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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Of course she understands what the rule of law is....she's just getting away with ignoring it. Until there's consequences for these fuckers nothing changes. Our method of democracy is too weak to withstand attacks like this, so was the the US...
  2. Don't remember her standing? 🤔
  3. Neil Lennon is a decent choice ability wise and would certainly be my personal choice just for the fewm factor it would create
  4. Ive just got in from the pub where I watched the game with several members of our old Sunday morning football team, one of whom is a die hard Everton fan . 25+ years on we still fuckin hate each other for the 90mins
  5. I think there's probably more to it than that. But he might just be doing what comics are known to do when they're in hot water, use some convoluted algorithm of the "it was just a joke" get out clause. I've recently listened to his "self help" book... which was a bit self regarding but funny in parts...at some point in the book.he said the joke that would end his career was already out there...think he's been waiting for this moment for a long time which means he's pretty well prepared for it. I think TV will dump him but he says he's not bothered by that, live stand is his thing and he'll always get a huge audience....unless the venues cancel him...
  6. Aah right.... I've seen him twice, he did a gypsy joke in at least one of those shows, in Poole, which is a lovely mix of new money millionaire wankers down around the harbour and 2nd generation diddycoys 3 miles up the road on the council estates at the top of the hill. But he didn't mention the holocaust...
  7. This isn't a dig, but are you baically suggesting that he didn't know it was as racist as the Twitterverse etc perceives it to be?
  8. Many, many moons ago I was a witness to my own assault (with a pool cue in a multi storey car park, scenario fans 😎) and was cross examined in Crown Court by the poshest QC you could imagine, fucker made the queen sound like Waynetta Slob...."did you hear the defendent call you a fucking cunt?"
  9. So they're starting to look for what sort of things that might be beneficial post Brexit a mere 6 years after the actual vote to leave the EU? 🤔
  10. We had a budgie called Shola...like his namesake he was wildly exotic to look at but ultimately served no useful purpose whatsoever
  11. Not as suspect as this….
  12. Are all people called Piers utter cunts or is it just coincidence? Another step down Trump Avenue we go.....
  13. Lots of friends of Carr and right wing trolls trying to justify this...not sure if I can tbh...the Gypsies are probably the only group Carr thought he'd get away with...can anyone explain why its OK?...am willing to listen...
  14. I can't get a ticket to see them for love nor money, despite them being fairly local... which is a good thing to be fair as the size of venues they're playing I'd stick out like a sore thumb in among all rhe students
  15. Denilson….wtf happened to him?
  16. She’ll be pictured with a black and white scarf at PIF HQ….
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