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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. You're not suggesting that the fuckin crapping bastard is fuckin crapping it are you?... What a completely unexpected surprise
  2. Soldier boy says the government is spot on with what they’re doing no real reason to think this person isn’t genuine, but you know, the internet being what it is...
  3. Cardiff City by all accounts https://www.toffs.com/the-terrace/quiz-which-football-team-should-you-actually-support.html
  4. Best wishes to you all mate
  5. I’ve got slightly involved on twitter over this Rooney thing. I understand how he’s feeling but he can completely insulate himself from risk due to his wealth. I get that he feels like he and his colleagues feel used because of the huge amounts of money in top level European football and the football authorities waited until they had no choice but to cancel the fixtures but I dare say the vast majority of us on here and umpteen million others who he’s made his from over the years are all still being asked to turn in tomorrow. So the fat scouse cunt can fuck off
  6. Just wandered down to the local street corner type co-op. Lad behind the counter says they've had no bog roll for a week
  7. Your lass has good genes Mine has Swedish etc, but her mother was a Slaymaker before she was married, which, as I enjoy pointing out the the good lady herself, may as well be wandering around in leiderhosen with a stein of beer in its hand
  8. The Viking could be Irish. Dublin was a major centre for their slave trade :
  9. MacIvar: “son of Ivan” Macsween: “Son of Sven” etc etc
  10. 👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛👛
  11. Anyone ever done their DNA on ancestry?.... disappointing lack of Viking in mine. No t surprising that my brother & cousins on mums side are all gingers https://www.ancestry.co.uk/dna/origins/share/1e035f1b-d34e-407a-9f00-0040a4311676
  12. The absolute fuckin state of this....these cunts are more of a threat to the population than the virus itself.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html
  13. We’ve had a couple of emails Thurs & Fri that have really fucked me off. Basically the huge corporate facilities company we work for are sending the majority of management & admin home if they can do their job there and have asked the mobile engineers to just stick to “essential travel” Engineers: “ what is essential travel?” MTFM: “ errr your usual round of reactive & pre planned maintenance” Es: “no change then?” MTFM “errr, no. Make sure you wash your hands though” Me: “ So the places we look after are similar environments to the ones you’re sending colleagues home from. The level of risk is plainly the same” MTFM: “.........” Me “ I’ve got an underlying respiratory health issue. Have you assessed what would happen to me if I was to pick the virus up at work?” MTFM: “...........” Am throwing the towel in on Monday. I got a letter from my consultant yesterday with lots of bonkers sounding medical words in it and a fairly scary final paragraph about what’s going to happen if my latest round of drugs don’t work . I’ll send that to the occupational health woman and see what gives. I’ve got 14 days sick to take before the end of the month. Not enough but they’re not giving even tiniest of fucks about all of us who actually earn the profits that enables them to work in plush offices and get to go home in times like these. Cunts.
  14. Understand things are hard in Italy like but 😭
  15. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  16. There’s some health authorities already doing these drive through testing points, there’s at least 3 in Devon. It seems logical, easy & cheap. Nothing from Johnson & his two stooges though? 🤔 Coronavirus in South Korea: How 'trace, test and treat' may be saving lives https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51836898 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-test-drive-thru-wolverhampton-station-car-park-a9394731.html https://www.mylondon.news/news/zone-1-news/london-coronavirus-exactly-drive-through-17908519
  17. I understand what they were saying. I don't understand why our science is different to the continent's science.
  18. Ive had a long, similar chat with the top occupational health professional from the major corporate facilities maintenance contractor that I'm currently employed by. Just an exercise in marking their cards after being informed that the company office staff should definitely work from home but front line engineers with underlying respiratory health issues should keep going into doctors surgeries all day every day where idiots keep presenting with heavy cold symptoms, to make the profits so that those at less risk of actually fuckin dying from this shit can continue to sit at home where their risk of contracting the virus is drastically cut
  19. Aye most psychos sound very plausible...till it's too late..
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