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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. My mate commutes Corbridge to SBC HQ at Newtown St Boswells I think there won't be a Labour government till the 2030s...its not like Major fucking it up after Thatcher and letting fresh faced neo Tory Tony in...the country has been radicalised...no point being harsh on Starmer, he's probably thinking he's made a massive mistake just taking the job..
  2. Might depend whos next leader of the tory party... I think Gove is a far more plausible bullshitter than Johnson. Could be mitigated by him being half man/ half oil slick.
  3. Strikes me that hes got nowhere else to go... a combination of the Corbyn ultras & the right wing media won't let him...
  4. Had the local Rangers fan haranguing me yesterday about fuckin tech companies’ censorship of social media after Trump got banned from Twitter...wish I’d seen this it’s probably not a exact comparison but it would’ve shut that fucker up...
  5. This appears to be good news.... https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-pfizer-vaccine/pfizer-biontech-vaccine-appears-effective-against-mutation-in-new-coronavirus-variants-study-idUSL1N2JI2LZ
  6. Watching re runs of TOTP...remember both of these.. After the gonks forgot to run the vocal track on their first visit they were invited back the following week when Julianne Regan did it live....one of the greatest TOTP performances...
  7. @Tom That's brilliant, I’ve always loved that picture/photo shoot...
  8. This is fine as well... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/uk-visa-free-work-musicians-eu-brexit-b1784600.html
  9. Mackem nonce grows his hair and goes MAGA...
  10. Had to Google that https://www.google.com/search?q=goatse&oq=goatse&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i457j0i10l3.5125j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  11. I was hoping for pictures of the person doing the violation tbh
  12. Marina Hyde suggesting Tucker Carlson will run for POTUS https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jan/08/us-chaos-britain-fox-news-trump-presidency
  13. I got a text from GP asking if I was a key worker this week. Just been to pharmacy at GPs, saw two receptionists who told me they’d had their jab, so am thinking I’ll get mine soon.. Brother in law, senior nursing practitioner in respiratory department at the local Trust hasn’t had his.. His missus, teaching key workers kids, hasn’t had it.. fuckin lottery
  14. Khan declares state of emergency in London Speaking alongside Boris Johnson at a Downing Street press conference on Thursday, Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, said hospitals in London were now receiving 800 Covid patients a day, the equivalent of the entire capacity of St Thomas’, one of the capital’s flagship hospitals.
  15. Apparently its Gayle + Ritchie to Bournemouth with Josh King coming the other way
  16. Yeah I have no idea about his public office intentions but he has the sort of extremist views that are now prevalent and someone else holding them could end up with the GOP nomination next time
  17. That's the cunt. He's a genuinely scary individual.
  18. Yeah and I notice that Hawley is completely unrepentant despite being dropped by some corporate he was involved with. There is another one, a Trump staffer, heavily involved in alt right nonsense, can't think of his name now...
  19. Not sure. #Trump2024 is trending at the moment though GOP might have learned their lesson but at ewerk said yesterday they might look at the votes they need and find a cleaner, cleverer more placatory Trump figure...
  20. If they’ve got any sense, regardless of the grief involved, Trump should receive official censure, removed or impeached without delay; if they don’t he can say till his dieing day that he did nothing wrong because he didn’t receive punishment from the legislature. Next month the feds can make a proper start on him the rest of the clan too. But he must be seen to have received punishment from the state.
  21. This will not be good for NUFC. Highly unlikely we’re doing anything similar ourselves...
  22. I know what you mean....just fancy something plain and unobtrusive...
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