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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Halle fuckin lujah....the first article I've ever read that correctly points out that most issues at a football club are the same as in any other place of employment, so many male ex pros think football clubs are "different", it's always really annoyed me.... I like Cairney, think she's decent on the box too... Bruce in charge till a DoF is appointed and whoever that is should have the final say who the new coach is...
  2. hold on to it till I speak to him cheers I’ll get back to you tonight 👍
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/sep/21/best-books-of-the-21st-century 2
  4. The Trans(it) custom beats the fuckin daft mudflaps off a T5 as any fule knoweth #whitevanmanbants
  5. Yeah... I don't think I'd have turned up outside SJP celebrating and he's right to have a bit of a dig at some of our more exuberant lads , though to be fair he's gone above and beyond to actually articulate precisely what in the pre & post war period lead to this and how most of us feel.... I'm in equal parts fuckin horrified by our new owners coupled with a massive feeling of helplessness. So fuck it, there's nothing that we can fuckin do now... I started donating to Warchild when the Saudi takeover was first mooted last year...going to change to Unicef, they seem to be a constant presence in Yemen.. https://www.unicef.org.uk/donate/yemen/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwY-LBhD6ARIsACvT72NG2k81Km42XbV0fDAVS-p1iyyXRTJW4SuSWdscXmj4kUS66eYJpUQaAv0hEALw_wcB
  6. Johnny Nick with just about the best take I've read, the smoggy bastard https://www.football365.com/news/newcastle-takeover-latest-turd-water-john-nicholson
  7. Not sure what Hongnisten means but the sporting director should appoint the mamager….there’s no point having someone to answer to the CEO/board on all football matters then appoint his staff for him…
  8. That wee snide wanker Levy tried to stop PIF doing a deal with Ashley then tried to sell them Spurs for 2.5 BILLION 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. Aye…half my family are city fans, mum was from Gorton/Ardwick Green, went to the church where city’s parent club Ardwick FC were founded when she was young. I know what some of them are like… jumped up mini Liam/Noel gobshites too whacked out gear to think straight….
  10. All that’s very well mate but Caulkin is 100% a Newcastle United supporter. So are a fair few other NE journos who’ve expressed misgivings. … that powerful people don’t like competition isn’t exactly news either. The Saudis and the Qataris are sports washing, that’s literally what they’re doing . Caulkin doesn’t have an agenda and he’s not as “disgusting “as those who cut a journalist to death with bone saws whilst still alive, dissolved the corpse in acid and then dumped what was left in trash bags on some wasteland., or the individual who ordered it. That’s not being racist, they are the facts of the matter. I’m speaking only on behalf of myself here, not this board. I’m a ST holder and will continue to go to games but I’d advise you to lay off the Morrocan woodbines tbh, that shit isn’t showing you in the best light …
  11. Tbf the cartoonist may work for Murdoch but they often get a lot of leeway at the Times...not so much at the sun though.. .
  12. What ultra hip fleshpot do you find yourself in tonight of all nights?
  13. Olivier Bernard sounds like the Ents Sec at Heaton Buffs club circa 1986
  14. I’ve just seen @Howmanheyman singing into the sky tv cameras at SJP
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