Being honest I can’t see a bunch of mad Scots Nats taking to the woods for a boot camp and unloading a trawler full of M16s at Coldingam Bay but it was very ordinary people (in some cases football hooligan gangs) in Serbia and Croatia who first started shooting & burning minorities who had the misfortune of being in the midst of a majority population of the other. As the article said, egged on by facist ideologues and gangsters hungry for money,status & power. The warnings from history are there but no one is really taliking about it. Steve Bannon sat on the GMTV couch being mollycoddled by Piers fuckin Morgan is one of the most disgraceful episodes in modern journalistic history. You can’t debate wth these fuckin cunts. Look how his puppet Trump tried to shut down Acosta. Luckily the US first amendment states that you can’t supress the press. At least there are some in the US speaking truth to power. I can’t see it anywhere in the MSM here.
  6. Marvel & DC comics weren’t “counter culture” ya great soppy wet lettuce, especially in the US
  7. 17th November 1993.... I imagine some posters weren’t even born... https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2012/feb/15/forgotten-story-17-november-1993?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  8. Cloggies beat France two nowt to relegate the Bosch from their nations league group... am only mentioning this to shoehorn in a mention for my new favourite player, PSV’s magnificently named right back Denzel Dumfries
  9. We proles (not me like ) voted out to seal our borders from Johnny Foreigner and this deal doesn’t even deliver it. Am a bit surprised not more has been made of this by the usual suspects
  10. @ewerk , Toontastic Northern Ireland correspondent: According to Mrs Mays proposed agreement, am I right in saying that any EU National could in theory fly to Dublin and then enter sovereign UK territory, completely unfettered by beastly UK Border Force officers, at the border between the RoI & the UK?
  11. No one I know would ever vote for a Corbyn led Labour Party. They’ll get away with it by default.
  12. I don’t feel sorry for her. I think @Rayvin is right in a way and that her job for some time has been making sure the Tory party emerges from the wreckage of their self inflicted crash still capable of winning future elections. In that regard, she deserves everything she gets and she can frankly go fuck herself.
  13. And let me guess, this is the one that triggers a no confidence vote, the 18th century grandstanding cunt
  14. Am I right in saying that Holy Grail is your favourite film?
  15. In 2015 Cameron went to the EU asking for reform, if he’d come back with an end to FoM but still largely being in the CU & SM would his party have largely been in favour of that? I’ve read somewhere that a seat at the table isn’t all it’s cracked up to be( (the point is it’s undemocratic so what’s changed?) and with UK MEPs quote often being completely anti EU am finding it difficult to get worked up one way or the other over this. We are indeed leaving and and ending FoM but keeping sone advantages of still being in. Whether it gets through Parliament is another issue... I can see the moderates of both main parties thinking this is as good as it’s going to get and wanting to vote accordingly...whether constituency issues will allow them is another matter. If it gets through it’s unlikely to be a GE. That’s a bloody nose many Blairites would like to inflict on Corbyn before they’re de selected I imagine. The overriiding thing for ne is only the most extreme swivel eyed loons took any notice whatsoever of the EU pre mid 2000s. Ordinary people who basically won the referendum for leave have been completely readicalised over this for no good reason. They’ve got their major concession and the economy is unlkely to crash and burn.
  16. I get that that her own party want to punish her immediately but what useful purpose would that serve now? They’re fuckin pathetic every single last one of them.
  17. 2 groups happy with this "deal": 1. The EU 2. The CoL & various corporate behemoths. Go figure
  18. Hes got 17 kids and 30 odd grandchildren. Bought into Jezza’s youth bribe. South Tyneside for you
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