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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Tbh it probably was you, I’ve likely mis remembered it
  2. I agree, only 12 years in Was on a couple of other message boards, I think they became a bit old hat when football Twitter took off tbh. When you start banging on about the old times I recognise some of the names that must’ve left around the time I started but have no real memories of them.
  3. There was someone who lived in China who was banging a gangsters moll or something then disappeared for ages but came back?
  4. Am I right in saying you were the one hiding from Triads in your flat?...
  5. I think if I still lived up there I’d vote for Indy but I’d struggle to vote for the SNP...if that makes sense? Im like you, don’t know enough of the ins. & outs to comment with any real insight. Other than Sturgeon appears finished for a variety of reasons and possibly sees Cherry as having an eye on her job. Come on @Kevin Carr's Gloves dish the dirt
  6. Had to google that.. is this what the SNP has come to though? It’s falling to fuckin bits...
  7. At our thrice weekly insomniacs meeting (convened at half 2 this morning ) the subject we decided on was the SNP literally eating itself just at the point when another bite of the Indy cherry was in sight.....made me think of this thread, and it’s a fuckin banger Some of the loons who used to hove into view on here beggar belief. Some great & thoughtful contributions too. Anyway...Sturgeon has sacked Joanna Cherry QC for not giving in to an allegedly totally fuckin batchy sounding trans lobby who have made death threats against Ms Cherry who is now apparently under police guard...there’s a lot to it that’s difficult to understand without knowing a lot of the background but that’s the thing..there’s almost a complete media blackout... https://grousebeater.wordpress.com
  8. The best 90 mins under Bruce. They’ve plainly been told Jones is the new manager.
  9. How do you block a poster who’s an irritating prick? Asking for a friend who’s decided it’s too early to start drinking
  10. We are, I think, living in what our Chinese cousins would call "interesting times"
  11. Spoke to him before Christmas....hes fine, just sacked it all off for a while including Twitter. He lost his dad quite suddenly not long before and I think his ability to tolerate idiots just gave out. Completely understandable, but I told him KCG wasn’t a bad lad really...
  12. Or....they’re acting like cunts because they’ve made a cunt of procuring the cure for the cunting plague
  13. Really only know Eno’s work with Bowie....the B side of Low is basically just the two of them noodling away...quite like that...
  14. Yeah I appreciate the seriousness. Someone on the radio analysed the contract the EU published earlier today....its vague and woolly to say the least. Plus the UK has paid top dollar to presumably ensure supply.
  15. The EU are just a big a set of cunts as the tories. Quelle fuckin surprise....
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