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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Four years? More like four fuckin weeks https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-united-fans-ferdinand-ashley-20254061
  2. @ewerk what the cunting hell are you weapons up to here?
  3. The current Mrs PL has been ordered back to the office, thus scuppering plans to introduce a canine into the home
  4. Well this is depressing.... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/hartlepool-byelection-labour-paul-williams-b1819503.html
  5. I feel a shared point is coming, Bruce thereafter to be described by his mates in the media as a cross between Milan era Trappatoni, Professor Stephen Hawking, and rather appropriately today Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ
  6. You've got to be a special sort of twat to find anything YL says to be of any interest...hes the most one dimensional fuckin knobjockey in Western Europe. In some ways enablers like Wraith are worse
  7. I have a second high level meeting with representatives of the NHS & Pfizer tomorrow myself 🤓
  8. Have come to the conclusion the tabloid media are the most racist institution we have...but thats only second to their misogyny
  9. Apparently this was a great watch last night... Finding Jack Charlton: www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000tq7h via @bbciplayer
  10. My dad was a jock mum was a manc... I've been confused for 52 years
  11. So your folks are Jewish? Didn't quite grasp that...
  12. Fuckin hell @Alex you've missed your vocation
  13. My brother split up with his missus about 5 years ago and almost immediately took up with a fearsome lass from Bari. Even our dear late rather conservative Mancunian mother bowed down to her culinary opinions & customs, such is her prowess in the kitchen. She literally changed the way our whole family looked at food. She’s been furloughed for 12 months and has started her own thing through sheer boredom..we’re all the better for it... https://instagram.com/raffastiramisu?igshid=1py1ub3d45r5b
  14. Here, don’t think you’re getting away with no fucker mentioning this abomination either Bit like Newcastle getting beat by West Allotment Celtic...
  15. I hope the little cunt calls out that other cunt Wraith fior his complete and utter blind belief in that fuckin failed deal to buy NUFC by the Saudis. The hypocrisy of our fan base in general about what happened last year is nauseating, only matched by the media covering it.
  16. Has the cunt actually gone through with it & did the other marginally larger cunt actually turn up for it?
  17. FTAO @sammynb The man in this article sold me a transparent yellow copy of (I’m) Stranded by the Saints in April 2016.... https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/mar/23/its-the-ritual-vinyl-sales-look-set-to-break-australian-records-so-who-is-still-buying-cds?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  18. I’ve been told we’re getting a black Labrador puppy when the house is all done up.... then there will be nobody on the planet left who don’t own a fuckin mutt
  19. Why a Model T was driven to the top of Ben Nevis http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-44003271
  20. Aye, you can drive a car to the summit of Nevis. There’s a harder route than the tourist path apparently but that would be fuckin daft with a bunch of mountain virgins from Dorset We’ve got drivers... I might end up just driving too, going to road test the lungs this weekend...see if I’m going to be a sickly hinderance or not...I can walk 6/7/8 miles along the coastal paths, but that’s all I’ve done since having actually contracting Covid at Christmas. Going to give it some big licks in the Purbeck Hills in the next month, see if I’m up to it ..
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