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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Yes, rules say the PM is allowed to lie with impunity but MPs aren't allowed to either make the accusation or suggest that it's not a particularly good thing to do in regards to democracy itself....
  2. The NZ basketball team are called the Tall Blacks....this is next level though..
  3. Just googled her...she's no Peta Cavendish tbh
  4. Got a text telling me to look at my emails last night about this from the musical masters of the universe Tickmaster: I'm ok,double jabbed, but there are amongst our company this evening some in their mere early/mid 30s scuttling around looking for NHS lateral flow tests....talk about short fuckin notice 😒
  5. She seemed genuinely surprised by some of the shit he came out with....despite plainly being his national mouthpiece for some time. I certainly don't hate her or anything but she's a massively conflicted figure whether she or others in the media wish to accept that or not. She's one of the reasons the BBC is in trouble. When the tories got into power and and started to put the thumbscrews on BBC news would've been better to go down fighting rather than roll over and take it dry.... Cummings has spent a decade making sure lying is a natural as breathing in government. Now he's all "OMG THESE DREADFUL PEOPLE I EMPOWERED!!!" he can frankly go and fuck off and die in a skip. He's responsible for where we are. MPs can act with near impunity and only get a slap on the wrist. He can send Rees Mogg off to Scotland to lie to the Queen's face about the poroguing of Parliament. Hes destroyed objective truth being part of government.
  6. @Dr Gloom Should’ve been Maitlis...but he wouldn’t have done it then. Kunnnesburg is part of the problem...
  7. The report was released a month ago... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/breaking-five-tory-mps-broke-24581846 You'd have to imagine the punishment has been negotiated. Democracy is nearly finished in this country. Fuckin nauseating
  8. Theres just so much going on in there.. its like a 90s cafe bar chillout tune with an old acid house 303 squelchy bass line sprinkled over the top of it... she's just perfect. I won't tell you how much I've just paid for a 7" copy of Nabi with the gorgeous art work on the sleeve this morning
  9. Macron giving the huge number of French anti vaxxers both barrels this morning
  10. That actually was Rents...He was up on the fells doing his best "Wullie Wordsworth" when the filthy avian motherfucker swooped in to pluck the Kendal mint cake from his very hand so our boy tracked the fucker 500 miles to St Ives where they had a square go on the beech 👊
  11. MC Dougski next up in the rap battle every daft fucker is talking about
  12. Geebeebies plainly isn’t daft enough for these cretins...
  13. Think Q guy is Parky?.....
  14. Ginormo-titted brunette with brown eyes = at least 3 hours in the shed for Fist
  15. So Cav didn't win on the Champs Elysee yesterday...fuckin phenomenal person, after what he's been through to even get back on the Tour was an achievement https://www.bbc.com/sport/cycling/57716296 Of course he's not just a legendary cyclist, he only married the last & one of the truly great page 3 girls.. I think I admire him more for that than his cycling THIS LINK IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK 👇 https://www.google.com/search?q=peta+cavendish+naked&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=inmv&sxsrf=ALeKk03blNZLyiZ6zApT8WqZPwmInsWSaA:1626700174041&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP_p2wmu_xAhXGTcAKHZG1AAEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=384&bih=722
  16. "So ah telt the cunt, or so called hard cunt, twa voddie & coke or I'll nip hame & fetch the fuckin glock, ken?"
  17. Aye it was him Gem, he's always bragging about it
  18. She keeps on getting cancelled. She's not very clever is she?
  19. Is that him that played in the Mock Turtles?...
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