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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. With Almiron & maybe Perez out there’s little chance of a home win. We might nick a stuffy point if Liverpools front 3 have an off day. I personally don’t care who wins the league.
  2. Spoiler: I was born in England, the Scotland thing is from my old man. I like supporting England too, just not so much Argentina is the first World Cup I remember. I fuckin loved that side as a nipper Two of them went on to manage us, with err “mixed” results. Revie was basically a crook, Greenwood an FA yes man. Both should’ve pissed qualification. Aye it’s pathetic like. Some Scots are only defined by their ridiculous hatred of their neighbours. I’ll not be wearing my new shirt for much apart from gardening, I’d never wear it down the pub etc.
  3. Care to explain why, in what is widely considered to be part of English football’s golden age, they not only failed to qualify for Argentina 78 but also West Germany 74?
  4. In the words of the fabled Andy Cameron in his seminal 1978 hymn to the wonders of the Scottish nation “Ally’s Tartan Army”: Wer’re playin for oor country We’ve got tae do or die England cannae dae it Coz they didnae qualify
  5. Berwick is a glowing golden metropolis compared with every other hovel within a 30 mile radius of it. Obviously that includes a fair bit of the North Sea
  6. Not bought a football strip in about 20 years. Not bought a Scotlamd strip since 1990
  7. Used to like seeing Ravenelli & Juniho lining up with Jamie Pollock & Phil Stamp
  8. I’ll put this in here but it could also go in the Europe thread. CT if you’re eavesdropping I’d like to hear your thoughts on this thread. Then I’ll probably slate fuck out of you, but not if you’re sensible and just address it’s content....
  9. Episode 2 was well written I thought. I really enjoyed it but said much the same to the missus, there’s only 6 episodes and this time next week we’ll be halfway through. The Dani/John Snow thing is the key storyline. From the outset it seems pretty easy to see how that will play out but we’ll see.
  10. Thats fuckin beautiful Derby have a game in hand on Boro, reckon 6th is theirs if they keep their cool and beat Bristol City on Saturday
  11. Aye. Coldstream, on a pitch even I graced once or twice August 1991BK (before Keegan )
  12. Thank you for your er, reassuring words there AH Charnley is the epitome of every treacly mouthed, arse licking yes man that any of us have ever come across in the work place. The sort of cunt who would’ve enjoyed the privileges of the Vichy government in wartime France, a fuckin dream for the Nazis.
  13. Over & above Rafas contract running out on June 30th.. Diame has stated he won’t be offered a new contract due to his age Ritchie hasn’t as yet been offered a new contract because of uncertainty over Rafas position Hayden is leaving due to family reasons Perez is making exit noises Four key players & the manager. Is Charnley just setting the club up for a large scale clear out this summer?
  14. Media blinded by his part in “that night of nights in Barcelona” TM(CliveTyldsleyPLC) but was always a snidey dirty cunt in the Bergkamp mould. His assault on Hughes and it’s complete abscence from sky’s post most analysis was and remains a fuckin disgrace. from the guardian: Robson was not impressed, and was even less thrilled when Solskjaer added a fifth goal two minutes later, getting away with a clear foul on Hughes before tucking away Forlan's pass. 'Blatant blindness by the linesman,' the Newcastle manager called it. It hardly mattered by that stage, although right up to the end Newcastle refused to lie down.
  15. Is this you @Tom “The Norwegian John Carver”
  16. Woke up to this, some friends left Colombo yesterday for Kandy thank fuck. They’ve been married less than a year. Spent all morning trying to get hold of them. Thankfully safe. In some ways we may have been through this before. In other ways it’s seems like humanity & society are on their fuckin deathbeds 😞
  17. https://earth.app.goo.gl/keKWQp Behold my old man’s former joiners shop being converted into (a now beautiful) domestic dwelling, the gate entrance to the graveyard where the old joiner now rests, the rolling Cheviot hills and the much beloved village pub
  18. Will my eyes bleed if I dare to watch that Sargon gadge on YouTube to see what all the fuss is about?...
  19. Not that it’s anything anyone with a football pulse didn’t know but talk about literally giving the game away. Barely surviving is a good season and the cunt running the whole shebang told local journalists he’s happy with that. Probably would’ve sad the same had his wages not been recently doubled too.
  20. Took this the other day it’s where I was brought up.....quite pleased with it
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