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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Lots of friends of Carr and right wing trolls trying to justify this...not sure if I can tbh...the Gypsies are probably the only group Carr thought he'd get away with...can anyone explain why its OK?...am willing to listen...
  2. I can't get a ticket to see them for love nor money, despite them being fairly local... which is a good thing to be fair as the size of venues they're playing I'd stick out like a sore thumb in among all rhe students
  3. Denilson….wtf happened to him?
  4. She’ll be pictured with a black and white scarf at PIF HQ….
  5. NUFC submitted plans for a 55k seater stadium on the Town Moor in 1995….we were struggling to get 20k 3 years earlier. He just instinctively knew the potential of the club. You’re absolutely spot on, without him knowing & recognising our potential then acting on it in the most decisive way imaginable we wouldn’t have been anywhere near the club capable of attracting the richest people on earth (poison chalice though it is) Man City were attractive via osmosis from those arseholes in Salford; not that they’d admit it, Chelsea was just location location location…..Keegan landed us the prize, such as it is, 30 years ago….
  6. You were at school?? ... thought you were a bit older than that Think I was working in Edinburgh , got the train down to the Bristol City game...nearly got nicked at Central Station for what could be loosely termed "drunken exuberance" after the game. Got home, discovered I'd left my wallet on the train. Phoned up immediately to cancel debit card, but dear old TSB couldn't manage to do it till the following mid week, giving an individual in the Falkirk area the opportunity to make several trips to the off licence and tuck into what would appear to be an unfeasibly large Chinese takeaway
  7. Must be indicative of how many are willing to go in to bat for the fucker when this fuckin idiot is on our screens almost daily
  8. Peston says he sacked them...well fuck me, I've been wrong about him all these years, what a hard man, he gets my vote now! 😏
  9. Sorry to hear Rents, best wishes to you & your family 🙏
  10. Shes sort of tried to damn him with feint praise but you have to wonder what a presumably bright young woman would have got out of working for such a morally unscrupulous fuckin cunt . She's likely one of his many enablers with Stockholm syndrome or has spent a decade and a half lying to herself
  11. loving Segundo Volante Dave 🤓 https://thesetpieces.com/gaming/fm18-project-new-player-roles-explained/#:~:text=The Segundo Volante is a,be hard to come across.
  12. I'm here with my teapot to keep you lot from dying of an overdose of hope, its a public service free at the point of delivery . I'm basically TT NHS..... Gloom & CT are under observation. Preliminary tests suggest they need both a sedative and a straightener to level the soppy fuckers out. They've to share a bottle of bombay sapphire daily to keep them lucid yet morbid and be beaten around the head with a large inflatable bottle of Dog when they start to feel the need to wet themselves. Their pampers prescription was withdrawn at midnight on the 31st Jan in line with TT transfer window regulations Gemmill's prozac meds are being withdrawn pending a review forthwith, the happy clappy clown. Fucker carrying on as if he doesn't have a care in the world, who the fuck does he think he is, the Prime Minister?? ewerk isn't on any medication, he's dishing out punishment to those who are though as a leading enforcer for a paramilitary drug ring. You may have noticed a change in management here at TT recently?.well that was the result of a power struggle at the top of the organisation which resulted in a leading figure suddenly exiting . Obviously can't say any more at the moment but suffice to say Andrew may be the public face of this gig but it's still being run from Belfast, if you see what I mean 🤐 There will be another medication review this time next month. In the meantime remember: ITS NOT FUCKIN FOOTBALL MANAGER <message ends>
  13. Agreed but that's not the point.....if it is a private jet job he'll stand more of a chance tbf...just remember SBR never starting Nobby after a return from Peru 20 years ago...
  14. I imagine Eddie Howe's sports scientists won't allow their 30 million pound asset to play after the err "stress" of the journey. Bruce would have played him without a second thought and without as much as a kick about with his new teammates. If he arrives back Friday its difficult to see how he'd get quickly integrated into the group for a game on the following Tuesday.....
  15. It's odds on Bruno won't start.. He'll be travelling for the next two days... Chris Wood will though if he's not riddled with the rona...
  16. Yeah...she fuckin deserved it too...putting it out there to all the young bucks
  17. SPOILER ALERT: we might not beat Everton
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