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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Is it possible for the government to place certain sectors/industries into the single market/customs union?
  2. You’re not wrong. Listened to it on Audible.
  3. Read her book, get back to me x
  4. Sarah Kendzior is one of the greatest chroniclers of these strange times...
  5. If the second jab isn’t done within 12 weeks does it render the first jab less effective or does it make it redundant? Sorry for all these questions., I’ve only got an O grade in biology ...
  6. Am on about when Hughton was appointed caretaker after Kinnears heart attack, when Shearer came in around the beginning of April? .the season of the Keegan/Dennis Wise debacle..Shearer was appointed too late, obvs. Agree completely about Hughton’s second sacking, too close to the players for Ashley regardless of results, reading between the lines he very likely took their side in the bonus dispute.
  7. Thats not strictly true..he will act, just not in time...He sacked Hughton & McLaren...we could’ve been relegated on the last day of the season under both Pardew & Carver though...
  8. Can you explain this from Pfizer Rents?...the way I’m reading it the vaccine is only 52% effective between 1 & 2 with a 95% “confidence interval” ??....
  10. Are they down yet? ... fuckin half job if not Have you soiled any of their family members?..
  11. No they didn’t, they asked about medication and reactions to other jabs etc.. Its apparently wise to be vaccinated even if you’ve had it though, increased immmunity from infection is only thought to be five months or so...
  12. You’ll all thank me for this...it’s a whole world of madness... They live not far from my in laws at Wimborne...I used to work with Robert’s cousin, Dickie Tripp
  13. Not heard that, sad news. Saw them in a couple of times.
  14. Make sure you let Mrs G know about side effects when she gets hers mate
  15. Thsts her answer? She sounds, erm, charming... ( wrong arm )
  16. Ive woken up with a sore head too...am thinking it wasn’t the beer & whisky I had watching band of brothers for the 117th time...is this also a side affect?...
  17. Your good lady worked on it ? Can you ask her how long my arm will fuckin ache? Thanks
  18. This is his last throw of the dice....if Charnleys not actively looking for a replacement were very likely down..
  19. How the fuck are they going to get on in the fed pen?
  20. An automatic program for deleting records that are held for the prescribed 3 years after arrest us being blamed . Should they be backed up via cloud or is that too risky?
  21. Theres a Newlyn fish merchant on LBC at the moment annihilating Brexit...he was a remainer, told all his colleagues it would be a shit show and was promptly told all that was project fear People have been fucked over. A lot of folk are inherently given to believing someone who appeals to their base level instincts ie believing what they want to beleive. The leaders of the Brexit completely understood this and completely exploited it . James O'brien says we should have sympathy for the conned and contempt for the conmen. Not sure that's any consolation to the fishermen or those with ruined lives because of brexit who voted remain.
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