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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. How's your Monday going? ....am in a WhatsApp group with nine others all from the town where we live, one lad tested positive last week and two of us did this morning... am suggesting that makes the local infection rate "fuckin rife"
  2. You’re suggesting that because Arsene was born in Alsace he’s part Fritz? 🤔
  3. I'll take back what I said about you in the week Gemma, as cunts go you're not a bad one
  4. Straight red the other way around, fuckin nonsense decision
  6. Just thought Oborne's article was an interesting point of view. Am gonna rap it because at the end of the day no fuckers changing their mind on what's past. The news from Kiev today is ominous so think I should concentrate on that...
  7. This is the crux mate, strikes me as you see this daft old sod's meanderings as worse than a tory party riddled with bent roubles when Oborne's article shows his reaction to the Salisbury poisonings wasnt as one way as the media would have it. He'd have been terrible as a PM but read the charge sheet about the tory party from the Peter Oborne article. The UK press made sure Corbyn wouldn't get in and they're making sure the Tories aren't being made to pay for getting fully into bed with Putin's goons. The press and the tories make me fuckin sick.
  8. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/russia-ukraine-war-jeremy-corbyn-right-putin-oligarchs
  9. What every band wagon jumping wanker out there in media land has failed to point out is the reason for the sanction against Abramovich...basically money flows to Putin as a kick back for having Putin's permission to operate abroad or Abramovch's companies that are registered in London are being used to launder Putin's personal Ill gotten wealth. Its a means to a end at a time of war. Bringing NUFCs owners into it is only relevant if you have an agenda. Great posts from @Alex on this For clarity our owners are sports washing murdering cunts too...
  10. Learn fuckin what you pair of jumped up fuckin scrotes? I take no lessons from those so clearly lacking in their own command of both the descriptive power of the English language and their ability to comprehend the basic tenets and customs of the national game that they have to resort to a raft of stats to prove moot and irrelevant points and to invent a new fuckin language to describe it
  11. Our dear old friend Matthew Syed..think the paywall is down... https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/abramovich-sanctions-self-righteous-chelsea-fans-have-been-enabling-a-tyrant-and-dictator-tq7bbtqst
  12. That's all correct Dave. If you need me to explain the nuances of how they actually play(ed) the game I'll be glad to help, using a number or a foreign phrase tells the average punter fuck all....
  13. Looks like the tweet has been deleted. Tbf it would only take a journo to get into Yemen with a film crew to make life very uncomfortable indeed for Staveley and the Reubens...not suggesting PiF would be sanctioned or anything but in the current climate we'd all have to face some hard facts about our owners that will make the current NUFC bitching across all media look like a kids tea party...
  14. Was at this too....as a one day line up it was bad to beat....
  15. Saw the legendary Irish fetish-punks Sultans of Ping FC with about 200 other idiots in a club in Bournemouth around 92..might have been 93... they were supported by some little known gang of scruffs from Oxford with a weird wee vocalist by the name of Radiohead....not sure what happened to them tbh
  16. Can't really take that seriously as no one in England has played with a sweeper in about 25 years but thanks anyway
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