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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Well that's fine, but I was pointing out that the content of the post was poor..
  2. 1. "Why are you judging me by what I say?" 2. Deflection 3. Insult 4. Irrelevant to the point under discussion 5. Repetition of something unprovable but very likely bollocks given this government's immigration policy 0/5 mate. You're not very good at this are you?
  3. Ireland have taken 1800. Would you like me to post a map of where that is in Europe? If you voted for Brexit, this is precisely what you voted for. Priti Patel now controls our borders
  4. Just so we're all clear on this...
  5. Your occasional reminder of some of the treacherous fuckers who emboldened Putin and facilitated the invasion of Ukraine…Trump was undoubtedly about to pull the US out if NATO if he’d win another term…
  6. Why am I being suddenly suffering from multiple accusations of being a Jonah by sundry members of this tawdry forum?
  7. Did this before the transfer window opened...
  8. And I’m going on Thursday We shouldn’t beat ourselves up about a below par performance, we’ve come a long way in the process of getting 26 points from a possible 28
  9. Thats come from his management. He was found unresponsive in his villa in Koh Samui, Thailand. Crikey.
  10. They don't have an army Ken
  11. If Putin isn't stopped he dominates the third biggest commercial market/trading bloc on the planet ie the EU. That eventually gets the attention of the US if you ask me...
  12. Has to be NATO in Europe. That must include the US. Biden will have to face this soon I think.
  13. You fuckin convicts can kick their fuckin arses for us Ken. We're going to be a bit busy
  14. That was my first instinct and despite a bit of a wobble thus week I've come back to the opinion that conflict is inevitable. Its a massive risk but if we don't oppose him now he's going to attack the NATO protected Baltic states. I still think we should surround his positions in Kallinigrad. We're not giving him something else to think about, we need to draw his attention away from Ukraine. You need to attack a gangsters loved ones to get his attention...its the only language they understand...
  15. Hope everything went as OK as it could do mate. I share your fears, to stop Putin Ukraine will need to be partitioned in some way at the very least. Then the West need to somehow take him out. At the moment he's banking on NATO being too scared to confront him. There has to be another way though...
  16. Another good one you’ve reminded me of, more of a global view @toonotl https://harpercollins.co.uk/products/kleptopia-how-dirty-money-is-conquering-the-world-tom-burgis?variant=32844371624014&utm_source=AWIN&utm_medium=176013&utm_campaign=RedBrain+Ltd&awc=24652_1646347002_7f6159d0730503016a98f94fd15396a6
  17. There’s evidence to suggest the money they throw about after they’ve laundered it actually belongs to Putin. He’s the source, they're entrusted to mind it and if governments prevent access to it it hurts Putin. this is a good read that explains it all https://www.waterstones.com/book/putins-people/catherine-belton//9780007578818?awaid=3787&utm_source=redbrain&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=css&gclid=Cj0KCQiA64GRBhCZARIsAHOLriKR3e85shdZgnDEKvlowNecXnuf_hLyMENEYFSIJqf6x2tybcYj0ucaAtGzEALw_wcB
  18. Not that it matters in the long run obviously but my initial impression of AS appears to be correct…. Am fuckin wavering this week like….
  19. Knighthood for the young Alan Bennett there
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