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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Chalupa suggesting TC is lying through his back teeth here...don't fall for it @Toonpack
  2. This article has made me laugh out loud at least three times If I was Piers Morgan I think I’d probably retire after reading this but there’s no fuckin way on earth he possesses the necessary level of self awareness to achieve shame... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/16/harry-meghan-media-critics-worse
  3. Get Maxi to attack Azpilacuetta and we might get some joy down that side....their keepers shite too
  4. Been deleted..let me guess ...’KLOPP OUT HES LOST THE DRESSING ROOM!!!!”
  5. I did! Youre obviously some sort of antipodean url wizard...
  6. Seen better denim hanging from a fuckin market stall, cheap cunt
  7. The world’s greatest living Englishman... 70 tomorrow There is an utterly brilliant article by Shearer in The Athletic today. Some interesting stuff that’s not been said before... https://theathletic.co.uk/checkout/?plan_id=48&pc=plpintro6uk&source=googleuksearchads&ad_id=479815731335&gclid=CjwKCAiAjp6BBhAIEiwAkO9Wupup76UrQlox182iYlV0J2kKedcEuM_gsSNJxTMdNmMHMAtcAfYb8hoCtnMQAvD_BwE
  8. This is like a cross between a folk group vocal and some new age trippy synth noodling..with a bit of fuzzbox geetar tacked on at the end...it sounds awful but it sort of works... Hen Ogledd means "the old north" in Welsh ... which technically means Scotland. Its also referred to in the Welsh national anthem " Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" ie " The old land of my fathers" Poimting out to a Welshman thst basically their origin story is from a completely different part of what is now the UK is a quick way to really upset them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hen_Ogledd?wprov=sfla1
  9. Baked beans... fuck off... Don't know where he got this from but James O'Brien said this morning that out of all hospital admissions due to covid in the last 12 months one third were in the calender month of January 2021 Thats what you get when you have a prime minister who doesn't like to give out bad news
  10. Wonder if we’ll get this shit on GB News....this fucker is a very plausible liar... And to clarify the one provable “fact” he’s stated there... https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/04/869278494/medical-examiners-autopsy-reveals-george-floyd-had-positive-test-for-coronavirus
  11. IEA...award winning strawmanisms funded by fuck knows who? ....
  12. Imagine trusting this shower of cunts If you can't pick out Farage, Johnson, Gove and Rees Mogg as deceitful bullshitting wankers you've failed at life. Am not sure the majority of people who voted for brexit put that much thought into it tbh but if you're a fisherman who is now suffering from buyers regret i don't have a great deal of sympathy for you.
  13. Sopranos. Again. Gearing up for The Many Saints of Newark . You can take your Wire, Breaking Bad, absolutely anything decent you want to mention that came after it and you can see it’s root, right there in New Jersey. None of them can hold a candle to it though
  14. Is it more money??? 😃 A night out in Manchester once a week once things return to normal sounds a treat iyam..
  15. Her brothers got a strange look on his face.. think he knows what's coming in a few hours time
  16. ASM did brilliantly not to take the shot himself...I thought he was odds on to have a go..
  17. If anyone is wondering who the summeriser is... The missus of well known Yorkshire bastard Mr Neil Redfern..
  18. Theres plainly a problem there like. I think they've both tried to leave but there's been no takers.
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